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  1. PMA spotted in Sengkang West https://www.8world.com/singapore/pma-speeds-on-road-1778241 电动轮椅公路上飙车送餐 时速疑高达50公里 一名身穿 GrabFood T恤的男子被拍到骑着电动轮椅,背着绿色热食袋,沿着盛港西大道高速行驶,时速疑似一度高达50公里。 SG Road Vigilante的Facebook页面上载的行车记录器视频显示,昨天(10日)晚上10点05分左右,有一辆相信是电动轮椅的个人行动辅助工具(Personal Mobility Aid)正沿着盛港西大道高速行驶。电动轮椅由一名男子驾驶,他穿着绿色的GrabFood T恤,但没有佩戴头盔, 而电动轮椅也只有一个闪烁的车灯,没有刹车灯。 视频帖文表示,当时设置行车记录器的车辆车速约为 每小时50 公里。 视频中可见,电动轮椅的左边是一辆公共汽车,前面则是一辆罗厘。电动轮椅起初在中间车道,朝着惹兰加由( Jalan Kayu) 的方向行驶。后来,设置行车记录器的车辆亮起了远光灯,似乎在警告电动轮椅的男子停止占用车道并离开道路时,电动轮椅不但没有换到左边的慢车道,反而切换到右边的快车道。 盛港西大道的限速为每小时60公里,路段之间还有交通警察的测速摄像头。 陆路交通管理局的官网表示,当局不允许电动轮椅等个人行动辅助工具在公路行驶。 活跃通勤咨询小组主席的交通部高级政务次长马炎庆早前接受《8视界新闻网》访问时表示,有居民反映,最近出现滥用个人行动辅助工具的趋势,活跃通勤咨询小组下来会探讨有关的条例。
  2. I had a small accident with this cheapo aluminum ladder. When I first step on it, the step broke off, 6 aluminum rivets are sheared off at the same time. Hurt my feet a little bit and marble floor suffered some chips. Luckily I am not at the top of the steps when it decide to break. I had earlier replaced the top step rivets with bolts and nuts, but the bottom step caught me off-guard. So if you have this kind of ladder, better have a second look, or maybe throw it away for own safety. Granted the ladder was quite old, I didn't use it much, the rivets may have corroded away. But I'd rather have a step ladder that doesn't do this.
  3. ... If I told you that the occupant walk away from this pile of mass unharmed?! This beyond miracles!!! Ermm anyone wants to guess what model was this? Woman Somehow Walks Away From Folded Car In Shocking Semi-Truck Crash Incredible. No, scratch that. This is beyond incredible. We aren't talking about the severity of the crash, though it's not every day you see a car literally folded in half and crushed by a semi-truck. There was a woman in that car, and she's not dead. In fact, she crawled from the car with hardly any injuries at all. So yeah, what's beyond incredible? Whatever it is, that's what we're dealing with here. This crash happened the morning of November 16, on Interstate 5 in Mount Vernon, north of Seattle in Washington State. According to The Seattle Times, traffic was slowing down on the Skagit River Bridge when this Red Nissan was hit from behind by a semi-truck. There was also a semi in front of the car, and the collision caused the rear of the Nissan to fold over. The semi from behind came to a rest on top of the car. The report says a 46-year-old woman was inside, and looking at the pictures in the Twitter post above would have anyone thinking the worst. Washington State Trooper Rocky Oliphant took the photos and relayed information on Twitter, at first calling it a serious injury accident. But then the semi was lifted from the car, and Oliphant says the woman crawled out under her own power. She reportedly complained of minor pain in her head and ribs, and went to the hospital for further observation. We say it again ... beyond incredible. In his Twitter posts, Oliphant says he's never seen anything like this in 14 years on the job. In The Seattle Times report, he points out the manner in which the car folded could explain how the driver escaped serious injury. The back served as a buffer, protecting the passenger compartment while also giving the semi something of a ramp to slide on. While the crash certainly wasn't lucky, he goes on to call the driver the "luckiest unlucky person." Straight up, this crash is legit spooky. Obviously we're thrilled that the driver escaped with just minor injuries, but we keep coming back to one very basic, haunting question: How? Some would say this steps into the spiritual or supernatural realm, and you know what? Looking closely at these images, we wouldn't disagree. Stay safe out there everyone.
  4. I just got into an accident. Back taxi failed to stop and ram onto me , resulting me banging onto front taxi vehicle. So if my case now, do i need to pay for excess if i proceed to claim for insurance. Front taxi damage quite jialat. Any benefit if i see doc and get 3 days mc?
  5. Scenario goes like this: I was stuck behind a line of cars in Lane 1 turning right so I decided to filter to Lane 2. Waited a while for some cars to pass, finally all-clear. I had entered the lane about half-way when this Nissan Note collided into my front left. I dunno whether it's evident in the video but he was filtering from Lane 3 to Lane 2. We stopped by the side and exchanged particulars and since I was in a rush to fetch my family from airport, we left the scene shortly. I did tell him that this is a 50-50 liability accident as both of us were filtering into the middle lane, so we should just both settle our own damages. https://youtu.be/P6gZbveV6Hs Subsequently, he messaged me to tell me that he's going to report the accident and claim my insurance. 50-50 accident can claim the other party's insurance? He feels that I'm totally at fault for this accident. When he makes the accident report, will the person advise him that this is likely a 50-50 scenario and thus, he should pay out of pocket for his damage? His car was quite badly damaged (dents, scratches from front driver door to rear) whereas mine can probably be settled with a polishing session. Sincerely seeking forumers' advice on whether you feel the fault lies with either party and experience in whether his claim against my insurance can be valid. This is my first at-fault accident over 13 years of driving, so not quite sure how an opposing claim on my own insurance will be handled. If he does claim successfully, I'll feel extremely aggrieved as it's clearly a case of 2 cars entering the same lane (50-50% liability according to BOLA) and risk losing my 50+5% NCD over this. P.S. My damage vs his really showed the difference between a Conti and Jap car in the event of a collision.
  6. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/courts-crime/traffic-police-officer-admits-to-speeding-on-motorbike-before-it-hit-pedestrian-who-later-died I find this quite interesting. Does that mean TP cannot speed when responding to accidents? Then why always see those TP car/bike drive so fast when siren on?
  7. I banged down some unlucky chap while driving but the ambulance took so long to arrive. So I drove home first to park my car and run some more important errands. Just another usual day in my life. After waiting for about 15 minutes, Ms Chua decided to leave. She said she drove to her home in Choa Chu Kang and parked at the multi-storey carpark before going to town to run some errands. Ms Chua was not aware that she had to stay at the scene. The two men with her were "surprised and shocked" and were also not aware of the requirement to remain there. Footage from someone living in a condominium near the accident location suggested that Mr Seow was flung three to four car lengths away from the crossing.
  8. In one week there was several tragic deaths on the road 1) NUS student take Taxi at Commonwealth - Killed taking Taxi http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/teen-who-died-in-clementi-crash-was-an-only-child-said-to-be-very-close-to-her-parents 2) Lady at Bukit Timah - Killed in a Mercedes http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/23-year-old-woman-killed-2-others-injured-in-collision-between-car-and-smrt-bus-at-bukit 3) Pedestrians at YCK - Killed walking http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/lorry-driver-arrested-after-3-pedestrians-killed-in-accident-near-yio-chu-kang-mrt-station Take Taxi die, Drive Car Die, Walk also Die... It has been disturbing me all weekend, what do you think is the root cause Is it a road design issue in general, or are drivers here in Singapore become more callous and careless? Or is everyone so tired, stressed/over worked that rushing around with no concentration while driving?
  9. Dear Sir/Madams, I finally bought a new car recently after years of working and saving up. However last week I had met with a car accident and had been traumatised by the accident. The accident was totally not my fault and the other driver whom is driving a rental is claiming 3rd party damages against my insurance. I was travelling on a major road going straight and the other driver was approaching from my left with STOP wording and DOUBLE BROKEN WHITE lines on the road. I did not drive fast but the driver just abruptly drove out from the left side and his top right bonnet crashed into my top left bonnet. He had a kid and wife in the car, where his wife claimed to be feeling unwell after the accident. Although I felt his wife was over-exaggerating but giving her the benefit of the doubt, we called in the Traffic Police and ambulance. I basically had the right of way and he just drove out without checking for oncoming traffic imo. He claimed that he checked for all blindspots and only drove out when the traffic from the right was clear. There was a tree blocing both of our views but how can the traffic be clear as per what he claimed. But the other driver started scolding me that I was driving fast and could not stop in time to avoid him after the accident happened! He even asked me to write a letter stating that I am in wrong for the accident, which I did not write the letter. I told him that we should leave it up to the insurance companies to settle this matter. I claimed 3rd party damages for my car against the rental car insurer as it was not my fault. A few days ago I received news from my insurer that the a 3rd party claim had been filed against my insurer. What I cannot believe is that the other driver is claiming injuries for his whole family(Other driver: spinal injury, Kid: Chest pain and bruise on forehead, Wife: Bruise and hip injury)! How can they do this? The cars were slightly damaged only! On the accident day, when the paramedics and TP asked the other driver and kid if they were alright on that day, they replied that they were alright. Only the wife was conveyed to hospital by ambulance. My insurer is putting a reserve amount of 20k SGD for this 3rd party claim pending investigation outcome. This is not right! I am very unhappy about this matter and would like to seek advice on what I should do. I want to make sure I am not penalised and would not have to accept any liability for this accident.
  10. About Lee Sheng Auto Pte Ltd: LEE SHENG AUTO PTE LTD, formally known as LEE SHENG MOTOR WORKS, is an established workshop since 1979, totalling 29 years of honest, reliable and excellent experience in motor car repairs. We pride ourselves to be a One Stop Motoring Centre, just like any car agent workshop except that we will definitely will give you a smaller bill. About Our Staffs: Our staffs are committed to provide quality repair works and excellent customer service. All our staffs go through extensive training to keep up with today’s repair technology and even have a NITEC certificate in Automotive Technology. About Our Equipment: Our company have invested extensively in up to date equipment such as the Car-O-Liner Collisions Repair System for accident repairs, Handheld Diagnostic Tools to diagnose today’s fuel injection vehicles and an in-house oven baked spray booth facility to control the quality of spray painting. Thus you can be assured that we only employ the latest automotive technology and equipment to repair your car. Our Promise: Consistent, professional, quality service at a fair price.We will use only the best parts and state of the art handheld diagnosis tools & equipment available to perform repair to your car. Work done will carry a warranty of 9 month or 20,000km travelled for accident claims repairs For all engine repairs works except engine servicing a warranty of 3 months or 2000km travelled For all spray painting work and body work repair except insurance claim, a warranty of 6 months We have a total of 6 spacious unit located at : 1 Kaki Bukit Ave 6 #01-60 , Autobay 1, Kaki Bukit Ave 6 #01-58 , Autobay 1, Kaki Bukit Ave 6 #01-57 , Autobay 1, Kaki Bukit Ave 6 #01-36 , Autobay Do keep a lookout for our next post very soon! We are gonna share with all MCF users on our PROMOTION! Like our FACEBOOK page here for more updates!
  11. Now, forgive me if I'm not making sense here, but isn't it common sense to go a little slower in underground car parks, where the road is a little slippery and it makes your tyres screech like a banshee at every 90 degree corner you have to make a turn at. Especially at the exits and entry lanes, where the road is narrow and there are humps every few metres to deliberately keep your speed low. So, please tell me how an accident like this could happen, as per the video below.This accident happened yesterday, and this video is actually taken by me as I witnessed the aftermath of the accident as I was leaving IKEA Alexandra around 4pm. According to a friend who left earlier than I did, this accident definitely happened before 3.35pm, and Singaporeans being Singaporeans, it obviously did cause a bit of a wait to leave the car park because everyone was slowing down to gawk at the accident and possibly to take down the licence plate numbers to... buy... 4D..... (why, people, why? That's just schadenfreude) So as you can see from the video, the Volvo somehow managed to hit both Volkswagens (2-for-1), the first car being clipped in the right rear quarter while the second car, was, well, kissed pretty hard in the front. From what can be seen of the Volvo, it doesn't look too good for it either. The front left wheel seems to be partially dislodged and who knows what's going on with what isn't visible to the camera. Fortunately for the Volvo driver, in spite of their inability to drive properly in a car park, Volvo has invested tons of money into making their cars really safe, as seen here, here, here and here. Unfortunately, I don't think Volvo has figured out a way to account for a less-than-attentive/capable driver who can't concentrate in a narrow car park and ends up causing a proper headache for everyone involved. All in, the damage to all three cars look to be pretty bad. But the only thing worst than this accident was the line of cars along Alexandra Road that couldn't enter the IKEA carpark because this accident had basically blocked off the only way to get down into the car park. I didn't get footage of that, but I don't envy the IKEA staff member who was standing in the hot sun explaining to irate drivers why they couldn't enter the car park. Here's hoping that guy didn't have it too bad, because we all know how Singaporeans can get if they aren't queuing for something they enjoy, like bubble tea or bakkwa. An ambulance was seen arriving just as I was leaving, so here's hoping that if anyone was injured, their injuries were minor, and let's all practice safe and attentive driving not only while on the roads, but in car parks as well. Especially on Sundays at IKEA, because there are waaaaaay too many people there already and the last thing we all need is for someone to lose their temper over something trivial.
  12. Woman in ICU after being hit by 'flying wheel chock' while waiting for bus at Jalan Boon Lay https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/woman-icu-after-being-hit-flying-wheel-chock-while-waiting-bus-jalan-boon-lay
  13. Food delivery firms take up third-party liability insurance Pedestrians now better placed to claim for damages should they get into accident involving riders Pedestrians are now better placed to claim for damages should they get into an accident involving riders from food delivery services in Singapore. Deliveroo and Grab have already taken up third-party liability insurance for their riders, while a third company, Foodpanda, is looking into purchasing the insurance. Early this week, Active Mobility Advisory Panel chairman Muhammad Faishal Ibrahim said his panel is considering recommending that such insurance be made mandatory for food delivery firms. In a Facebook post on Monday, Dr Faishal said: "We are considering third-party liability insurance, to give more peace of mind to pedestrians and riders if an accident occurs." He said more details on the potential recommendation would be announced later. Dr Faishal had said last month that his panel was concerned about reports of reckless food delivery riders who rush to make deliveries, and that it was actively looking into stronger measures to ensure that the riders are covered by third-party liability insurance. Mr Steven Lim, a member of the panel and president of the Safe Cycling Task Force, said on Wednesday that while no final decision has been made on the recommendations, food delivery companies are already encouraged to take up such insurance. He said: "The food delivery riders are the ones who actually spend a lot of time on the streets, they clock higher mileage, so the chances of them getting into an accident are actually higher than other users." Both Grab and Deliveroo told The Straits Times that they had already purchased third-party liability insurance for their riders. Deliveroo said all 6,000 of its riders have been covered by insurance for free since May last year. "Accident insurance is applicable to riders on all vehicle types and their substitutes, while all cyclists and e-scooter riders also have access to third-party liability insurance," it said. Riders are covered by insurance at a value of up to US$1.5 million (S$2.03 million) in the event that they cause injury to another person while making a delivery. The insurance would also protect the rider in cases of property damage and cover any legal costs incurred. Grab, which runs GrabFood, said its riders have been covered by third-party insurance since June 14. It said the coverage aims to provide peace of mind to both pedestrians and delivery riders. It did not disclose the total number of riders insured or the monetary value of the coverage. Foodpanda's public relations team did not respond to ST's requests for comment, but ST understands that the company is also looking into buying third-party liability insurance for its riders. Ms Lee Bee Wah, MP for Nee Soon GRC, previously suggested that third-party liability insurance be made mandatory for personal mobility device users. She told ST that the developments are a good step forward. "Having mandatory insurance for (riders) could help many pedestrians feel they have at least some recourse," she said. "More importantly, food delivery companies should hold their riders accountable for any accidents, using their tracking technology if needed." https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/transport/food-delivery-firms-take-up-third-party-liability-insurance covers pedestrians only, no mention of cars ....
  14. Source: https://mothership.sg/2024/02/car-overturn-accident-seletar/ A Mothership reader passed by the junction of Seletar Link and Seletar North Link in the dead of night, and was met with a worrying scene. Along the roadside barrier, a lone Honda lay ruined and flipped on its side. The time was around 3:20am, and not a soul was in sight. Found car Photos snapped by the reader showed the vehicle abandoned on the road, probably after having met with an accident. Its front bumper was badly damaged. The car's airbags were deployed and its headlights were still on. According to the reader, the engine was also left running. Missing driver The scene was devoid of any driver or passengers. Strangely, the reader also noted that the car's licence plate was missing and appeared to have been "ripped off". As the interior of the car was dark, the reader ventured closer and shone a light in. Apart from a couple of personal belongings, the car was empty. The reader called the police, who mentioned that they'd take it from there. Mothership has reached out to the Singapore Civil Defence Force and the Singapore Police Force to ask for updates.
  15. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/acsi-boy-dies-after-incident-on-high-element-activity Poor boy and his parents Carabina not fastened? No belaying?
  16. So just very recently I went on a trip to Msia n got into a car accident with a malaysia car. Genting to be exact. Was somewhere after Pagoh towards SG. Traffic was relatively heavy for an evening drive back. I was e one in the wrong here as I slammed into a MY Lexus. First thing was panic. Ever watched those videos on Facebook sites like Beh Chia Lor, Singapore Reckless Driver n get angry when the driver who caused the accident nvr come down immediately to check on the car that he/she rammed into? Well now I really know why.. When it happened I was overwhelmed. Shock, panic, basically overwhelmed by the feelings of doom. Getting into an accident in SG is one thing, to have it happen in MY, its my first. So just wanted to share my experience on what happened so for those who unfortunately get into one in msia, will not panic like i did. - Don't follow too closely to the car infront. Always look far. I know its smthing we all get complacent with at times. NSHW traffic as we all know it can be unpredictable. Fast, slow, fast, slow. Don't try to tailgate, always maintain a safe following distance. I wasnt following too closely or anything but I think I just didnt react fast enough to the sudden chain of ebrake. - Make sure ur phone have auto-roaming. u need to be able to call out during an emergency, data to whatsapp (some tow trucks may ask u to send photos of the exact location). - Make sure u have all the emergency numbers in ur phone. Well I didnt have. The PLUS hotline is 1800 88 0000. It is the equivalent of our EMAS. Their PLUS will only tow ur vehicle to the nearest exit. For my case they didnt and i have no idea why. They only assisted to stop traffic and tow my car and the Lexus to the road shoulder. - Standby a reliable tow truck number. Even with a tow truck number, u need to decide if u want to repair ur car in a workshop in jb or tow it back to sg. If insurance claim I think it's definitely going to be tow back to sg. For my case tow was my only option because the front of my car was badly damaged, tyre also ruptured becuz of the impact. Settled for insurance claim. And it is also best to prepare a few tow truck numbers to call. Some of them may not be available when u need them. Some of them may be located all the way in JB and will take more than an hour plus to come. No good to be stranded on the NSHW. Traffic is heavy, very dangerous. I paid RM100 for a random tow truck that stopped to tow my car to the nearest exit. I think he is those opportunist kind who will target accident cars and try to offer to tow ur car for a large sum of money. They know u are desperate so even if they offer u a high amount, u have no choice. But yah I only asked them to tow to the nearest exit so I can find other solution. Base on what I encountered, the "market rate" to tow ur car back to SG is about RM1200 to RM1400 from but also depends on ur location. This will be all the way back to ur workshop in SG. If there are cheaper towing options, please do share here for the rest of us. Never know when we may need it. I also wished I was a member of AAS. Might be able to activate AAM towing services. But u need to be a member and I wasn't one. - What to do upon an accident. Same thing like SG... If all parties are okay, decide on settlement. Take photos, call tow truck. Exchange particulars with the other party. Take photos of IC, driving license. If you are claiming another party, try to take photo of his identity card with his house add. We also made a police report. I dunno if that's the usual practice but the police accompanied us to the nearest exit to take our statements. n becuz I was at fault here, it means they will slap me with a traffic fine for careless driving. The fine is RM300. This fine is also necessary in order for the malaysian driver to claim me for insurance. N i think the statement is also needed in order to tow ur car back to sg. - After all done, wait for your tow truck to get back to sg. The truck lane open only after 12am so I had to wait till then as it happened late evening and by the time everything settled, alrdy damn late.. - So in total, my car was towed by 3 different msia tow trucks. 1st was to the nearest exit, second towed my car nearer to jb and then change another tow truck to tow into sg. right now the fate of my car lies in the hands of my workshop. just the luck of the msian car to get into an accident with an sg car plate. his claim against me will def take awhile. as for me, it is a lesson well learnt. i can blame the car way infront who caused the jam brake but to have banged into the back of a car, that is on me and my fault. no one else to blame but myself. so many trips to msia n this is the first time i gotten into this mess and i was also unprepared. to the rest who regularly travel up north, do drive safely and make sure u have sufficient cash for emergencies and the right contacts on hand in case of an emergency. even better if u have contacts to a reliable workshop in jb should ur damages not be that severe and u wanna try to get the repair done in msia. be composed and dont panic. i am also fortunate that the driver of the lexus is understanding even in that situation. knowing i am helpless he tried his best to talk to the tow truck guy and police for me as i dont speak malay. the thing is i can blame myself for what happened etc, but at the end of the day, im just glad to be bk home safely n that i didnt hurt anyone. this is going to be an expensive lesson but i have to say im happy i am even ALIVE to be able to type this. okay thats all!
  17. Imagine minding your own business on the road when suddenly some goondu driver knocks into you TWICE. What happened? A PHV (private hire vehicle) Honda Vezel was heading back to Singapore on the Causeway when they were knocked into by a Malaysian car. GG lah, knock one time and then they step on the gas pedal for another round. Driver went for the double tap. To make matters worse, the driver at fault apparently made the claim towards police that the camcar had suddenly braked, and so she could not stop on time. Upon watching the video, I say… Camcar was travelling at such a slow and steady pace still cannot press the brake pedal??? If anything it even looks like they accelerated a little bit! The camcar’s rental company also can't claim against the Malaysian car because it's a foreign vehicle. After the camcar driver requested a private settlement, she also went MIA,. forcing them to bear the cost of the damage. The camcar driver went on to say in the original Facebook post :“Buy insurance for what? Malaysia car hit us we cannot claim.” They hoped to “get some advice from the comments on how to settle without bearing the cost” , otherwise needing to pay $2000 in excess to their insurance company. Online chatter Unfortunately, it seems people in similar plights have found no solution to this either. Hope the camcar manages to get the situation resolved… ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  18. There’s a time and place to go fast guys, and the carpark is not one of them. What happened? An overzealous Volkswagen Beetle was going fast enough in a multi-storey carpark (MSCP) at Bukit Merah Central to break through the metal and concrete barriers. Someone managed to record footage of the incident from their car, likely through dashcam. Can’t imagine how loud that would have been on the outside. Hope there wasn’t anyone under the car with those bricks sent flying. Online chatter People speculated on why he ended up here, and noted his choice of car for this stunt. Others also made jokes on his skill (or lack thereof). ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  19. Prayers to the motorcyclist's family. What happened? A Honda Jazz cut off and side swiped a motorcyclist at Yishun Avenue 1 on 23 July 2023, around 9.30 A.M. This sent the motorcyclist off his bike and knocked his helmet off as well, leaving his head unprotected as he crashed onto the tarmac. The motorcyclist laid still on the ground, and another rider who went past the motorcyclist as the incident took place, but stopped and went over to check on the victim. The person who provided the footage claimed to have returned to the scene and reported to the police after dropping off their wife, who called the ambulance. It is unknown if the Honda Jazz had motive or if it was simply reckless driving. Online Chatter Some facebook users who claimed to be the victim’s father-in-law and cousin have commented under the post saying that he is in a comatose state in the ICU. Others sent well wishes for the victim’s recovery, and called for the driver to face justice and dealt with severely. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  20. Source: https://sg.news.yahoo.com/traffic-accident-deaths-singapore-spiked-first-half-2023-104326424.html SINGAPORE — More people have died of traffic accidents in the first half of 2023, compared to the same period last year. According to mid-year traffic situation report released by the police on Monday (18 September), the number of fatalities increased from 45 deaths in the first half of 2022 to 71 in the first half of 2023, a rise of 57.8 per cent. In the same time period, the total number of traffic accidents resulting in injuries or fatalities also rose by 11.8 per cent, from 3,169 in 2022 to 3,542 this year. While the number of red-light running accidents has dropped from 62 in the first half of 2022 to 59 in the first half of 2023, the number of fatal red-light running accidents increased to six, from just one in 2022. Similarly, the number of speeding-related accidents also dropped from 505 in the first half of 2022 to 336 in the first half of 2023. However, there were more fatal speed-related accidents in 2023 - 13 of them, up from six in 2022. There were six fatal drink-driving accidents in the first half of this year, up from three in 2022. Deaths involving vulnerable road users remain disproportionately high Police said they remain very concerned that accidents involving vulnerable road users - such as elderly pedestrians and motorcyclists - continue to account for a disproportionate number of traffic accidents which result in injuries or death. There were 145 accidents involving elderly pedestrians in the first half of this year, up from 120 in 2022. The number of elderly pedestrian fatalities has also gone up from nine in 2022 to 17 this year. Accidents involving elderly pedestrians made up 30.7 per cent of all pedestrian accidents, and 68 per cent of all pedestrian fatalities, in the first half of 2023. "Whilst Traffic Police will continue to educate the elderly to use designated crossings, we would like to encourage family members and friends to also remind them," the police said in their report. The number of motorcyclist and pillion rider fatalities also increased by 28.0 per cent in the first half of this year, up from 25 in 2022 to 32. Motorcyclists and pillion riders were involved in 51.8 per cent of all traffic accidents, and made up 45.1 per cent of all traffic fatalities in the first half of 2023. The top causes were failing to keep a proper lookout, failing to have proper control of the motorcycle, and changing lanes without due care. New initiative to reward pedestrians with good road safety habits Traffic Police will be launching a new "Reward the Pedestrians" initiative on 22 October, where pedestrians spotted exhibiting good road safety habits will be rewarded with a goodie bag. This is similar to its ongoing "Reward the Riders" initiative which start in June, as motorcyclists spotted to be wearing appropriate safety gear and/or displaying safe riding habits are also rewarded with goodie bags. In November, Traffic Police will be organising the anti-drink drive campaign, which aims to remind motorists to be responsible and not to drive after consuming alcohol. In the same month, it will launch the 65th Singapore Traffic Games at the Road Safety Community Park, to educate and inculcate road safety values in young students. "Traffic Police’s efforts alone will never be enough. All road users must play their part in keeping our roads safe," police said in the report. "Road safety is a shared responsibility. Even if you have the right of way on the road, we urge you to slow down, and look out particularly for vulnerable road users."
  21. If there was ever a sign from a higher power to stop doing something, this is definitely one. What happened? An auntie was happily walking along underneath trees on the road divider when a taxi came out of nowhere and t-boned another car, narrowly missing the auntie. The auntie was no doubt left shocked from what just unfolded before her and fell on the ground in shock. The incident happened at the junction of Mandalay Road and Moulmein Road. Police reported that the people involved, a 68-year-old taxi driver, a 61-year-old driver and his 45-year-old passenger were conscious when they were taken to the hospital. Two of them were sent to Tan Tock Seng Hospital, while the third was sent to Singapore General Hospital. It is unknown what caused the accident, whether the taxi driver was not paying attention or his brakes failed him. The condition of the auntie is unknown, but I am willing to bet good money she will always cross at a junction from now on. Online chatter People commented on the auntie’s luck to have been so close to danger, maybe inches away from injury or worse. Others commented on the speed the taxi was going. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  22. The brakes on the car must be good, rider was wearing no protection and still escaped unscathed. What happened? On 11 September 2023, at Yishun Industrial Street 1 (because OF COURSE it was at Yishun), a food delivery rider on a PAB (Power Assisted Bicycle) ignored a stop line at a junction and was subsequently hit by a car. The car was going at around 30km/h and unable to avoid the rider, who was already onto the road and stopped moving like a deer in headlights. Upon impact, the rider was thrown off his bike and rolled on the road a couple times before getting back up. Rather smoothly, I must say. In an amazing stroke of luck, the rider seemed uninjured, despite not wearing a helmet or any protection. Incredibly, the rider was unsatisfied with simply getting away from a crash unscathed, and demanded compensation for the incident. What phone is worth $1800? And what loss of income bro?? Online chatter Quite a few people felt the demands were unjustified, with many different reasons. Others simply urged the camcar to just make a police report and claim their insurance instead. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  23. Mazda driver must have thought a giant took a s*** on his car. What happened? A Mazda driver was travelling along Marymount Lane when they no doubt s*** themselves after it looked like someone s*** on their car. As we can see in the video, a construction zone beside the road had some equipment malfunction, with a cable/tube snapping and unleashing a torrent of mud. The unlucky Mazda was able to get ahead by just a bit before the massive brown load splattered all over the road, leaving part of his windshield unobscured while the rear and roof of the car was covered in the filth. The brown shower did not end there however, as we see the mud continue to gush out of a tube before it finally ended. If there is a silver lining, maybe it’s that it could have smelled worse? Online chatter Some made joke of the free ‘mud bath’. Others were a little more concerned that this could happen, as if it was metal or concrete that fell instead there would be far more damage and possible casualties. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  24. There is never a day that doesn't look busy for you. After dropping the older girl off at school, then her younger brother off at his childcare centre, you'll have to take Mum either for the routine health check-up, or help ferry her around for those mahjong get-togethers with her friends. That's even before bringing in all the other household errands, and the personal appointments you have yourself. In other words, having your car at your disposal would really help to save your time. But accidents on the road do happen - even if they're not of our own making. If your car needs some downtime in the workshop due to an accident, what comes next? If your mind is already floating towards struggling with booking private rides, layers of tedious paperwork, and countless phone calls between the multiple parties involved, fret not. A simple yet comprehensive answer exists in the market today, ensuring that nothing will drastically disrupt whatever you plan on a daily basis for your family (and yourself). The importance of tailoring coverage to specific needs It goes without saying that having some coverage for yourself and your car is a necessity. A week (if you're lucky), or worse, an entire month (if you're not) can be thrown into disarray, if this isn't something you've made sure to deal properly with. Apart from this, getting a good deal is also foremost on every driver's mind. How far this coverage should extend, however, ultimately depends on the driver. After all, different lifestyles bring different risks with them. A simpler scheme, like the FWD Car Insurance (Classic Plan), already ensures that your bases are sufficiently covered: For medical expenses in the event of injuries in an accident, repair, and replacement costs, as well as extended workmanship guarantees for repairs handled by FWD's certified workshops. For drivers who have already accrued a pre-existing No-Claim Discount (NCD) of 50% for behaving well on our roads, signing up with FWD also ensures a Lifetime 50% NCD guarantee - as long as they remain a customer. FWD is currently the only insurer that offers this. What about those who prefer something more comprehensive so that their partner who also occasionally drives can be insured? (This will come in even more handy when the kids get their licenses, and take the car out for meet-ups.) Apart from bumping up your daily transport allowance, moving upwards to the Executive Plan already removes another huge stressor by allowing you to cover anyone who drives your car, without the complexity of you having to name them. If your personal belongings are damaged, you'll be able to get some reimbursement too. Furthermore, it unlocks the usage of a courtesy car, provided, and arranged for by FWD Insurance, that will dutifully accompany you until repairs for your own car are complete. These benefits are available too under the even more intensive Prestige plan, for which the levels of financial coverage are taken another notch higher. On that note… Taking comprehensiveness a (unique) step further What exactly is a courtesy car, you may ask? Instead of having to source for alternative transport options on your own with the allowance provided, a courtesy car is effectively given directly to you for use - so that you can very quickly get back into your schedule. This isn't an exaggeration too; you could technically pick up the car, but FWD can arrange for it to be delivered straight to you. As for what happens with your actual car, one of FWD's network premium workshops, spanning 15 locations islandwide, promises to help ensure your car is assessed and expertly dealt with. If you would rather engage your preferred car workshops for servicing and repairs, both the Executive and Prestige plans also give you the freedom to pick the repair workshop of your choice. Worth noting is that FWD's plans are unique by the very quality of offering both of these benefits simultaneously! A dedicated "personal assistant" for all your claims-related needs All of what has been mentioned thus far may sound like quite a lot to digest - and it rightfully is so; with a certain level of comprehensiveness also comes a certain level of complexity naturally. The best part about FWD's plans, however, is the assurance that all this can be simplified with one extra, crucial component: A claims concierge. This dedicated 'personal assistant' will be there with you every step of the way. It starts with arranging the aforementioned courtesy car, and then, of course, continues with timely updates on the status of your car repair as it's in the workshop. Not sure what the next step is? That's okay - the concierge will bring his/her own experience to the table, ensuring that proper corrective actions are taken. If multiple parties are involved, the concierge will shoulder the tediousness of the coordination too, while also dealing with all the unwieldy paperwork tied inextricably to the case. (One can only imagine how much time they'd be saving if the process of ironing out issues turns out to be very long-drawn.) You'll finally be promptly informed when your car is ready for collection. Arrangements will be made for the handover of the courtesy car, too, for those who've opted for and utilised it. Final note: Building your own insurance plan on a solid base We've merely scraped the tip of the iceberg here. For instance, excess amounts can be adjusted further, and those who do road trips up North - all the way into West Malaysia and Southern Thailand - can even opt for additional coverage. Underpinning this tailored customisability, however, is the same security one will feel knowing that their coverage is comprehensive, that no additional headaches will arise regardless of what happens on the road. Click here to find out more about FWD Car insurance and the convenience it brings. Disclaimer: T&Cs apply. Protected up to specified limits by SDIC. This advertisement has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
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