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What is this indicator?


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Vehicle Make: HONDA

Vehicle Model: FIT 1.3G A

An indicator has light up and is up for a a week already but the car still works great.

It seems to be related to the key.

What does that indicator mean?

What do I have to do?

Also, I bought this car 2nd hand and I don't have the driver's manual.


I have downloaded a lot of honda fit driver manual but they do not have the same symbol

I have changed my car key battery but indicator still up.

I have also took my 2nd car key and hold it near the ignition switch but indicator still up.

*photo size is too big, so i link the url

separately, how much does it cost to clone my car key?

I think the system was installed by the previous owner.

I am not sure if it is original with the car.

The system works like this:

When the key is near to the car, I wont have to press the unlock button to unlock the car.

I just place my hand under door handle and it will unlock.

Also, if the key is not near the driver area, I won't be able to turn the ignition switch.

I have went to soxi to ask for cost and they quote me $1000.

is this the market rate?

*photo size is too big, so i link the url

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looks aftermarket installed locally. seems to me the RFID signal is conking up. but as you said, it is working fine. I think best if you bring to those alarm shops, if they can't resolve, then I think it is best to replace the system.

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