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Poor Worksmanship from Tyre Workshop


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So, I had a set of tyre rims that I bought used - and I decided to send them to a certain tyre workshop that is very, very popular with PHV drivers.


What was supposed to be a very simple tyre change job turned out to be a great disappointment. 

I did not inspect the tyres in much detail after the job was done. until I got home.

Since my rims had been repaired and repainted before I sent in the rims for the tyre job, the surface was flawless, and any form of poor worksmanship were immediately apparent to see, starting with this:


Now these scuff marks - make as you will how they surfaced onto the rims, but I didn't really bother so much about it, until I saw the next 4 images:


4 gouges into the rim, all at the same spot.

Now before you bash me - note that I do understand that empty tyre rims need to be balanced on the machine after mounting a fresh set of tyres.
And I had passed the empty rims to the tyre shop with the center caps in a SEPARATE
bag - just like my 1st picture.

But what I did not expect was that the 4 gouges where the paint layers came off - were all IN THE SAME SPOT.

I mean, how does that happen? When the mech working on the tyre sees the 1st mark being made on the rims with the fresh coat of paint, you'd think he would be a bit more careful with the 2nd rim...

But no! The 2nd rim - same gouge being made!

And the 3rd rim! BAM! ONE MORE FOR YOU SIR!



And then, when I inspected the tyres that I had gotten, I was dumbstruck when I saw the below:


4 tyres, each from a different week of the year, and the oldest being 04/23 vs the newest 41/23?

Again, how the hell does this sort of thing happen? Does every customer come in and buy only 1 single piece of tyre?

Or is it that the tyre mech DGAF when he took the tyres out from the warehouse?

Again, I can understand if it's 2+2 or 3+1, or 4 tyres just barely a week apart of each other... but this is really a first for me. 

Also, mind you, I did not go for their "flagship product", so don't tell me "you paid peanuts, so you must get monkeys".
I had instead opted for something more "branded" (anyway, my photos already give a hint of what brand the tyres are).


Conclusion: Am I asking for too much from this tyre workshop? Or any tyre workshop for that matter?

Any comments and opinions are welcome. Thanks for reading my post and hearing out my experience.

Edited by Comage
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There are some drivers and especially some car rental companies that will just change out 1 tyre due to puncture, wear n bald etc. That might explain the different DOM here. Frankly, a set of 4 new tyres should have same DOM. That's what I got each time. 

Gorges made at exact spot of each rim may be due to a faulty part on the balancing equipment. Cos to be so carelessly accurate on exact spot 4 times is quite a feat. 

Just my observation.

A pity you did not check carefully on the spot of the first rim. Could have prevented damage to the other 3. But, honestly, most of us, at least for me, will not inspect in such detail too. 

Its cosmetic to me but to have it done to newly painted rims, I will be most upset too. 

I will avoid this shop. 

Stay safe 

Edited by PSP415
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cool down bro, here's my views, no offense 😁

1 - your rim new paint job is subpar, soft and easily gouged

2 - it is perfectly normal, I think you are splitting hairs here


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All I can say is want cheap which is patronize by PHV, they do volume and don’t give a shit. PHV are also mainly company owned, no one cares. 
in the end it is what it is. For tire shops I am selective, want good service then only SE Tyre at either marine parade or kaki bukit. The rest don’t come close. 

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Those different date is totally normal.

sometime i can even get different years.

as for the paint drop off. 

no doubt the workmanship is not good enough, but as u said, they are very popular with phv, their advantage cheap, and cheap mean more customer, and mean they need to do it fast, attenting to small details is not their priority.

u want perfect workman ship, prepare to pay high plus slow.

and to be frank the paint work is done poorly, good paint work wont drop off so easily.

Concludion is without giving us detail how much u pay for the tyres and what size, its extremely hard to judge .

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mine new rims new tyres also jialat one

after installation all rims circumference black black oily oily one 


told myself don't go back anymore 😬😬😬

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I have never inspected the manufacture dates all these years.... Also don't have any tyre deteriorated due to age, except on the bicycles (won't last 3 years before cracking). 

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Thank you all for your responses, good Sirs.

To respond to any possibly open-points that you may have for me:

@PSP415 That was what I thought - to have 4 gouges on the same spot. It's not that I don't understand that occasionally now and then in a workshop, shit happens and things get bumped and dinged. But when things happen "all at the same spot" and "4 times" - it breaches my "be nice" threshold already.

@ER-3682I got the tyres from the shop itself (didn't get it "on-line and pass the tyres to them to just charge labour", if that's what you were suspecting how I truly "deserved this cheapass worksmanship").

I was changing rims, and send my repainted empty rims to the shop to get the tyres from them - have them mount the new tyres, take out my old tyres/rims, and remove the tyres from my old rims.

@Mkl22: Unfortunately, I picked them because they served the late night crowd... not that they came highly recommended by friends. But the worksmanship, does it really mean my encounter is "something I had paid for"?

@BeregondI am not expecting perfect worksmanship... I do have tolerance for gouges and dings and scratches - they are a tyre workshop which works with heavy tyre machinery afterall, and use with crowbars and tools to pick out tyres... but like I said above to Sir PSP415 - "4 times, and at the same spot", is a bit too much for me (also, see last section of my post for bonus pictures).

I bought new 18" tyres from the tyre shop, which cost around $800, and they charged $60 to remove the old tyres from my old rims ($15/rim). During the tyre job, some spare parts were found to be faulty, so they changed some spare parts on the wheel hub for me as well, which cost another $350.

All in, this was a $1k+ tyre job.

When I got back my rims and unpacked them from my car, I saw more marks on my old rims:

  • A very deep bunch of gouges, made possibly by some machine or tool that kept slipping from the tyre rim...


  • And then, a series of gouges, indicative of some sharp tool that was supposed to grip, but ended up puncturing the rim edges instead.20240121_101500.thumb.jpg.7ab0b6438b555b6e7294d81fffd8292c.jpg

Am I really "splitting hairs" here and asking for too much from a tyre workshop in terms of worksmanship?

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For me, I wouldn’t go back again if I were you. Once bitten twice shy. I cannot tahan this kind of lousy workmanship when I am paying close to 1k for my 18” tyres. I only go SE tyres as recommended by 1 of the bros here cos their price is good and service is good too even though I stay in the west. 

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@ComageIf it’s the shop with 4 letters then I will avoid. Did it when they once and it was enough. It’s all about speed with them. Hustle you to make a decision, hustle to get the car in and out. And bye. 

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On 1/21/2024 at 9:15 AM, Hamburger said:

Must be frustrating to see rim kana gouged.

Gist of my post is I learn the new a word gouge.

Ang mo bo Ho. I think many know this word, cause they have been gouged more than once by unscrupulous retailers in the auto industry. 😂

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On 1/21/2024 at 8:35 AM, Mkl22 said:

All I can say is want cheap which is patronize by PHV, they do volume and don’t give a shit. PHV are also mainly company owned, no one cares. 
in the end it is what it is. For tire shops I am selective, want good service then only SE Tyre at either marine parade or kaki bukit. The rest don’t come close. 

I've been to SE at Kb. But Yap Bros comes close for me and prices are better.

SE cleans rims, which I don't expect tbh as it gets dirty again, so no points on that. 

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Wah,  I have never once check my rims or tyre  DOM after I change it.  This is the first time I learned that the tyre DOM should be more or less the same. But frankly, I wouldn't be too bothered if the DOM is different, as long it is the same tyre model. 

I am more concern about how the car feels after changing the tyre.  And that the tyre are fix in the right direction (for directional tyres)

However, I can understand why you are upset. This shop obviously cater for high volume and attention to details is not their priority. And I wouldn't ask them to repair back the rims even if they could just in case they damage it even more.  If it pains you so much,  go to another shop and get the rim fixed asap so that you immediately feel better.   

Edited by Starry
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On 1/21/2024 at 1:30 PM, badlammy said:

I've been to SE at Kb. But Yap Bros comes close for me and prices are better.

SE cleans rims, which I don't expect tbh as it gets dirty again, so no points on that. 

SE price point is on the high side. Maybe if i drive expensive marque then it would be a good choice [laugh]

The tyre shop i go to at the west side, pricing is also a little on the high side but offer free patching, no questions asked, and even ground/polish away all the curb rash from the rims the last time i did a change of tyres.

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On 1/21/2024 at 2:16 PM, Sosaria said:

SE price point is on the high side. Maybe if i drive expensive marque then it would be a good choice [laugh]

The tyre shop i go to at the west side, pricing is also a little on the high side but offer free patching, no questions asked, and even ground/polish away all the curb rash from the rims the last time i did a change of tyres.

I just look for tyre shop from Carousell, anyone with reasonable prices (for the tyre I want)   and can do free/discounted  wheel alignment at the same time :grin:


Edited by Starry
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