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Walnut Blasting
- Cash & Carry
Excellent [5/5]
Suitable For
Posted on: 06 May 2020 | Updated on : 06 May 2020

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Why do Walnut Blasting ???

When the carbon builds up over time there are a few warning signs you’ll notice:

* Gradual loss of power over time

* Rough idling at cold start

* Intermittent engine misfires

* Check engine light codes

* Extended cranking/ start times

Regular engine cleanings prevent wear and tear and extend the life of your engine saving you money on major repairs in the long run.

* Better throttle response

* Solved rough idling at cold start

* Smooth idle engine

* Reduce engine noises

* Improved fuel economy

* Increased horsepower







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Why do Walnut Blasting ???

When the carbon builds up over time there are a few warning signs you’ll notice:

* Gradual loss of power over time

* Rough idling at cold start

* Intermittent engine misfires

* Check engine light codes

* Extended cranking/ start times

Regular engine cleanings prevent wear and tear and extend the life of your engine saving you money on major repairs in the long run.

* Better throttle response

* Solved rough idling at cold start

* Smooth idle engine

* Reduce engine noises

* Improved fuel economy

* Increased horsepower







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Seller information

Seller’s contact information has been removed as item has already been sold
Posted on: 06 May 2020 | Updated on : 06 May 2020

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