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PAB rider gets run over after ignoring stop line at a junction, demands over $5000 in compensation

PAB rider gets run over after ignoring stop line at a junction, demands over $5000 in compensation



The brakes on the car must be good, rider was wearing no protection and still escaped unscathed.

What happened?

On 11 September 2023, at Yishun Industrial Street 1 (because OF COURSE it was at Yishun), a food delivery rider on a PAB (Power Assisted Bicycle) ignored a stop line at a junction and was subsequently hit by a car.

The car was going at around 30km/h and unable to avoid the rider, who was already onto the road and stopped moving like a deer in headlights.


Upon impact, the rider was thrown off his bike and rolled on the road a couple times before getting back up. Rather smoothly, I must say. In an amazing stroke of luck, the rider seemed uninjured, despite not wearing a helmet or any protection.

Incredibly, the rider was unsatisfied with simply getting away from a crash unscathed, and demanded compensation for the incident.


What phone is worth $1800? And what loss of income bro??

Online chatter

Quite a few people felt the demands were unjustified, with many different reasons.


Others simply urged the camcar to just make a police report and claim their insurance instead.


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