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Found 9 results

  1. Yet another case of "Do you know how rich I am?" 😢😢😢 The male resident could also be heard questioning the security guard why he wheel clamped his BMW. The security guard explained that the male resident had parked improperly the day before. At this point, the male resident interrupted the security guard's explanation and asked, "Do you know how many units I have here?" Subsequently, when the security guard could not answer, the male resident responded: "I have more than two units here!" As it was raining at that time, the security guard asked the male resident to go to a sheltered place to talk, but the male resident said: "Since you all like to make things difficult for others so much, just get sick, as you are poor, and like to die."
  2. As of January 1st, all cyclists in Singapore have to maintain a maximum length of 5 bicycles per group on the roads. Failure to heed this new regulation will result in a whopping $150 fine for errant cyclists. While most have kept to this new regulation, this group of cycling enthusiasts attempts to defy the rules by tackling the roads (and the drivers) late at night. In the wee hours of 9th Jan, a driver was travelling near Keong Saik Road when he chanced upon the large group of cyclists. After stopping to let them pass, he tagged behind the group as he needed to make another left turn. As he drove, he realized that the cyclists were slowing down and stopping to decide what to have for supper in the middle of the road. Wanting to make his left turn, the driver honked at the group, letting them know of his presence. This upsets one of the cyclists, who turns his head and glares at the driver. The cam car then makes its way to pick up a passenger in a nearby alleyway while being chased down by a group of upset cyclists. As the driver was about to leave, he notices one of the cyclists approaching his vehicle from the right. The angsty rider plops in front of the vehicle to block its way as his other friends arrive, shouting vulgarities and challenging the driver to a fight. The cyclist in blue throws down his bike, angrily gesturing at the driver for honking earlier on. He even smacks the car's bonnet a few times as he confronts the driver. The video ends with a picture of a handprint on the window of the cam car. Harassment in Singapore According to the Protection from Harassment Act (POHA), any person who threatens, abuses or insults (whether by behaviour, words or other forms of communication) with the intention to cause and did cause another person alarm, harassment or distress, will be guilty of an offence. Offenders will receive a fine of up to $5,000 and/or an imprisonment term of up to 6 months. For repeat offenders, the punishment will be doubled. For causing someone to believe that unlawful violence will be used against him, offenders will face another charge and receive a fine of up to $5,000 and/or imprisonment terms of up to 12 months. Lastly, unlawful stalking is also an offence under the POHA and it constitutes: Following someone Loitering in areas near someone’s home or business Giving or leaving someone gifts despite being asked to stop doing so Keeping someone under surveillance Repeated circulation of revealing photographs of a classmate to other classmates If convicted, offenders will receive a fine of up to $5,000 and/or an imprisonment term of up to 12 months. Netizens’ reactions I agree with this comment. While cyclists are more vulnerable on the roads, it does not mean that they get to do whatever they want on the road. I think that would create more issues instead 😥 Is there such a thing as bicycle gangs? ======== Receive a $10 PayNow for every submission we publish on Facebook! Simply WhatsApp us ➡️https://bit.ly/3c6JERA
  3. When life doesn't go our way, we have to suck it up and move on. Some of us, however, tend to go the other direction. A video of a young punk (YP) harassing a driver in a multi-storey carpark late at night has circulated on Facebook. The man who recorded the incident stated that he heard the YP shouting late at night while the driver honked at him to give way. In the video, a driver is trying to park his car in one of the lots. As he reverses, the YP waddles forward and blocks his path. He then madly waves at the driver and hits the bonnet of the car. Not wanting to confront the crazed punk, the driver remains seated in his vehicle. After some time, the YP gets tired and sits at the side of the car. At this moment, the driver attempts to escape and drive off to a safe location. However, the YP immediately stands up and blocks the car while shouting at the driver. Slowly, the car inches forward as the driver attempts to drive away from this madness. Not wanting the driver to leave, the YP continues to taunt him by blocking and leaning on the car's bonnet. Ten minutes later, police officers arrived on the scene after responding to the driver's call. I guess you could say that this YP won the battle but lost the war. Netizens' reactions Hello IMH, I think we found your missing patient. In Singapore, harassment is a very serious offence and offenders will face a fine of up to $5,000, a jail term of up to 6 months, or both. ======== Receive a $10 PayNow for every submission we publish on Facebook! Simply WhatsApp us ➡️ https://bit.ly/3c6JERA
  4. Sexual harassment on trains What would be your reply?
  5. Camrysfa

    SG Doctor

    Post this to understand more . . . hope it has not been posted yet. Doctor's captions on YouTube videos of spat spark harassment case http://www.straitstimes.com/news/singapore/courts-crime/story/doctors-captions-youtube-videos-spat-spark-harassment-case-2015011 What began as a petrol station spat between two men has escalated into an anti-harassment case involving YouTube videos. A district court yesterday ordered Dr K. Paramesvaran, who is better known as Dr Param, to remove the captions he had put into two videos that he uploaded detailing his run-in with Frenchman Yannick Pierre Yves Le Borgne at a Caltex station last April. The order is an interim one until the case is settled in court. This is believed to be the first time thaoot a court has issued an expedited protection order (EPO) under the Protection from Harassment Act, landmark legislation passed last year which, among other things, seeks to curb online harassment. Unlike a protection order, an EPO is issued on a temporary basis to prevent further alleged harassment until a case is settled. The court has also ordered that the captions cannot be printed by any other parties. The videos seem to have been taken from closed-circuit television footage at a petrol station in the Holland Road area. In one 6.5-minute video, Dr Param, managing director of Medical Imaging, which runs a chain of radiological clinics, is seen paying at the petrol kiosk's counter. A Caucasian man then approaches the doctor from behind, and starts talking to him. He points his finger several times, and is also seen patting Dr Param on the shoulder. In another three-minute video, the 36-year-old Frenchman is seen stopping his car alongside that of Dr Param's as he is pumping air into his tyres. He steps out of the car and again gesticulates towards Dr Param and engages him in some kind of argument. It is unclear what started the spat but the entire episode seems to have left Dr Param aggrieved. He lodged a Magistrate's Complaint shortly after the incident and the case was probed by the police as a case of intentional harassment. But last November, police informed him that after considering the facts and circumstances of the case and with advice from the Attorney-General's Chambers, no further action would be taken against Mr Yannick. Last month, the doctor, who is in his 60s, posted the two videos to air his grievances. Mr Yannick, who is represented by lawyer Choo Zheng Xi, claimed the text and commentary accompanying the videos, which could have gone viral, was a continuing source of harassment to him. He applied to have the text removed. The judge ruled that the videos have to be renamed "Incident at Caltex on 20 April 2014". But Dr Param, who was defended by lawyer Foo Soon Yien, is free to state on the videos that the previous comments had been removed pending a trial. According to the ruling, failure to obey the court's order could result in a contempt of court action or a Protection of Harassment Act offence which carries a fine of up to $5,000 and/or a jail term of up to six months. Responding to queries, a State Courts spokesman said yesterday that since the new Act came into force last Nov 15 till Jan 7 this year, there have been 79 Magistrate's Complaints for harassment. There were also 13 applications for Protection Orders under Originating Summons. Magistrate's Complaints relate to criminal cases while Originating Summons are civil remedies. Three Protection Orders have been issued by the State Courts, and the remainder of the cases are ongoing, she added.
  6. Naughty seals http://www.bbc.com/earth/story/20141117-why-seals-have-sex-with-penguins
  7. From Yahoo! News: http://sg.news.yahoo.com/blogs/singaporesc...-104456912.html NTU student accused of sexual harassment By debchoo | SingaporeScene
  8. guys guys guys, This is sharing a tale from Sammyboy forum - Singapore's most popular anti-PAP forum apart from Temasek Review Take the following tale with some salt okay? Especially after the fake story of MINDEF. zzzz... But then there might be some truth in SPH reporters' unwanted persistent. Last time the police had to handcuff a Wanbao reporter because the latter is stubborn and insist to endanger his own life to take some langar photos I think. Anyone had experiences with our local paparazzis? http://www.sammyboy.com/showthread.php?109...SSING-MY-MOTHER I didn't link the reporter's photograph, just in case he's innocent...
  9. I moved into my current flat for close to 10 years already. There have been 3 cases of loan-shark harassments. I am innocent, I did not borrow any money from them. Case 1: In 1998, when I just moved in, my wall was vandalised. Debtor was the previous house owner's son, Liew Yon* Chia*. We explained to the Ah Long we are the new owners, showed them the PUB bills, they believed us and left us alone. Good grief. Nothing happened for 10 years. Then Case 2 suddenly popped out on ~20/11/2007. Case 2: 20/11/2007. Our wall was vandalised, with minor paints on the door. No names were scribbled, just the unit number. We repainted the wall and cleaned the metal gate with paint solvent. One month passed, nothing happened before case 3 comes. Case 3: 31/12/2007. Wall was re-vandalised with name "Liew Yon* Chia*" scribbled. Then we know it must be the previous house owner's son again. Gate was locked with bicycle chain. Paint on gate was worst. Tried to call up the hp number left by the Ah Long, but nobody picked up. What can I do? Suggestions, please.
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