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Would you spend $3,400 on a vacuum cleaner?


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dyson 5 years warranty btw, not sure abt rainbow


The Rainbow offrer 8 years warranty....... well saw the product demo and must say its quite good.... but again, if one buy and never use, how good also no use lar....

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I prefer a Dyson.


Dyson is actually made locally...hahah


Anyway, I still prefer my irobots - onto my 3rd one now and it's fairly hassle free and cleans relatively well ^_^

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$3.4k for a good vacuum is alright.


I have a Dephin, made in Germany, spins really fast, collects all dust in water.


Anyone who invest in a dustbag vacuum, try this, place a 150watts halogen bulb and shine at the exhaust vents, u will see the amount of dust coming out as the vacuum runs.


anyway, an average human inhales about 2 teaspoons of dust particles.

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The Rainbow offrer 8 years warranty....... well saw the product demo and must say its quite good.... but again, if one buy and never use, how good also no use lar....


Actually i am pretty curious, a lot of ppl said about buy already dont used. But isnt Vacuming the floor a daily task?

Hence those who buy Rainbow will not left it in the store room and collect dust.


p/s : i dont buy Rainbow. my is a cheapo philip VC.

Edited by Joseph22
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$3.4k for a good vacuum is alright.


I have a Dephin, made in Germany, spins really fast, collects all dust in water.


Anyone who invest in a dustbag vacuum, try this, place a 150watts halogen bulb and shine at the exhaust vents, u will see the amount of dust coming out as the vacuum runs.


anyway, an average human inhales about 2 teaspoons of dust particles.


delphin how much ah? i also know bag or bagless dry VC no good but water based one so ex.

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Agree with you. Rainbow Vacuum Cleaner is expensive. The good one is the unit which suck up the bed bugs from the bed matress and sofa.


One of my friend likes to ask their salesman to demo his place. His intention is to get free cleaning and not interested to get it. After 2 demos, they avoid him .


bed bugs cannot be completely gotten rid with any vc. imho such vc are no different from those cheat money low end stereo sold from vans.

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Rainbow came to my house and did a demo.


It worked as the leaflet says, very powerful and silent.


Very hardcore selling also, after demo, quickly take out the invoice and start writing the ordering list, despite that I didn't say I want to buy. Like all healthcare products, will always try to convince u that it can do this and that and will improve the air quality etc, thus good for health, blah blah blah.


In the end turn him down politely as I think a normal vacuum cleaner is good enough, no point spending a bomb on something that u will feel obligated to use.




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I dont know abt others.


but I wont part hard earn $$$ for that price.


I dont vac, only the $2.50 broom.


You are smart and strong mind to resist their hard sell tactics.


They are fond of targeting old folks and usually works in pairs.

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hmm..my elder sister is one such big carrot [knife] ...spend even more something like 4k+ on a wet type VC...cant remember the brand thou...now sitting in the storeroom collect dust also... [shakehead]


She also spend about 9k plus to buy 2 mountain bikes for her and her hubby, with other accessories total about 10k. Now also hanging on the wall, seldom go out biking too...haiz... [:|]


Yup, and that's why also a lot of people say they cannot afford COV for their flats [laugh]

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I think it's ridiculous to pay $1,000,000 for a car that has 3 less seats than my $32,000 ride.


Then again, you can bring it out to show off. I don't think I've ever met anyone who does that with a vacuum cleaner.


Good one!!! [laugh]

Edited by Sosaria
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From a user -

I am not a staff but just a happy user. You may not find the machine as good as it is but I do. Just like I have mentioned I am a happy user of a $3k Laurastar steam iron but there are many friends who think that I am crazy buying such an expensive iron. Whether if it is over-priced or not it really depends on the perceived value you have for something. Many people would perceived that MLM products are overpriced too, but I am sure you will say otherwise because you are in the biz and a believer in the system. A amway toothpaste will cost >$10 while a Oral B cost $3! So much said, I am also a user of of some networking company products esp household and supplements but I do not think that they are overpriced becasue that is my perceived value.


Do you think a bottle of French Chateau Lafite Rothschild is overpriced? To one it may be but to me it is not. A bottle of Lafiite 1982 is S$5800, and you can buy 1 and half delphine machine. Silly or stupid? There will be some will & some will not. Be it a G2000 shirt or a Armani, a LV or Bonia bag, why the difference in price? Branding, marketing, quality??? A matter of fact is that a water base vacuum cleaner is better than a filter bag cleaner, and other water base vacuum machine can't do what this machine does and i am happy with it.


However I do agree that consumer will look forward to good sales ethics & after sales service. So far, the person who presented to me did not hoax me into buying neither apply any hard selling techniques. She came back a day later to demo to me and my domestic helper on how to use use the machine effectivelyand also presented me the complimentart gifts that the company gives away.


Like what ttn put it, no one will force you to buy something if you dont want to. So stop crying foul when you regretted it. Think before you buy.

Would you spent $25,000 on a Rolex just to keep time? A $50 Casio or Seiko does the same! We are talking about something we sleep on every night,our bed. If you can live with these dirts,bacteria and fungus on your bed,carry on, some people can't.




Don't comment or talk negatively about this high end machines if you haven't even witness it yourself, talking is always cheap...


You are quite right too. I witnessed one of their demos, and really, their vacuum cleaner is really something. I do not know how much is their profit margin, since these machines can be easily manufactured in some country with cheap labour and are not really advanced technology. I wonder why until now nobody else can duplicate these obviously not-so-high-tech equipment and sell for a cheaper price?


If I had a domestic helper at home, then yes, maybe I'll also invest in these high-end cleaning equipment, knowing that they will be well-utilised. But as of now, I only have time to clean the house once a week during weekend, so I must be used to the dust and dirt by now... [rolleyes]

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I dont know abt others.


but I wont part hard earn $$$ for that price.


I dont vac, only the $2.50 broom.


You are smart and strong mind to resist their hard sell tactics.


They are fond of targeting old folks and usually works in pairs.

I bought a $180 philips cordless vacuum cleaner to sweep floor... It's the perfect missing link between a broom and those magic mop.. Totally heavenly.. U should check it out.

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Dyson is actually made locally...hahah


Anyway, I still prefer my irobots - onto my 3rd one now and it's fairly hassle free and cleans relatively well ^_^

second that. sometimes i tease my wife if she still knows how to sweep the floor. :D

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gosh i better use the money on other thing.

recently bought a sharp air purifier worth 1k and a hyflux water installed in kitchen worth 2.4k

better can still inhale clean air and drink healthy water lol

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