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Found 13 results

  1. So despite a long flight that wasn't enjoyable, my wife has decided she had enough fun to want to go through another. This time we will do a shorter flight and go somewhere with reasonably cool weather (baby loves the cold), and get a car.. Because she want to bring that mega cot again! haha So it's middle of March 2024, 6 days in Perth Australia and I will appreciate tips and advice again on places to go and stay. I've got tickets sorted, plus a rental car with an infant seat. My MIL will be going again too - brave lady, haha Now both wife and I have been to Perth a few times, so the city itself isn't very interesting, and we will want to stay in a same region, ideally even the same hotel / cabin throughout. QUESTIONS: Accommodations: So if we wish to do a farm stay, the Swan Valley area looks alright? - Anyone done farm stays before and has places to recommend? - I think we can go for two hotel rooms, OR a whole lodge / farm cottage for ourselves - ideally these have a small kitchen to prepare baby's food, not far from amenities eg Coles / Woolsworth supermarket? - Settler's Farm Stay - the only issue is that they don't have room for the whole stay, so I may have to get one night at the beginning elsewhere first -- does anyone have experience with this place? Attractions: Any tips on flying with a very active two year old - during the last flight, the entire aisle was the playground, haha I booked an infant seat and specified 2 years old, is their infant seat ok? Do I need deep cleaning? Any other attractions or recommended farm stays? Places to go - hiking? - markets? - Rottnest Island - is it any good for a two year old? - Caversham Wildlife Reserve - alpacas, and other animals (a few people have mentioned it) - visit Fremantle market (Fremantle Markets is open Friday, Saturday and Sunday. It’s also open on Monday public holidays) Thanks again!
  2. SINGAPORE - The Ministry of Health (MOH) was informed of a case of acute hepatitis (liver inflammation) of unknown cause in a 10-month old baby boy on Friday (April 29). He was brought to the KK Women's and Children's Hospital Emergency Department on April 25 and was admitted for further investigation. He and his household contacts are currently well. In a statement on Saturday (April 30), MOH said investigations are ongoing to determine if the case has a similar presentation to the cases of acute hepatitis of unknown cause reported internationally and by the World Health Organisation. MOH added the infant was infected with Covid-19 in December last year, but there is no evidence at this time that the acute hepatitis is related to the virus. https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/infant-with-acute-hepatitis-of-unknown-cause-warded-at-kkh-moh-investigating
  3. Dear all, My baby girl is coming to 7 weeks old soon. Smart and healthy (according to PD...3 visits so far) but otherwise cranky little girl that cries a lot...having some heartburn and indigestion issues... We are considering the next steps after my wife's maternity leave is over....the options are... 1. Infant care. We will find a good one...at most 1:3 ratio that is near our place. I will send her to infant care in the morning and back in the evening. Problem: we are afraid that the infantcare teacher will just leave her crying and not carry her when she does...also babt after 4 months can take solid food...not sure if the infantcare will feed her solid food or if they have the patients. 2. We will engage a foreign domestic maid from Myanmar and ask our mum to stay with us over weekday. 1-3 my mum...4-5 her mum. Problem: too many nightmare stories about maid. My sister had such a nightmare last time that she packed and sent back the maid on 2nd week home...forfeiting her maid load of 2-3k. Also, having mum and inlaw over will create another set of problems...waiting to be discovered. Advise needed.... If you had sent your baby to infantcare, please share your experience and what to look out for. If you have a foreign domestic maid, please advise on the steps to getting a maid. Also, which agencies are more reliable...that i know is another nightmare. Also...how much did you pay upfront on the maid loan and whats the agency fee like. And how many exchange allow and within what timeframe. Many thanks in advance!
  4. wife just gave birth to newborn... intend to go with breast milk as much as possible. however, just in case not enough, may i know any recommendation for infant milk powder? i know couple of good brands out there - nan, similac, enfant heard enfant has the highest nutritional value - not sure true or not. also, heard such milk powder is heaty, as such even though newborns typically dont need plain water, should i feed the baby with plain water lest he gets too heaty.
  5. bought this unbranded fan at $6.50 at the Expo Baby Fair last month ... was sold by a exhibitor who took up a lot of space selling prams and beds and carriers. ... sorry dunno the name liow... they just put a few tens of these fans(in boxes) inside a push trolley. on the poster label they say its " USB FAN" ... but turn out no USB port, only can use batteries. that is ok ... I can still accept. the first night I tried it out and placed 2 batteries inside and it worked. However, when my wife wanted to use it a few days later, it could not work. so I changed the batteries and it worked again. however, only after a few hours the fan stopped again - but we only 'on' it for lesser than 10 mins !! so at night I got home and opened up the battery compartment and was shocked when I saw that the batteries had already melted and water leaked from the batteries !! @^^^@#$^@#!@ jialat man ... how can they sell these kind of stuffs , esp when for baby use ... if nobody watching and the thing burn how ?? I am really surprised that big shop sell such dangerous stuffs.
  6. I know both sides have its pros and cons. Which side are you putting the car seat at, assuming you have an infant in your family?
  7. Hi, I am overwhelmed by the different type/brands/price of car seats. Alot of questions and hope the you can share your experiences here and make this thread for sharing and discussion. My questions: 1) Your new born baby after delivery, from hospital to home, did you use car seats? Or did you hand carrry? Which is better? Which is safer? Are car seats suitable for newborns? 2) Did you use car seats from new born already? Or u start using car seats only after 1,2,3 months old? 3) Do you get dedicated infant seat (those type with handle for carrying for 0-9months), then upgrade to child seat when they older, or did you buy those convertible ones that can from 0-4years old? What are the pros and cons? 4) Which brand/model/price you got and is it good or bad? Your reviews please. Thanks.
  8. Bigmatt140

    Infant care

    Anyone knows of a reputable and good infant care? Prefer it near the west coast/NUS area.
  9. What a hero. What would your reaction have been in his circumstances? -------------------------------------------------------- http://www.wfsb.com/automotive/23515766/detail.html SYDNEY -- Dramatic video footage has emerged of a father saving his infant son by clutching steadfastly to him as a car strikes the man. The traffic accident happened in the western Sydney suburb of Penrith in 2008 and was broadcast for the first time Monday on Australia's Nine Network. The security camera footage shows a car plowing into Andrew Leitch as he held his son Hayden on a sidewalk near a shop front. Leitch's parents, standing nearby, were hit, and the baby's empty stroller was knocked flying. Leach held the baby to his chest as he was pushed into the shop window and had his legs pinned by the car, which Nine said was driven by an elderly woman who had lost control of the vehicle. As the car bore down, Leitch said he thought "if they hit the back of me, break a leg or whatever, that's fixable. But if they hit my son, he's not fixable." Leitch told the program his son was unhurt. Leitch himself was shown climbing out from between the car and the shop front and was not badly hurt. Both his parents were hospitalized with injuries, but survived, Nine reported.
  10. Do you know where can i buy the above in Singapore? A place that offer a variety of choices and good price preferred. Any advice on infant car seat is much appreciated.
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