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Korean expat arrested for drink driving after crashing BMW at two separate locations

Korean expat arrested for drink driving after crashing BMW at two separate locations



TL;DR - Expat arrested after driving BMW into traffic light at Chinatown and crashing another parked vehicle at Tiong Bahru

Pfft, probably got drunk from soju. 

Watch this 39-second video of the BMW 523i going down in smoke. 

What happened? 

A Korean expat was arrested after smashing his 523i into a traffic light in a busy intersection at Chinatown. The driver then crashed into more parked vehicles in the carpark of his condo at Tiong Bahru. 

The BMW was seen emitting smoke with the bonnet of the car badly dented. The car plate also fell off amidst the ram. The fire brigade was mobilized to put out the fumes. 

It was reported that the driver was visibly intoxicated and driving erratically before the collision occurred. The impact of the crash was so severe that the traffic light was uprooted and the car was left severely damaged.

Did you know? 

People can be charged with drink-driving in Singapore if they exceed the legal alcohol limit. In Singapore, the limit stands at 35 mg of alcohol for every 100 mL of breath or 80 mg of alcohol for every 100 mL of blood.

Online Chat 


The incident has sent shockwaves not just among the netizens but through the expat community, with many expressing their disappointment and concern about the irresponsible behavior of their fellow expat.


Driving under influence is a serious offense in Singapore, and it is even more serious when the suspect is a non-Singaporean. Come Singapore at least obey traffic rules lah...


If convicted, he could have his work pass revoked and I guess there goes his job here. En route back to kimchi land soon... Annyeong in advance (oops sorry, but not quite...)



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Foreigners who come here and work dont even have 3 strikes. After strike 1 the authorities will cancel your work pass and you go home. We practice zero tolerance. So think twice before you do smth stupid like this driver did.

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Pfft, probably got drunk from soju. 

Don't so racist can or not?

Why must it be soju?

So if Frenchman crash must be Bordeaux?

Italian Chianti?

Japanese Sake?

German Schnapps?

Russian Vodka?

China Baijiu?

Indian Toddy?

America Bud?

Australia Victoria Bitter?

Austria ice wine?

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