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Drivers, take note the intersection of Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 and Avenue 6 will be converted into a signalised roundabout from August 18 to end of July 2025 SINGAPORE – A traffic cross junction in Ang Mo Kio near Mayflower Primary School will be converted into a signalised roundabout for nearly a year from 5am on Aug 18, to facilitate the construction of the North-South Corridor tunnel. In a Facebook post on Aug 12, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) said the roundabout at the intersection of Ang Mo Kio Avenue 5 and Avenue 6 will be in place till the end of July 2025. At present, the junction connects Marymount Road to Ang Mo Kio Avenue 4, Yio Chu Kang Road and the Central Expressway (CTE). LTA added that such road diversions are necessary to create enough space for works on the North-South Corridor to proceed safely since the corridor passes through busy and heavily built-up areas. Noting possible delays for people travelling in the area, the authority urged all motorists and commuters to plan their journeys, and follow road markings on the affected roads. Motorists can also look out for signs on the affected stretches that come with clear directions to specific roads.
Can this worked in real life ? Is it feasible ? You need to make a longer distance, but you don't have to stop.
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God sends auntie a sign to stop jaywalking with high speed crash
Fadevfast posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
If there was ever a sign from a higher power to stop doing something, this is definitely one. What happened? An auntie was happily walking along underneath trees on the road divider when a taxi came out of nowhere and t-boned another car, narrowly missing the auntie. The auntie was no doubt left shocked from what just unfolded before her and fell on the ground in shock. The incident happened at the junction of Mandalay Road and Moulmein Road. Police reported that the people involved, a 68-year-old taxi driver, a 61-year-old driver and his 45-year-old passenger were conscious when they were taken to the hospital. Two of them were sent to Tan Tock Seng Hospital, while the third was sent to Singapore General Hospital. It is unknown what caused the accident, whether the taxi driver was not paying attention or his brakes failed him. The condition of the auntie is unknown, but I am willing to bet good money she will always cross at a junction from now on. Online chatter People commented on the auntie’s luck to have been so close to danger, maybe inches away from injury or worse. Others commented on the speed the taxi was going. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!-
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The brakes on the car must be good, rider was wearing no protection and still escaped unscathed. What happened? On 11 September 2023, at Yishun Industrial Street 1 (because OF COURSE it was at Yishun), a food delivery rider on a PAB (Power Assisted Bicycle) ignored a stop line at a junction and was subsequently hit by a car. The car was going at around 30km/h and unable to avoid the rider, who was already onto the road and stopped moving like a deer in headlights. Upon impact, the rider was thrown off his bike and rolled on the road a couple times before getting back up. Rather smoothly, I must say. In an amazing stroke of luck, the rider seemed uninjured, despite not wearing a helmet or any protection. Incredibly, the rider was unsatisfied with simply getting away from a crash unscathed, and demanded compensation for the incident. What phone is worth $1800? And what loss of income bro?? Online chatter Quite a few people felt the demands were unjustified, with many different reasons. Others simply urged the camcar to just make a police report and claim their insurance instead. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
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Motorcyclist sees life flash before his eyes after accident with heavy truck
Fadevfast posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
This situation almost turned very gory. Watch the video to see why. What happened? A motorcyclist at the junction of Jalan Buroh and Jurong Port Road had the bright idea of stopping in front of a heavy truck, and nearly lost his life because of it. The motorcyclist was likely in the wrong lane for the direction he was heading, as he decided to rectify this by going right and stopping right in front of the truck. This was already an accident waiting to happen. My anxiety could never. And wait they did, as the video cuts to show them being the only 2 vehicles on the road. Soon after, the truck made its move. WIth almost disastrous results. The motorcyclist was knocked down, and his head was under the truck. In a miraculous stroke of luck, his head was knocked back by the truck’s wheel. Bro must have 9 lives for real. Likely driven by adrenaline, the motorcyclist was able to quickly move out of the truck’s wheels. The truck driver stopped and opened the door, but we cannot hear anything they said, if any words were exchanged. We do not have information on the status of the motorcyclist, or if the truck driver indeed missed him before moving. Online chatter The comment section is pretty unanimous in how it is the motorcyclist’s fault for stopping in the truck's blind spot ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!- 1 comment
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Lorry driver confirm thought that all his bad karma was saved up for that day. What happened? On 8th June 2023, 1913 hours, a head-on collision took place at the discretionary right turn junction of Woodlands Avenue 7 and 10. Now you might be thinking “Ok, so what? This kind of accident got a lot one what” but the police happened to be there with the most front row seat possible for this show. It seems they were shocked too, as it took a few seconds before the lights blared and they exited their vehicles. The video shows that they started assessing the condition of the drivers, with one of the officers talking on the phone and to the occupants in the car. It doesn't look like the occupants of either vehicle are too injured, as no one was pulled out of their vehicles or required immediate first aid. Traffic resumes a short while after the incident, and the world continues going round. Online chatter The timing is the first thing people made a joke out of, some people also joked about how the police would have reacted if their shift was coming to an end and they saw this play out. Some people thought that the police were too slow to react and did not have a sense of urgency. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
Work started in August, and when it is completed by the middle of 2023, the reconfigured junction should be easier to navigate. In the reconfiguration, two traffic islands, five small yellow boxes and six traffic lights will be removed. In their place will be one big yellow box, with just one set of traffic lights per direction. All existing right turns will be retained. In response to queries from The Straits Times, the Land Transport Authority (LTA) said the project “will simplify the current junction configuration into a normal cross junction”. When completed, “motorists can expect more seamless traffic flows through the cross junction, while pedestrians and cyclists can look forward to a wider footpath along the Upper Serangoon Road stretch”.
TLDR; A Mercedes Driver was caught flouting traffic rules and nearly causing an accident with a motorcyclist. This incident occurred at a discretionary turn junction. These junctions are notoriously known for having an increased likelihood of accidents. Below is an incident that proves this point. Watch the video below: 295895533_121486660611877_2490993593266327550_n.mp4 A Mercedes driver was caught on camera failing to give way to a motorcyclist at a discretionary right turn. The motorcyclist only managed to narrowly avoid a collision by braking at the last minute. The motorcyclist appeared ticked off by this and rightfully so. Even I would have felt the same way if I were in his position. Giving thanks to a higher power The motorcyclist posted this recount of the incident on SgRoadVigilante and thanked god that he managed to survive the incident without any lasting damage. Looks like a GLA... right? Judging from the footage, the vehicle looks like a Mercedes GLA, doesn't it? Though the footage is blurry, they do seem similar. \ Unfortunately, the video footage is too blur to make out the license plate of the GLA. Discretionary Right Turns in Singapore This doesn’t seem to be the only time that discretionary turns have caused trouble on the road in Singapore. They do seem to be a common cause of accidents. According to Today Online, there has been an average of around 430 accidents at traffic junctions with discretionary turns for the past five years, which is a whopping amount and is a statistic to take note of. Motorcyclists were also involved in around 40% of those incidents, making them extremely vulnerable to accidents involving discretionary turns. There has even been a plan by LTA (Land Transport Authority) to remove discretionary right turns at most traffic junctions by 2023, meaning that motorists would only be able to turn when there is a green arrow. This makes the decision to turn more straightforward and clear-cut, and hopefully would be able to reduce any further accidents. Netizen Comments Netizens express their take on this near collision incident, mostly criticizing the Mercedes driver, with one even accusing him/her of being a 'kopi license driver', which implies that their license was not obtained legitimately. Driving this recklessly at a right turn junction is just selfish and irresponsible behaviour. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
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For years... the long and painful war against the tyrants of the roads... the cyclists... has dragged on and on. Eh, we tahan a lot already OK! Repeating instances like these make it so hard to like them, don't you agree? At a bustling junction at Potong Pasir (segueing into Serangoon Road), in the early evening when road users were making their way home after a tiring day at work--- a dashcam video was captured of this errant cyclist! Such misdeeds put onto record, laid out for the world to see. Take a look at the video, if you can bear the oncoming rage you will feel: 293790065_1041116233131622_7034219696884844264_n.mp4 Damn. If you didn't catch that, the lady cyclist basically: 1) Almost rammed into a taxi Here is a zoom in: 2) Then, continued cycling on her merry way, disregarding the flow of traffic, 3) Causing the owner of the dashcam to have to brake abruptly Goodness gracious me. Fuiyoh! All her actions speak volumes about her mindset and values. We don't like to nag so we will just let our favourite Doge meme express how we feel: Doesn't it just make you seethe? The utter callousness of the cyclist? I think I shook my head so much my neck now has a cramp. The court of public opinion As one might expect, the online commentators ripped into the cyclist viciously. No mercy given here, no! Top Fan No.1 took on a chiding and reprimanding tone. While we agree that not all cyclists act like her... It seems funny that 99.5% percent always seem to exhibit the same traits of road-hogging and dangerous riding that causes inconvenience to others. But ahem, we digress. Top Fan No.2 delivers his devastating, and well-put, critique too. Haha! That sure is one way of solving the problem. Show her the might of the car horn, brother! Lastly, saving the best for the last: Great question, Top Fan No.3 (Wow! What's with the sudden influx of Top fans? This article must have generated the ire of many) Cease and desist, please We're not saying some people should have their bikes away... We are totally saying they should have their bikes taken away. But is it so hard to practice good road safety and habits? One of the first fundamentals of driving we were taught was to always be aware of your surroundings. (PSA to cyclists: please don't do what she did. Just know, if you ever pull the same stunt she did, inside the cars they will be cursing you soundly.) What if a car had slammed into her? What if she had crashed into a vehicle she was not aware of? Hospital bills, workshop fees. The worst part for the others involved? It wouldn't have been their fault. An accident that could have been easily avoided. Don't play play, life is precious. Good road habits may very well be the difference in whether you make it home alive and in one piece... or in a blue SPF tent. As always, stay safe, readers! ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
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TP officer escorts elderly women across road, warms the hearts of netizens!
chitchatboy posted a blog entry in MyAutoBlog
Amidst all the gloom around the world and bad road behavior we see on our roads here, there are still good vibes happening around once in a blue moon. Spotted on 25th of Nov 2020 along Ang Mo Kio Ave 1, the footage from this camera car shows it arriving at the traffic lights to see that the lane on his right was stationary even though his lane was moving. As the lights went green, he must have wondered why the first lane remained stuck. Upon reaching the stop line, we could see why as a kind-hearted Traffic Police officer could be seen helping an elderly cross the road. The lady would have taken some time to cross as the lights had already turned red before she even had time to reach the other side of the road. Naturally, neitzens were full of praise for Mr. TP officer on some Facebook pages ... -
This is why, in driving school, the instructors are always going on and on and on about checking for oncoming traffic when making a discretionary right turn, because you never know who or what might be coming from the other side. At the junction of North Coast Road and Woodlands Ave 9, this motorcyclist unfortunately did forget what he learned in driving school, seeing as he took off without fully checking if there were any other oncoming vehicles. Thankfully for him, his bike seemed to take the brunt of the impact, even though the rider did go flying in the air a little. He even is able to look up after landing beside the taxi. The taxi also seems to have slowed down just enough before impact. Sometimes, taking those extra few seconds to check for oncoming traffic while making a discretionary turn won't hurt. Especially if your view of oncoming traffic is blocked by a large vehicle. Better late than injured or worst, right?
- motorcyclist
- taxi
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hi, any bro can advise whether the red light camera at X-junction between lentor ave and yishun ave 1 (lower seletar reservoir park) is active?? thanks. i accidentally beat the red light as i did not notice the RED turn-right arrow as the traffic light to go straight is green. May I know wats the penalty and fine??
turning right at junction with the right turning arrow on. going straight is red. so i signal from the second right most lane near the junction into the right most lane to turn right. interestingly enough, the traffic camera flash at me. by then i already made the turn, while the turning right arrow is still not flashing. any mcfer kena this before and got a ticket? i guess i must have trip the sensor on the second right most lane.
Almost missed this!! Went to Bugis Junction for dinner recently and saw this but because I was rushing I didnt get to eat here. Going to eat here soon will take pics!! Some details first!! Information from Smart Local. The beef cube from Swag Grill Bar looks delicious. World Cup screening also available at Bugis Junction and Bugis+. Market On Wheels Address: 200 Victoria Street, Singapore188021 (open area near the fountain) Opening Hours: 11AM-9PM daily Date: 15 June 2018 - 14 July 2018
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Does anyone know whether are we still able to buy the above mentioned locally? Need to replace mine.
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- junctionproduce
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Researchers at A*STAR have developed a system to help car drivers navigate junctions safely by voicing out cautions. The system in the car will get signals from sensors installed at junctions that will inform drivers of any approaching pedestrian or vehicle. A*STAR’s Institute for Infocomm Research (I2R) said the system can detect the speed of all vehicles at the traffic junction and warn drivers of impending collision. It is now on a year-long trial -- from February 2014 to end-2014 -- to study the feasibility of using advanced technology to enhance traffic junction safety. Currently, only a pair of sensors is installed along Jurong East Ave 1 and Toh Guan Road. Dr Jaya Shankar P, programme head of intelligent transport systems at I2R, said: "This system can potentially go into the next generation in-vehicle unit. The next generation systems, based on connected vehicles that allow car-to-car and car-to-infrastructure communications, would be fitted with the appropriate radios and even screens for drivers to view, and we believe that this would actually benefit the drivers and could be potentially fitted into this system." Source:
Not me, just helping @j0ewhite to post. APPEAL FOR VIDEO FOOTAGE OF ACCIDENT - JUNCTION OF CUSCADEN RD & TOMLINSON ROAD. Accident between a black Toyota Vellfire and black Mazda 3. Happened on Wednesday 17 May 2017 around 2.50pm. Details in the pictures:
- If ever met with such situation, what should driver do? or can driver do anything abt it? Encountered once before, but is a T Junction. although jammed,but motorist from minor rd is able to slowly move out, not as bad as YCK.
Hi Guys Just want to share with you my recent experience. Was driving a friend's car last nite (alone) and it stalled in the middle of a road at Yio Chu Kang and Serangoon Gd Way junction . Tried to restart but no luck. Heart started to pump very fast, kan chiong already , as the light was turning amber. Cars were trying to squeeze pass me. It was panic button . My left hand fumbled for the hazard light button and at the same time trying to restart the car (key hole also on the left). Suddenly in the midst of my misery, came a TP knocking on my window(didn't even notice his presence). He asked, "what happened"?. Told him car stalled cannot start, he says let's push it a side. I came down and together we pushed the car. It was an old MB 300SEL a German "Tiger" weighing almost 2 tons. Finally we managed to push it to the side of the road, thank him and off he went. Luckily for me, he happened to rode by, if not sure stand like a damn fool causing a massive traffic jam. I wonder how many of us have actually been in such situation. After last nite, I can understand how these people feel in their stranded car. Finally called AA and got the car towed. Anyone has a story to share? Cheers
What is the correct way to do so? I normally wait for the people to cross then I go, but so long as the people have not crossed the Center divider on a dual carriage way, I will that the right way? Or do I have to wait for them to cross completely regardless of where they are? Reason for asking is that I see enforcement officers taking a video camera on a tripod pointing at the crossings twice in a week.
Dear all, I am posting this on behalf of a friend. We are appealing for witnesses for an accident involving a BMW and an Altis at the junction of Sengkang West Avenue and Sengkang West Road that happened on 02 Oct 2015 at around 0830am. Could anyone who had witnessed the accident or have footage of the accident please contact me by dropping me a message? We are looking for the truth. An image of the junction is as follows: Your help wil be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
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- sengkang west ave
- sengkang west road
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Hi Guys, my engine just die off when I was at a junction waiting for traffic to turn green. However, all electronic like radio and aircon still on except for the engine. I turn off everything and restart again. Any bros here had experience this before? Can anyone advise the problem? This is not the first time I encounter it. Anyway my ride is toyota allion, 08 model.
Ave 12 and Ave 7 junction couldnt get a pic, but a malaysia merc and a ntuc bus and a motorbike was on the other side An ambulance was present as well, no fatal it seemed... And i think the merc driver is female?
- What car is that? Whole rear axle can come out... Many accidents at this junction. At least 1 fatal. Anyone staying nearby got comments?
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- jurong west
- langa
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