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Cleaning is relaxing?

Cleaning is relaxing?



Every once in awhile, I find myself watching 20-minute long videos on Youtube on something that most people will probably find quite bizarre: Carpet cleaning videos. 

(This video has 5.4m views!!!!)

It's... a particular kind of Youtube rabbit hole. I concede that. 

However, I must say that I find such videos strangely relaxing and soothing. Beyond the ASMR component of it, I do find something quite nice about the specificity and particularity of such videos, and in some ways the simplicity of it. In a world of endless clickbaity 90 second videos with endless jumpcuts and people shouting all the time, it's a nice change of pace to have something like this. The relative quietness is a nice departure from the noisy chaos that come to define most of our waking moments. 

And I do also find it quite shiok to watch these carpets being cleaned, and brought to new life. 

But this also raises some very obvious and pertinent questions: How did these carpets get SO dirty? And who the heck are these people who LET it happen?? 

Anyway, if you need a new method of relaxing, may I suggest carpet cleaning videos. This channel's 415k subscribers seem to also agree

~ Desmond


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