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A pedestrian shows us the fragility of life by how ignoring one's blindspots could cost you dearly

A pedestrian shows us the fragility of life by how ignoring one's blindspots could cost you dearly



Have you ever encountered one of the worst nightmares a driver could ever have? No, I'm not talking about cyclists or saman aunty... I mean, dashing pedestrians!

You may think I am kidding, but I am not joking. One wrong move from them, and you could easily become a murderer.

See this example here: 

That was close.

I'm sure we all gasped in shock seeing the lady step out of nowhere like that.

In case you missed it, here are extra snapshots I compiled:


Nothing there. Or so we thought.

And a split second later:


Boo! The nastiest shock of the cam car driver's life!

Thank God the cam car driver did not collide with the jaywalking pedestrian.

It didn't stop there, however.

Here's the worst part - the pedestrian did not learn her lesson.

She stubbornly attempted to dash out onto the unsuspecting incoming traffic yet again...


My goodness, can you believe the sheer foolhardiness? The utter audacity.

Instead of learning her lesson, she blatantly ignored what had almost transpired and decided to charge back in🤦‍♂️

Netizens weigh in

Many commentators had some choice words to say.


Yes, we too, are speechless. I am betting this isn't her first rodeo.


Unpopular Opinion: The presence of the bus indirectly contributed to the near-miss accident, but you should always check your blind spots, pedestrian or driver!


Yes, this person said what we were all thinking. SMH!

Being mindful all day keeps the hospital bills away!

For pedestrians, if you don't want to:

1) get a fright; and

2) be scolded online like this pedestrian did, always look left and right before you cross! 



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The Lady thought She is a Cat,got 9 Lives,now 2 Lives gone,7 more to go.

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