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Oil change scams, sounds familiar?

Oil change scams, sounds familiar?




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-avpx8UTakIHave you ever visited a workshop just for a normal service or oil change, and ended up spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars? Can you trust someone else to take care of your car?


These guys went undercover to investigate, and revealed being ripped off at a popular oil-change chain. They are going in for the advertised US$19.99 oil change, but wait till you see the charges all 3 of them ended up paying. And was the work even done? Watch the video to find out.


After you watch the video, i guess the moral of the story is to make sure you know your car well enough, and keep records of your servicings. Also, will be good if you just stand around and watch them do the servicing. Will also be good to visit car forums(like mycarforum, duhh....) and get feedback of workshops you wish to visit.


So the next time you visit a workshop for a simple oil change, you might wanna just insist on just the oil change alone if you know your car is doing just fine :)


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Some oil change are just too cheap to be true. Questionable if the branded synthetic engine oil is genuine.

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Some oil change are just too cheap to be true. Questionable if the branded synthetic engine oil is genuine.

Its not so much about the oil itself being cheap, the bigger issue is being made to spend alot more when you actually just came for an oil change.

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