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Fake accident but epic fail


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Screw insurance. What does the law say if I come out and whack him a few times with my steering wheel lock?


Can I say it is to protect my car from him causing further damage? Especially if he is punching it.



yes if your car scream for help   [laugh]  [laugh]

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LOL. if it was me I would (no car behind me) reverse the car just when he about to jump.. ouch!

I really don't think the gears can be engaged to move reverse so fast... Unless your gears already engaged and waiting to let go of the clutch. But if Sekali gears engaged forward instead then got big problem liow.
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I really don't think the gears can be engaged to move reverse so fast... Unless your gears already engaged and waiting to let go of the clutch. But if Sekali gears engaged forward instead then got big problem liow.

hahaha. in this case think can lah..

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hahaha. in this case think can lah..

But frankly, if I were in that position, I would have been too in shock to see a person charging at my car that I won't be able to move also !
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Am thinking, if this happen to me, how should I react or do other than call Police and wait and wait.


What if he is armed and keep hitting the windscreen or window till it shatters, what should I do especially if I have kids and wife in the car.


Should I get out of the car and fight him off (to protect my family)? Or just cowardly wait inside, hoping Police can come in time to rescue me ? If I fight him, and he gets injured, I will be arrested as well.

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if it happened to me and he didn't damage my car, i would have given him 3 dollars for pure entertainment value



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Am thinking, if this happen to me, how should I react or do other than call Police and wait and wait.


What if he is armed and keep hitting the windscreen or window till it shatters, what should I do especially if I have kids and wife in the car.


Should I get out of the car and fight him off (to protect my family)? Or just cowardly wait inside, hoping Police can come in time to rescue me ? If I fight him, and he gets injured, I will be arrested as well.


Drive away lor....

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Drive away lor....


I got think of it, but that's what the attacker wants you to do.


U drive away but he will try all means to block your way so that you can knock him "officially" then he can say U knock him.



Edited by Rollagt
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this type cannot claim insurance ?







"committed rash act"???



should give such idiots harsh punishment jialat jialat so we dont see others doing the same


causing victims anxiety, time, emotional stress, and even damages (LLST cannot claim)

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Prob in the US of A u can do that...whack the bugger

in some states you are allowed to defend your property against someone causing harm.


Screw insurance. What does the law say if I come out and whack him a few times with my steering wheel lock?


Can I say it is to protect my car from him causing further damage? Especially if he is punching it.


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“人肉撞车案”追踪 父:儿曾是会计师月入过万





















感谢车主不追究 父将拨电道歉







对于吕炳良的决定,林先生表示非常感激,同时也为儿子的行为感到抱歉 ,将亲自致电吕炳良道歉。


























男邻居说:“他一向斯文有礼貌,看见邻居都会打招呼,穿着也整齐得体,不像是会做出这种事情。” 、










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Why all these people don't check for the camera first before jumping on to the car... Haha..



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Is he testing the car and say good?
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kudos to terry for being such a good person



Man behind 'Oscar-worthy' Farmway incident was an accountant, earned over S$10K monthly
scam.jpg See 13 More Photos
Posted on 15 June 2017 | 1,469 views | 1 comment

The man who was involved in a accident scam at Pasir Ris Faraway is revealed to have been a bank accountant, earning more than S$10,000 a month, until he unexpectedly lost his job at the start of 2017, and lost his entire fortune on stocks. 

Stomp reported about the ‘accident’ which happened on Jun 11 in an earlier story.

Facebook user Terry Loo Peng Leong was driving down Pasir Ris Farmway 2 on Jun 11, when a man suddenly started running towards him and threw himself on the bonnet of his car, reports Shin Min Daily News via Lianhe Zaobao

The man then asked Terry for S$300, but was arrested when Terry called the police. 
When reporters interviewed the father of the accused, he revealed that his son had worked in a bank as an accountant, and fetched more than S$10,000 a month.

Said the elderly man in his seventies:

“However, at the end of 2016, he (my son) started bleeding money when his investments failed.

“He was declared bankrupt in Sep 2016 and even lost his job, severely affecting his life and mental state.“
He further told reporters that after the chain of events, his son was always thinking of how he could ‘regain his former glory’.

The accused also worked as a deliveryman from March 2017 for a unspecified period of time. 

The desperate father said that his son’s condition would fluctuate, and would just behave like any normal person if not subjected to stress.

He said:

“My family and I are helpless.

“We only hope that he’ll be safe and recover soon.”

According to him, his son had told him that he was going out to look for pets, but had somehow gotten drunk before getting into an ‘accident’ on Pasir Ris Farmway 2. 

He added that his son is currently awaiting results for his psychiatric evaluation, and promised to be more vigilant in the future so as to not let his son commit the same mistake. 

It is understood that Terry does not intent to pursue the matter legally and the accused’s father had called him to apologise for his son’s actions.


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Only failure. Can always try again may.


So long you are healthy . Opportunity will know again


Luckily. Not into stocks speculation.

Edited by Staff69
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