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Another idiot driver! Doesn't mean u signalled means u can switch lanes immediately. U have to check first! before filtering over. Some more anyhow stop at the slip road. Idiot!!

Edited by Brobear
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Many times, when moving from a filter lane onto the expressway, you can see many koteks moving at a speed significantly slower than the lane they are filtering into, causing drivers in that lane to slow down.


The Braddell filter to CTE heading north is a good example.

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Common sense unless I am wrong.


Well, i think you're wrong here. In your example:


1) the left car is not joining a main road from a side road. First rule: main road has right of way, period.


2) the left car is already in front of the right car, so right car should let left car in.


Try to apply these 2 to the incident as seen in the video. You will realize the volvo was in the wrong.

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I'm not condoning volvo's driver behaviour, but..


Filtering is about cooperation.

Imo, the joining or accelerating lane is for the car to fit in either in front or behind depending on the relative speed of vehicles and how long the distance is the joining lane.


If the volvo is half a car in front, the lorry behind should slow down and let him in.


And I've just been persistently flashed and high beam when I changed lane by the same kind of lorry, bcuz he doesn't want to slow down. He's not happy.


Should I start another fight ?


guess we on the same wave length...

not gonna to command what GL look wowo owner has or whatever,



I see an opportunity that I can speed up and goes in front of cam lorry and filter out safely, i will do so rather than kanna stuck in the filter lane.


Cam lorry should be gracious enough to let him cuts in.

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Yesterday after signalling, I attempted to filter to the next lane but a van driver from behind rushed in and die die don't want to give way. Therefore, I let him go in front to avoid an accident while a gracious driver allowed me to filter safely.

This afternoon, a comfort cab driver came from the side and after cutting over a chevron marker die die squeeze me away from my lane to give way to him and again, I gave in to avoid an accident.

While these encounters seem more prevalent than the past, there are still hope because many others do gave way when you give ample notice [thumbsup] compared to these small group of drivers I sometimes encounter [thumbsdown] despite the signalling, hand waving etc... [drivingcar]


Another idiot driver! Doesn't mean u signalled means u can switch lanes immediately. U have to check first! before filtering over. Some more anyhow stop at the slip road. Idiot!!


Edited by Neutralsg
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