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  1. If there is ever a Guinness record for stupidest things on earth, this one shall make it to the top 10, at least. I wonder how the pigeon is going to respond when the charge shit sheet is read out to him, and what will be the penalty for spying. "If you are found guilty for spying under section 123 of SMLJ ACT, you may face a penalty of up to RS100,000 fine, jail for up to 10 years (err pigeon life span is how long ah?) or be BBQ (death penalty)" Hahahaha Pigeon Suspected Of Being Chinese Spy By Police In India, Detained For 8 Months Source: https://mustsharenews.com/pigeon-spy-india/ A pigeon was suspected by the Indian police of being a Chinese spy, and detained for as long as eight months. The bird was finally released after an animal welfare group reached out to the police. It had aroused suspicion due to an illegible “message” on its wings. It started in May 2023, when the police in Mumbai found a bird that had what was thought to carry a “message” on its wings. Though the “words” were illegible, they seemed to be in a “Chinese-like script”, reported The Times Of India (TOI). It also had two rings tied to its leg, which made it more suspicious. The pigeon was sent to the Bai Sakarbai Dinshaw Petit Hospital for Animals (BSDPHA) to be medically examined as part of police investigations. It ended up staying there for an “astonishing” eight months, PETA India said. Recently, the hospital asked the police whether they could release the bird, which was healthy and taking up a cage for no good reason. However, no appropriate response was received. PETA India reaches out to police PETA India thus reached out to the police, requesting them to allow BSDPHA to release the pigeon. The organisation said that a 2011 court judgement stated that birds have a “fundamental right to live free in the open sky” and should not be caged. Another court order in 2015 also disallowed the caging of birds for business or other purposes. Initially, the pigeon was charged with spying. However, investigations revealed that the bird had taken part in racing events in Taiwan and accidentally flown to India, according to TOI. The charge was dropped and the police eventually granted the bird’s release. It was subsequently released on the hospital premises on Wednesday (31 Jan).
  2. Well done SPF! Interestingly, I saw this comment on Facebook about concerns that the Police Officer should have drawn his taser instead because he could have missed his shot and hurt someone else. 🥴
  3. Source: https://mothership.sg/2024/06/polite-police-car-investigations/ Police vehicles in Singapore are easily identified by their red and blue decals, with the word "Police" on their doors and bumpers. However, some Singaporeans did a double-take when they saw a vehicle that looked remarkably like it was from the police, but which turned out not to be upon closer inspection. It is not a police car but a "polite" car. Photos of the vehicle in question were uploaded on Facebook group SG Road Vigilante. The car had orange and blue decals resembling those seen on a police car, with the word "Polite" displayed on its doors and on the front of the vehicle. Investigations ongoing Some questioned the legality behind the design of the car, pointing out that road users could be misled by such vehicles on the road. The police confirmed with Mothership that a report was lodged and investigations are ongoing. Motorcyclist dressed like traffic police Previously, a motorcyclist dressed like a traffic police also stirred up discussion when pictures of him made their rounds online. However, it was reported that he was not actually breaking any laws. He was part of a motorcyclist group which rode around Singapore in similar attire, called the Diversion Escort by Team Diversion Singapore (TDS). First formed in 2011, it was built on its members' collective passion for owning a specific model of Yamaha motorcycles — the Yamaha XJ900 Diversion — which just happens to be the exact model used by the Traffic Police. Here's a similar case from 2020, with a rider on a white motorcycle with blue and red accents:
  4. Sources: https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/no-more-walk-ins-traffic-e-appeals-portal-is-only-way-to-submit-appeals SINGAPORE – From Thursday, the public can no longer submit appeals against traffic offences through walk-ins, fax, e-mail or post. Instead, appeals will be accepted only through the Traffic e-Appeals Portal, which has been expanded to cover appeals against driving licence suspensions or revocations, and the granting of licences on medical grounds, said the police in a statement on Wednesday. The appeal process will take between two and four weeks before the outcome is released, the police said regarding the new appeal options. For complex cases, it may take at least four weeks to complete the appeal review. “The Traffic Police (TP) would also like to reiterate that only appeals with extenuating circumstances, such as medical emergencies, and with supporting documentary proof will be considered. To protect the safety of all road users, TP takes a firm stance towards traffic offenders. All appeals which do not meet the above criteria will be rejected,” the statement said. Those looking to access the portal can visit www.police.gov.sg/e-services and clicking on “Traffic e-Appeals”.
  5. France burns... and the police seem to have some serious split with the govt on how to handle it. The supposed translated communique is very hard core. http://www.trtafrika.com/world/police-syndicate-deletes-tweet-praising-killing-of-teen-as-protests-persist-in-france-13825490 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/06/30/paris-shooting-violence-nanterre-olympic-pool-nahel-france/
  6. All I can say is that Singapore is really NOT a place for car lovers. Beside the ultra high vehicle taxes and ownership cost, car meetups also need a Police Permit?! So should our police demand the same for those cyclists who get together every weekend in big group, posing hazards and risk to other road users?? Police warns organisers of convoy gatherings to abandon plans; 5 men under investigation The police said they are aware of planned gatherings of vehicles to travel in a convoy at various locations over the long weekend They warned that doing so is an offence punishable with fine or jail, or both They said that five men are under investigation for organising two convoy gatherings last week They are also looking into a meet up of car enthusiasts last week at an open air carpark at Decathlon Kallang The police said on Monday (May 2) they are aware of planned gatherings for vehicles to travel in a convoy at various locations over the long weekend, warning that doing so is an offence that could land the organisers in jail. In a statement, the police said it is investigating two incidents last week in which vehicles were driven in a convoy. The authorities are also looking into a third incident involving a gathering of car enthusiasts at an open air carpark in Kallang. Five men, aged between 22 and 26, have been identified as organisers of the convoy events, though the police did not reveal their names. They are now under investigation for “conducting an event on the road or part thereof without a permit”, the police said. “The police would like to remind the public that conducting an event on any road or part thereof without a police permit is illegal in Singapore and we will not hesitate to take firm action against those who choose to flout our laws,” it said. Under the Road Traffic Act, any person convicted of conducting any event on any road could be fined S$1,000 or jailed up to three months, or both. Repeat offenders are liable for double the punishment — a S$2,000 fine or up to six months’ jail, or both.
  7. This one needs to learn what karma is. Watch the video to see why! What happened? A Volkswagen Touran driver was caught on camera having a fit of road rage after a camcar tried to move in front of him after the other lane was closed. The footage shows the camcar accelerating in order to get past him as the other lane was undergoing construction, only for the manoeuvre to be unsuccessful. However, the Volkswagen suddenly braked, almost causing an accident. The driver quickly ran out of the car. The video then switches to another camera to show the driver vigorously shaking the door, slamming it repeatedly before walking back to his car. A CERTIS officer was also present, though there’s nothing to show if he was involved or not in defusing the situation. Funnily enough, the VW driver was caught cutting others off as well in a separate incident, and this time a police vehicle no less! Not sure what turn signal uses the taillights of both sides. I think the officer would be curious too, assuming making such a sudden turn is acceptable in the first place Online chatter Many said “GG” for cutting off the police vehicle in the first incident. Others (rightfully) criticised the driver for his unacceptable and hypocritical behaviour, asking authorities to punish him. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  8. Got money but no manners. Or basic human decency. Watch the video to see why. What happened? On 10 June, last Saturday at the Johor-Singapore Causeway, a Malaysian Toyota Alphard decided that it would be better to risk going to jail and injuring a traffic marshal instead of facing the consequences. The Toyota was seen driving on the bus-lorry lane. This is seen as soon after it passes by the camcar on screen, a bus appears behind the Alphard. This did not go unnoticed by traffic marshals either, who were shown telling the Toyota to turn around and go to the start of the queue. Making a move to go to the right, the Toyota made a feint as if to comply before righting itself and going full speed ahead, before the officers could do something. If the officers made a move to block the Alphard from continuing straight, it is likely injuries would have occurred. Online chatter Many are angry that the Toyota driver can behave in such a manner, and call for punishments such as jail or being banned from entering Singapore again. Others are resigned, saying that the driver can simply come back to Singapore with new plates and get away scot-free. Punishment? The comments about swapping plates intrigued me. So I did some research about what measures are there to find this person again. If you don’t know, when travelling by car on the Causeway you need a Vehicle Entry Permit (VEP)/ Autopass card. This card would require your registration with your passport or identification card. So in theory, even if the driver comes back with a different number plate, the authorities can still catch them by looking at the current name attached to the current number plate and blacklist it! This way, the driver will be caught on their next attempt to come to Singapore. Here’s to hoping the law prevails. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  9. This could have gone horribly wrong if not for the camcar’s situational awareness. What happened? On 5 June 2023, a camcar and his friends were on a trip to Genting when they encountered some “police officers”. In the Facebook post, the camcar was in Kulai when 3 men in a Honda tried to wave them down and get them to stop. The men were wearing police vests and facemasks, using blinkers and flashlights in order to get the camcar to pullover. The camcar suspected something was wrong and focused on not letting the Honda get ahead and stop them. The camcar called the actual police, who told them not to stop and go to the nearest police station if still followed. Online chatter People praised the camcar for spreading this information, preventing others from getting caught in the same trap. On a lighter note, many roasted the impostors for the slow car. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  10. TL;DR - Singapore Traffic Police crack down on Lalamove’s dangerous driving and wreaking havoc on the streets Toyota Hiace driver's reckless drive land him in a joyous ride to the police station Watch this 2 minute video of the driver getting nabbed (and his partner just randomly laying on the ground). What happened? A Toyota Hiace driver was recently arrested by the Traffic Police after crashing into a walkway along Jalan Sultan *school zone*. The incident caused damage to both the vehicle and the surrounding area. The driver was allegedly speeding when he lost control of the vehicle and crashed into the walkway. The impact was so severe that it caused the steel railing to fall off onto the ground. The Singapore Traffic Police were alerted to the incident and arrived on the scene shortly after. The driver was immediately arrested with handcuffs. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of accidents caused by reckless driving, particularly among younger drivers. The authorities have responded by stepping up enforcement efforts and implementing tougher penalties for offenders. The consequences of reckless driving can be severe, both for the driver and for innocent bystanders. Not only can it result in injury or death, but it can also lead to legal and financial repercussions, such as fines, demerit points, and even imprisonment. Online Chat If I may ask, what is the guy lying down on the ground for...? Do you think the driver was under the influence of drugs/alcohol or do you think he was just simply a reckless driver, driving without due care? Comment down below! Takeaway The incident serves as a reminder of the dangers of reckless driving and the importance of obeying traffic laws. Singapore has some of the strictest traffic regulations in the world, and the authorities are very, very quick to take action against anyone who flouts the rules. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  11. TL;DR- Police car made illegal U-turn, facebook comments are wrong The comments section are once again alight with intelligent debate (swearing and accusations) and civilised discourse (putting down others and placing yourself as the superior person). Just another day on Facebook. What happened? On 23 March, 9,36p.m, a cam car caught a police car making an illegal U-turn at Braddell Flyover. Cue shocked gasps. You can even hear the cam car driver say “What the…” when the police car cut him off in the footage. However, Facebook says otherwise, with many comments defending the police car and saying it is the cam car’s fault. But are they actually right? The confusing road of Braddell Flyover This is the road that the cam car and police car was on in the video. As we can see, the road signs both have arrows indicating that drivers on this lane need to go right. However, why is this so? Seems redundant to have two lanes to go in the same direction. Besides this, the two cars in front of the cam and police car went in the same direction, and not the one indicated on the road, i.e straight. So are they wrong as well? They aren’t. The police car really is in the wrong. This is because all parties are really turning right, but to a different degree of right. Here’s a diagram from another Facebook user to explain, with arrows indicating what car was going where. The police car was actually making a U-turn, but was in the wrong lane to do so. Furthermore, there was no U-turn sign visible. The cam car was not in the wrong as they would be allowed to drive “straight”, and the police car should have been in the cam car’s lane too in order to execute that turn LEGALLY. In conclusion, police car confirm wrong. Writer's thoughts: I think this might be my longest post so far so please share. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  12. I can only imagine how it feels like to do a burnout. To have all that power sent straight to the wheels, to hear your tortured tires screaming, to smell the smoke before you go full send and are thrown back into your seat as the lights go green. This GetGo driver can join me and keep imagining too. What happened? On March 20, at Bedok North Avenue 3, a GetGo car was beginning to move forward after a green light when its handbrake engaged. However, the driver continued to move and was even in the process of turning left while his rear tyres were locked up. This is even more confusing when you realise that the sound the rear tyres made would be even louder for the driver, as the audio recorded was from a cam car. Not to mention the feedback from having 2 immobile wheels. And bro was still driving?? A kind police officer followed the GetGo car and pulled him over to help with his issue. Online chatter Most people were criticising the driver and his skill issue. To be fair, I think it’s warranted. This one even if he cannot hear anything, confirm still can feel right? Others had a laugh. Also warranted. I think when the driver realises what happened, he will start quoting Lewis Hamilton. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  13. Source: https://mothership.sg/2023/03/police-scdf-video-livestream/ Where helpful, officers at the respective Singapore Police Force (SPF) and Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) operation centres can now choose to initiate a live video stream during '999' or '995' calls. Callers, from a safe location, will then give the operators consent to activate the live video stream. This new capability, the Emergency Video System, is jointly developed by the SPF, the SCDF and the Home Team Science and Technology Agency in collaboration with ST Engineering. How it works In a media factsheet jointly released by the agencies on Mar. 20, they noted that officers at the operation centres may sometimes face difficulties in understanding the incident situation over an emergency call. This is especially so for "complex and dynamic situations" in which the caller may be unable to communicate the extent of the situation, the agencies said. When deemed useful, officers at the operations centres will initiate the activation of the system. Callers will then receive an SMS with a hyperlink. After tapping on the hyperlink, the web browser on the caller's mobile phone will be used to stream live footage of the incident. No installation of mobile applications is required on the caller's phone. While the live video stream is active, the caller should remain on the '999' or '995' call as this will allow the operation centre officers to communicate verbally with the caller, said the agencies. The caller's location will also be transmitted by the system to the operation centre. System will aid in decision-making According to SPF and SCDF, the link is a one-time link that will expire once tapped on or after a period of time, CNA reported. Callers may also choose to decline the live video stream request by ignoring the link or end the video stream from their mobile phone, the Home Team agencies said, according to CNA. "During major emergencies that involve both agencies (e.g. major fires), the same live stream may be shared between the SPF and SCDF Operations Centres", the agencies pointed out in the factsheet. According to the agencies, the introduction of the Emergency Video System will augment the Home Team's emergency call response and aid in their officers' situational assessment and decision-making.
  14. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/dead-man-body-floating-water-merlion-park-retrieved-spf-scdf-police-3189876 SINGAPORE: Police are investigating after a 31-year-old man was found floating in the water off Merlion Park on Saturday (Jan 7). Authorities said they received a call for assistance at about 6.30pm. The Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) also said it received a call for a water rescue at 21 Esplanade Drive at about the same time. "Upon SCDF's arrival, a body was seen floating in the water," it said. "SCDF rescuers retrieved the body from the surface of the water. "The person was pronounced dead at the scene by an SCDF paramedic." Police added that it does not suspect foul play based on preliminary investigations.
  15. Cheers to Mr. Jonathan for going viral Cheers to your dream come true Cheers to the start of your new career as a TikToker Cheers for making a fool of yourself in a series of 5 videos Cheers to Cheers Singapore for not defending Mr TikToker Jonathan. On a side note, I scrolled through his TikTok account and found many SPF-related videos, most of which portraying SPF in a negative light. It's no surprise he jumped on the occasion to create a scene with our police force when the opportunity arose. Looks to be anti-Singapore Police Force/Anti-Government/PAP lol. For your midweek entertainment. Cheers to the first joker of 2023!
  16. https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/im-here-turn-myself-police-officer-making-netizens-hearts-go-bedok-bedok?utm_source=instagram&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign&utm_content
  17. Those who like to watch Japanese educational video, don't keep or reproduce them, else if caught, your DNA data will be collected legally liao. The same for drink and drive offender. Source: https://www.channelnewsasia.com/singapore/police-dna-crime-privacy-security-2933231 Parliament on Monday (Sep 12) passed a draft law that widens the scope under which police can collect DNA from people under arrest, after Members of Parliament debated the privacy and security concerns surrounding this. Under the Bill, more crimes will be added to a list for which DNA can be collected from suspects, a move the Government had argued will improve the police’s ability to solve crimes. The current practice of restricting DNA collection to a list of registrable crimes has resulted in a smaller DNA database, said the Government. Registrable crimes comprise more serious offences like murder, rape, and robbery as well as other offences like shop theft, molestation and cheating. The Bill will now allow police to collect and store DNA from those arrested for "eligible" crimes like voluntarily causing hurt, drink driving and reproducing obscene films. Eligible crimes, considered more serious, are those that are imprisonable and not compoundable under any written law. The DNA information can be used for criminal investigations, forensic comparison with other DNA information, and for criminal proceedings. The Bill will also allow the information to be used to identify a dead individual, and for any investigations and inquiries into a death. It can also be used to identify an individual, who is otherwise unidentified or unable to identify himself.
  18. Since the border opening, there have been numerous incidents of Singaporeans misbehaving in Malaysia: Singaporean Volkswagen GTI driver enters a roundabout at full speed, hits a MPV and scoots off in Johor Bahru Mazda 5 driver from Singapore parks and hogs an entire single lane in JB, also gets caught driving on the road shoulder of an expressway BMW 523i driver comes out of his car and pees in public. Gets caught on CCTV And who can forget the infamous 'Kia Cerato' lady who made international headlines? Now, a group of Singaporean 'ah bengs' are wanted by Malaysian Police for investigation after allegedly assaulting a Malaysian man with a wrench. Watch the confrontation between these Singaporean 'ah bengs' and a group of Malaysians here: Here's what the video didn't show Apparently, the three 'ah bengs' confronted a Malaysian man in his car after they had a misunderstanding in the entertainment venue they were in earlier. According to the police report lodged by the victim, one 'ah beng' swung a wrench at him when he wound down his car's window, causing injuries to his nose and right eye. (In the video, an individual could be seen waving a wrench in his hand while making aggressive gestures.) After realising their friend was in trouble, the victim's friends rushed to his aid. Subsequently, the Singaporean 'ah bengs' scooted off in a white Lexus after the assault on the victim. After completing their preliminary investigations, Malaysian Police are now looking for the 3 Singaporeans involved in the alleged assault case. Netizens' Comments That's savage. If this really happens, these three guys will be public enemy #1 because we won't have access to cheap(er) petrol anymore😪 Wah, that will be a plot twist! ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  19. Oh no! With another day in Singapore, yet another unfortunate traffic incident... This time, taking place at this West Coast junction. From here, we see a police car parked behind the trailer that is lying helplessly on its side as the surrounding traffic mills past, keeping a wide berth away from the accident area, cordoned off by orange cones. 291181420_1089185911999828_7590787707057688719_n.mp4 The trailer cuts a rather lonely, hulking silhouette with the space around it. Seemingly due to the violent impact of the crash, some fuel or engine fluids had spilled out from the upper part of the trailer: Already messy, it would be rather dangerous if these flammable liquids got spread further out onto the road or made contact with other vehicles. Thank goodness the area was bordered off. There were no ambulances sighted at the scene. We can only conclude that the driver either did not suffer serious injuries, or was already carted off to the nearest hospital by then. How could such an accident have happened? Was there a root cause? Some speculative comments left by netizens shed some insight onto the situation: This statement was corroborated by another person's comment: It seem like this sentiment of speeding is shared by, and agreed upon, by many! Another school of thought was presented by another commentator: Pot holes and roads at an uneven angle are huge causes for freak accidents like this one. It make sense, but seeing as many of us were not there, it is hard to objectively conclude the actual reason for the trailer flipping. As far as we can see, there are no visible potholes in the video... but perhaps their presence is only something that is known by those who frequent this road or area. We hope that the driver involved was not injured too badly. In the meantime, always stay safe and vigilant on the roads, readers! ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  20. Why does the police play copyright music during work, particularly when taking actions against suspect(s)? Well, most of you should know that social media such as youtube, instagram and such have built-in functions for user to share copyright material, INGENIOUS act! 🤣👍 Cop Admits To Playing Copyrighted Music Through Squad Car PA To Keep Videos Off YouTube Source: https://jalopnik.com/cop-admits-to-playing-copyrighted-music-through-squad-c-1848776860 https://youtu.be/9f-z-5HZr6w Watch Sheriff’s Sergeant Play Taylor Swift to Avoid Ending Up on YouTube Source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/dyv48q/watch-this-sheriffs-sergeant-play-taylor-swift-to-avoid-ending-up-on-youtube New Video Shows Beverly Hills Cops Playing Beatles to Trigger Instagram Copyright Filter Source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvxa7q/new-video-shows-beverly-hills-cops-playing-beatles-to-trigger-instagram-copyright-filter Is This Beverly Hills Cop Playing Sublime’s ‘Santeria’ to Avoid Being Live-Streamed? Source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/bvxb94/is-this-beverly-hills-cop-playing-sublimes-santeria-to-avoid-being-livestreamed It Sure Looks Like This Cop Played Country Music to Avoid Being Filmed Source: https://www.vice.com/en/article/wx89kn/it-sure-looks-like-this-cop-played-country-music-to-avoid-being-filmed
  21. https://www.8world.com/singapore/severed-leg-found-queenstown-hdb-rubbish-chute-1746011 垃圾槽惊现断腿视频疯传 警方证实视频属实但排除他杀 新加坡 发布: 06/03/2022 19:44 更新: 1小时前 近日,网上疯传一段组屋底层垃圾槽出现血淋淋的断腿视频,引起网民热论。警方证实有关案件确实在本地发生,并指这是一起非自然死亡案件,不过排除他杀的可能性。 根据网上流传的视频,有人拍到几个大型垃圾桶旁发现一截血淋淋的小腿,周围还散落着一些纸皮和垃圾。 从短短的16秒视频中可见,发现断腿的地点疑似组屋楼下一个垃圾槽。 新加坡警察部队回复《8视界新闻网》询问时,也证实在前天(4日)中午12点35分左右接获报案,指女皇镇玛格烈通道(Margaret Drive)第37座组屋发生了一起非自然死亡案件。 警方到场后发现一名31岁男子一动不动,被医护人员当场宣告不治。 根据警方的初步调查,已排除了他杀的可能性,相关调查还在进行中
  22. SINGAPORE: Lawyer and opposition politician Lim Tean was arrested on Tuesday (Oct 2) for alleged criminal breach of trust and is also being investigated for unlawful stalking, said the Singapore Police Force (SPF) on Friday. The arrest came after Mr Lim failed to comply with a police notice to attend a compulsory interview on Monday to assist with investigations into the two alleged offences, the police said. "As Mr Lim Tean did not cooperate with the notice to attend an interview with police, and had stated clearly that he had no intent to comply, the police had no choice but to arrest Mr Lim Tean in order to conduct the investigations," said SPF in a news release. "This would not have been necessary, if he complied with the police notice to come for an interview," they added. ALLEGED OFFENCES The police said that the counsel of Mr Lim's former client had lodged a police report alleging that that Mr Lim had misappropriated a sum of money awarded to him as damages by the court. Mr Lim had acted for the former client in a motor injury suit, said the police. Separately, a former employee of Mr Lim has also lodged a police report against him, alleging that she was harassed by him while working at his law firm, said the police. The employee has referred the police to text messages that were exchanged between her and Mr Lim, they added. POLICE INTERVIEW The police contacted Mr Lim and issued him with a written notice under the Criminal Procedure Code on Sep 23 to attend a compulsory interview on Sep 28 at the Police Cantonment complex to assist with investigations into the alleged offences. Mr Lim was also told that he could reschedule the interview if he wanted, said the police. "However, Mr Lim Tean replied through his counsel on Sep 27 that he had no intention of turning up for any police interview. He also made baseless allegations that the investigations against him were politically motivated," said the police. "The police have a responsibility to investigate reports which are made, if prima facie they disclose a basis for further investigations. Persons called for police interviews must comply. "Mr Lim Tean’s alleged victims had filed police reports alleging serious offences by him against them, and the police have a duty to investigate the allegations," they said. Lawyer M Ravi said in a Facebook post on Friday that Mr Lim has instructed him to act as defence counsel. https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/singapore/lim-tean-police-arrest-alleged-breach-of-trust-investigations-13178292 https://mothership.sg/2020/10/lim-tean-arrested/
  23. https://www.asiaone.com/singapore/youve-chinese-name-you-sound-indian-woman-asks-police-officer-scam-call-spell-his-name 'You've a Chinese name but you sound Indian': Woman asks 'police officer' in scam call to spell his name Woman still waste time asking the scammer to spell out his name.
  24. Source: https://mothership.sg/2021/12/scammer-singapore-police-change-looks/ Do you ever feel like your voice isn't heard? Well, don't feel that way. Because an alleged scammer targeting people in Singapore has certainly heard you and has changed his style according to your timely feedback of looking too fake. This development on the criminal front was brought to light on Facebook on Dec. 8. What happened previously? An alleged scammer, who was seen dressed to look like a personnel from the Singapore Police Force, appeared to have been improving his appearance to look more like the real deal. This was after he was called out in late November for being lazy in not wearing the correct cap, while exposing his chest hair, which is highly unprofessional because the Singapore Police Force will never allow that. Also, the alleged scammer of south Asian descent, was accused of cold calling people on this island in an attempt to make his callers part with their money using nothing but his words and appearance, yet did not work hard enough at lowering people's guard by maintaining his credibility first. Improved appearance But a week of insults and feedback has since done him some good. Previously, the alleged scammer's cap displayed a recognisable New York Yankees logo beside a faux SPF logo -- a low quality simulation. In his latest makeover, Johnny Scammer donned a dark cap devoid of logos. He also buttoned up his shirt to hide his unkempt chest hair and stop them from peeking out from underneath the fabric, as it was his previous untidy appearance that gave him away as a low-cost cosplayer. His eyebrows also appeared trimmed now. To add a touch of officialdom, the alleged scammer even put on a blue lanyard to show he can exude authority because anyone in a position of power owns one at some point while floating up the hierarchy to reach the higher rungs of authority. However, another photo of the scammer has emerged, which showed that he might still have his work cut out for him. Because his cap now has the Adidas logo. Could be different scammer But, of course, the other scammer and this current one might not even be the same person, and both just happen to share the same modus operandi. If they are different, apologies are in order for associating the current alleged scammer with the less effortful alleged scammer previously. Regardless, this is the phone number on caller ID of the better groomed scammer.
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