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Robbers target the occupants of a Toyota in JB, leaving a bloody mess

Robbers target the occupants of a Toyota in JB, leaving a bloody mess



You might want to reconsider your next holiday destination after this story. 


What happened? 

3 robbers robbed a man from his car while in front of Teega Suites in JB at the drop-off lobby.


The robbers used weapons such as hatchets and a machete in order to break the Toyota’s windows and harm the victim. 


The Toyota was unable to move due to a Honda Civic blocking his way, and an unidentified white car at the back, leaving the victim stuck in the car as the robbers came from the left and right sides of the vehicle.


The entire robbery seems premeditated as the white car and the Civic also repositioned themselves to block the Toyota after it was temporarily able to break free. 


However, one of the accomplices was caught by the police following a chase. 


Coincidentally, new vs old Civic. And the new one won!


Facebook comments were mainly about the lack of safety in Malaysia.





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Recommended Comments

2 cars sandwiching 1 car.  Looks like hitman hired over business rivalry.

Is the Toyota victim a SG-registered car?

Will still go JB, no doubt.

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