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No one appreciates a Mitsubishi Lancer’s ‘boom boom boom’ exhaust at 5am

No one appreciates a Mitsubishi Lancer’s ‘boom boom boom’ exhaust at 5am



TL;DR – Two men argue at a multi-storey carpark because one of them allegedly parked his Mitsubishi Lancer (with a modded exhaust) and revved unnecessarily at five in the morning.

Here’s something interesting that SG Road Vigilante just uploaded - Two men arguing over a Mitsubishi Lancer’s modified exhaust.

Here’s the video:


Boom Boom Boom

From the conversation between the two men, we can safely assume there was an exchange of words before the start of the video.

The guy taking the video is unhappy with the Lancer driver’s disregard for the neighbours.

Ask you very simple. Be considerate. You come inside here, Boom Boom Boom. You parking here, not moving also you whack whack whack like that. Eh, every morning 5 o’clock you in the morning you do like that you know brother.


Lancer driver


The Lancer driver does not address the guy’s concerns. Instead, he focuses on other things

Wah, now video, talk nicely ah? Just now want to play gangster, call police, say I no lan jiao. But now ah, video ah, he talk nicely because he scared I post

Before I continue, let me just put it out there = I did not expect the Lancer driver’s voice to sound like…. that.

Not an isolated incident

According to the guy taking the video, the Lancer driver has been doing this for a while now.

The Lancer driver’s defence? “Because I need to work, I work midnight.”


I’m so confused right now.

Say what?



Don’t forget his voice.



His kkj?


Ouch, that’s a first, second and third-degree burn all in.


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Empty vessel makes the loudest noise mah.

Security guards of course start work at midnight.

Edited by Watwheels
  • Haha! 1
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The best LTA ''marked'' His Car,do a 100% check on that Car for illegal Mods,fine him until His Pants drop.

  • Praise 1
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You can really complain to LTA, and they can really come down to spot check the car. There was a video on one that kena the LTA come to his property to spot check his car after kena complained by neighbours...

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19 hours ago, Windwaver said:

What enforcement action?

No idea. The post didn't say. Probably have to go down for inspection?

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the usual inspection, then fine for whatever illegal mod he have. Then replace it to stock or approved type.

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7 hours ago, jameskarlchan said:

No idea. The post didn't say. Probably have to go down for inspection?

2 hours ago, Dafansu said:

the usual inspection, then fine for whatever illegal mod he have. Then replace it to stock or approved type.

What's the point? :lll._.:

  • Haha! 1
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Hi Residents,

I have noticed the owner of Mitsubishi Evo SGU9799B has changed car to a used Blue Volkswagen Scirocco SMQ9104 parked on the 3rd level CP.

He would turn on his engine "IDLING" and sleeps inside! usually in the afternoon 4-5 pm!

Is there anyway to report to LTA or NEA?

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