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Forget resolutions, just focus on starting fresh

Forget resolutions, just focus on starting fresh



The start of a new year is always a happy time for me. Apart from gatherings and mini reunions, January is when I reflect on everything I've accomplished last year, while mentally noting the things I still need to work on.

Resolutions, though, are not for me. While it's not wrong to list some and strive towards them like goals, I think making resolutions is not the optimal way for me to reach new milestones, because more often than not, they're declared 'in the moment'. Or worse, after you've had a few.

Compounding this is that oftentimes, there's no actual planning that goes into the process of achieving them, which is why most of them don't work. Hence, the stereotype of resolutions being useless is perpetuated.

Here's an alternative: Let's take smaller steps instead of making grand plans.

You don't leave the house and begin sprinting to cover that 10km that you promised you would run this year. You start by working towards running your first km, doing it without getting winded, and then start pushing towards the next kilometre.


Image: Kelly Sikkema, Unsplash

Good beginnings

Starting on a clean slate helps bring your plans to fruition. To me, clearing my calendar and emptying my mind are the two things I must do before anything else.

I can't be saddled with distractions if I'm trying to plan something. Distractions refer to pressing matters, such as urgent calls or e-mails that must be answered. So, I'll put my phone on 'Do Not Disturb' and refrain from checking e-mails for 10 to 15 minutes.

It sounds like a luxury, but it really works. Planning my calendar for the next two weeks, for instance, is more easily accomplished without distractions. After filling in the various events and photo shoots, I get a clearer picture of what I need to prepare for. Being organised means less anxiety - we all want this.


Image: Glenn Carstens-Peters, Unsplash

Focus on achievables

Another habit I've formed is focussing on what can be achieved consistently. For example, I currently have the goal of tidying up my study to free up space for an armchair, footrest, and bar cart. It is currently the only messy room in my house, and I know if I attempt to clear it in one go, I will get tired halfway and feel discouraged.

So, I have divided the room into three sections: Desk, floor, and box. Last weekend, I focussed solely on my desk. Grabbing a rubbish bag, I threw out everything from boarding passes to event invitations to receipts. I even unearthed some more coins, handy for buying drinks.

I didn't bother with the tote bags on the floor or the box full of detailing products. The first step was to tidy my desk, which I did in under 30 minutes. That sense of accomplishment is what I will remember when I tackle the other two areas. Plus, seeing a tidy desk just feels good.


Image: Estée Janssens, Unsplash

Could I have done more? Sure, but I'd rather not get ahead of myself. I'm making progress and not adding to the clutter, which means I won't worry about not getting the task done.

Making resolutions is okay, but one has to follow-up by creating and sticking to a plan that outlines how the goals will be achieved. Maybe some goals can't be achieved so soon or might take another year. Perhaps others are a lifetime 'work in progress', such as better health and fitness.

I think resolutions make us feel jaded because most of the time, they're just words. So, act and aim for consistent progress. That might be a resolution worth making.

Main image: Tim Mossholder, Unsplash


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