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  1. Friend sent me this..duno how true. 看看你的骨重 算法:出生年、月、日、時辰各有一個特定重量,把四項重量相加,便得出「骨重」。 注意:出生年月日皆以農曆計算,若不知道自己的農曆生日日期,可翻查萬年曆 年     鼠 兔 馬 雞 1924 / 1984 1.2兩 1927 / 1987 0.7兩 1930 / 1990 0.9兩 1933 / 1993 0.8兩 1936 / 1996 1.6兩 1939 / 1999 1.9兩 1942 / 2002 0.8兩 1945 / 2005 1.5兩 1948 / 2008 1.5兩 1951 / 2011 1.2兩 1954 / 2014 1.5兩 1957 / 2017 1.4兩 1900 / 1960 0.7兩 1903 / 1963 1.2兩 1906 / 1966 1.3兩 1909 / 1969 0.5兩 1912 / 1972 0.5兩 1915 / 1975 0.8兩 1918 / 1978 1.9兩 1921 / 1981 1.6兩 牛 龍 羊 狗 1925 / 1985 0.9兩 1928 / 1988 1.2兩 1931 / 1991 0.8兩 1934 / 1994 1.5兩 1937 / 1997 0.8兩 1940 / 2000 1.2兩 1943 / 2003 0.7兩 1946 / 2006 0.6兩 1949 / 2009 0.7兩 1952 / 2012 1兩 1955 / 2015 0.6兩 1958 / 2018 1.4兩 1901 / 1961 0.7兩 1904 / 1964 0.8兩 1907 / 1967 0.5兩 1910 / 1970 0.9兩 1913 / 1973 0.7兩 1916 / 1976 0.8兩 1919 / 1979 0.6兩 1922 / 1982 1兩 虎 蛇 猴 豬 1926 / 1986 0.6兩 1929 / 1989 0.5兩 1932 / 1992 0.7兩 1935 / 1995 0.9兩 1938 / 1998 0.8兩 1941 / 2001 0.6兩 1944 / 2004 0.5兩 1947 / 2007 1.6兩 1950 / 2010 0.9兩 1953 / 2013 0.7兩 1956 / 2016 0.5兩 1959 / 2019 0.9兩 1902 / 1962 0.9兩 1905 / 1965 0.7兩 1908 / 1968 1.4兩 1911 / 1971 1.7兩 1914 / 1974 1.2兩 1917 / 1977 0.6兩 1920 / 1980 0.8兩 1923 / 1983 0.6兩 月(農曆) 正月 二月 三月 四月 五月 六月 0.6兩 0.7兩 1.8兩 0.9兩 0.5兩 1.6兩 七月 八月 九月 十月 十一月 十二月 0.9兩 1.5兩 1.8兩 0.8兩 0.9兩 0.5兩 日(農曆)       初一 初二 初三 初四 初五 初六 初七 初八 0.5兩 1兩 0.8兩 1.5兩 1.6兩 1.5兩 0.8兩 1.6兩 初九 初十 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 0.8兩 1.6兩 0.9兩 1.7兩 0.8兩 1.7兩 1兩 0.8兩 十七 十八 十九 二十 二十一 二十二 二十三 二十四 0.9兩 1.8兩 0.5兩 1.5兩 1兩 0.9兩 0.8兩 0.9兩 二十五 二十六 二十七 二十八 二十九 三十 1.5兩 1.8兩 0.7兩 0.8兩 1.6兩 0.6兩 時辰 子 (2300 - 0059) 1.6兩 午 (1100 - 1259) 1兩 丑 (0100 - 0259) 0.6兩 未 (1300 - 1459) 0.8兩 寅 (0300 - 0459) 0.7兩 申 (1500 - 1659) 0.8兩 卯 (0500 - 0659) 1兩 酉 (1700 - 1859) 0.9兩 辰 (0700 - 0859) 0.9兩 戍 (1900 - 2059) 0.6兩 已 (0900 - 1059) 1.6兩 亥 (2100 - 2259) 0.6兩 例:生於1980年新曆8月29日晚上8時 年: 1980年 = 0.8兩 月: 農曆7月 = 0.9兩 日: 農曆19日 = 0.5兩 時: 晚上8時 = 0.6兩   骨重 = 2.8兩 解說: 稱骨歌的骨重由2.2兩至7.1兩,愈重愈佳,而每個重量亦有相關的解說,     由四句歌訣說出一生命運,現將每個重量的解說簡化如下: 2.2兩 為乞丐命,孤苦伶仃,朝不保夕,吃不飽穿不暖,為人庸碌無能,一生行乞度過。 2.3兩 福氣不全,求謀作事卻一事難成,妻兒兄弟旨不可靠,離鄉別井投靠別人,尚可有兩餐溫飽。 2.4兩 福祿不全,出身貧苦,家道難有興旺的一日,親人沒有助力,宜出外謀事,但求三餐一宿。 2.5兩 祖蔭少,出身貧苦,六親無情冷漠,難以依靠,一生辛勞自食其力,尚且能得兩餐溫飽。 2.6兩 苦中掙扎,獨自為生活奔波勞碌,宜及早離家謀事,勤勤懇懇,晚年生活雖不富裕,但總算無憂。 2.7兩 祖蔭少,出身貧苦,少年已須靠自己到處闖,到處碰壁,多做少成,一生煩惱困苦無窮無盡。 2.8兩 出身貧苦,父母或家庭沒能大庇蔭,一生輾轉流離,飄泊無依,若無過繼他人,便是一生居無定所。 2.9兩 早年運差,諸事欠順,四十歲後才可安身立命,名成利就,離鄉別井或改姓對運程有幫助。 3兩 一生勞碌奔波,為生計而苦苦掙扎,難有安定日子,須終身勤儉克苦,晚年才能稍有安穩。 3.1兩 早年謀事艱苦,家道貧寒,為生計而苦苦掙扎,中年後才見順利,興家立業,衣食尚算無憂。 3.2兩 早年運滯,諸事難成,後來漸有財源滾滾的一天,而中年後衣食不缺,名利雙收。 3.3兩 早年事事難成,半生辛勞謀事亦枉費心力,多做少成,至晚年運勢稍旺,衣食無憂。 3.4兩 在塵世福祿不全,為僧道之命,須離鄉別井,終身拜佛修道,多作善事才得善果。 3.5兩 福分不全,缺少家蔭,謀事須安守本份,不可好高遠,待時來運到之時,自能衣食不缺。 3.6兩 早年福星高照,際遇非凡,並非庸碌無能之人,福分不淺,能靠自己能力出人頭地,諸事皆成。 3.7兩 事事難成,兄弟缺乏助力,須自食其力,一生辛勞亦難守微不足道的祖業,枉費心力。 3.8兩 骨格清高,聰明勤學,終能苦學成才,中年後有望擺脫貧苦,甚至踏足官場,或在大機構擔任要職。 3.9兩 終身運勢不通,多勞少成,儘管一生苦心竭力,克勤克儉營生,即使略有所成,到頭來還是無福享受。 4兩 早年雖吃苦,但注定福祿綿長,早年受過不少風霜挫折,猶幸為人聰明能幹,意志堅定,終能大器晚成。! 4.1兩 為人聰明能幹,絕非池中物,早年運勢欠順,但中年運勢轉順,已能無憂無慮,逍遙自在。 4.2兩 早年運氣不順,為名利終日多思多慮,難以寬懷,中年後運勢漸順,名利齊來。 4.3兩 心思靈巧,聰明能幹,人品極佳,做事光明磊落,早注定衣祿豐厚,一生無須勞心勞神。 4.4兩 早年過份強求名利,奈何財運不順,但福份也是靠修來的,該放開胸懷,晚年便能無憂。 4.5兩 早年為名利奔波勞碌,中年後亦難以安定,一生難有兒女,晚年運須靠早年未雨綢繆。 4.6兩 父母沒有能力庇蔭,早年須離鄉別井穿州過省謀事,改姓或過繼他人運勢更佳,中年後衣食豐足。 4.7兩 福份綿長,無須為營生而終日勞碌,晚年運尤佳,妻 (夫) 榮子貴,生活無憂無慮,財源滾滾,豐衣足食。 4.8兩 早運不佳,蹉跎歲月,辛苦奔波,多勞少成,命帶孤苦,無依無靠,但晚年亦算興隆,衣食豐足。 4.9兩 福澤不淺,聰明自立,能靠雙手光宗耀祖,白手興家,晚年有名有利,有財有勢,受人敬仰。 5兩 為名利勞心勞力,難以安心,中年福祿亦不佳,但幾番辛苦之後,晚年財星高照,衣食豐足。 5.1兩 一生事事順遂,無須勞心勞神,親人皆有助力,一門顯赫,立業興家之時,福祿無窮。 5.2兩 家世顯赫,聰明有才幹,一世亨通,事事順利,無須勞苦奔波,自能光宗耀祖,家財萬貫。 5.3兩 福澤深厚,聰明有才幹,一生衣食無憂,立業興家,財源豐厚,富甲一方。 5.4兩 福澤深厚,出身書香世代,飽讀詩書,必能名成利就,豐衣足食,生活安穩,無憂無慮。 5.5兩 才幹非凡,從事武職 (紀律部隊) 爭名逐利,少年作事枉費心力,中年後富貴榮華,顯耀六親。 5.6兩 人品非凡,胸懷磊落,早年嘗過不少苦楚,但福祿無窮,財源滾滾,晚年豐足。 5.7兩 福祿雙全,富貴長壽,品德完美的聖人,名聞於世,受萬人景仰,一生無憂無慮淡泊名利。 5.8兩 富貴福祿俱全,衣食自來,飽讀詩書,為高官厚祿之命,或在大機購中身居要職,執掌權柄。 5.9兩 聰明靈巧,出類拔萃,飽讀成才,在古代為狀元之命,從事武職 (紀律部隊) 功名顯赫。 6兩 聰明能幹,飽讀詩書,在古代必金榜提名,揚明立萬,顯耀宗親,衣食不缺,田產家財豐盛。 6.1兩 聰明能幹,天才橫溢,若非飽學成才,也必定富甲一方,成就非凡,舉世聞名,光宗耀祖。 6.2兩 福澤深厚,飽學成才,榮華富貴無窮無盡,在古代為卿相之命,威名顯赫,在現今也可解作掌權。 6.3兩 飽學成才,命格注定為官,或在大機購中掌權,福祿無窮,富貴榮華,家世興旺,一門顯赫。 6.4兩 古代為上書之命,能掌權威,富貴不盡,功名顯赫,在現今亦必為一國高官,政績超凡。 6.5兩 品格非凡,在古代為大將軍之命,建功立業,威名顯赫,在現今可解作從事武職而得威權。 6.6兩 出身富裕之家,福氣深厚,無須為名利煩惱,無憂無慮,亦可憑一己聰明而飽學成才。 6.7兩 出身顯赫富裕之家,福祿自然而至,家財冠世而聲望高,富可敵國,衣食豐足,事事順利。 6.8兩 生於富裕之家,家財萬貫,無須為名利愁煩,但才幹不凡,能靠自己能力使家業更鼎盛。 6.9兩 在古代為受封賜之命,在現代可以為官,亦可以是在大機購中受到賞識而掌權,富貴雙全,受人欽仰。 7兩 雖福份不輕,但終日勞心勞神,勞勞役役,追名逐利,其實注定富貴雙全,位高權重,名聞四海。 7.1兩 命格超凡,富貴雙全,在古代為公侯卿相之命,成就非凡,位高權重之餘,卻能無憂無慮。
  2. Nissan Fairlady 350Z Light Weight Rear Bonnet For Drift Race
  3. Sci10213

    Nuskin TR90

    Hi Anyone tried this product for weight management? Heard from frenz although it is a bit costly, but it is effective.
  4. Hi all, What exactly is the difference between Net Weight and Nett Weight? Are they the same or not ? Please advise me and Thank you. Regards,
  5. Will budget airline follows suit ??? Yahoo : Step on the Scale — Airline to Weigh Passengers Before Boarding Watch what you eat. Uzbekistan Airways will now weigh baggage and passengers before they board the plane. (Photo: Thinkstock) It’s not uncommon for an airline to weigh baggage before a flight, but one airline is taking things a step further by weighing passengers. In a move that will make you say, “Oh, no they didn’t,” Uzbekistan Airways has announced that it will begin pre-flight weighing of passengers on upcoming trips. Related: Man Sues Airline — Says Fat Seatmate Caused Back Injury After passing through check-in, passengers will be put on what the airline calls a “special weighing machine” near the departure gate zone. According to a statement from the airline, this procedure will take place “in order to determine the average weight of passengers with hand luggage.“ Uzbekistan Airways says weighing passengers will ensure safety. (Photo: Uzbekistan Airways) While this seems like a bold move, the airline says that weighing passengers is purely a safety precaution. According to the statement, the International Air Transport Association (IATA), requires airlines carry out regular preflight procedures to calculate passenger and carry-on weight. For those feeling a little self-conscious, the airline has ensured that the recorded weights will be completely confidential. However, the airline does not address what happens if a flight is overweight Uzbekistan Airlines isn’t the first to put passengers on the scale before boarding. In 2013, Samoa Air began to charge people different fares based on their weight. During this process, passengers are weighed with their baggage at the airport, and pay a fixed price per kilogram for their seat. The airline also introduced the “Samoa XL” row that is designated for passengers who weigh more than 286 pounds (130 kilograms). In addition to the extra cost, these seats are also two inches wider. link : https://sg.news.yahoo.com/step-on-the-scale-airline-to-weigh-passengers-126519860737.html Siao leow, I sure kena pay for my weight ...
  6. Folks, Has anyone mounted a bike rack onto the hatchback that has a rear spoiler (no gap between)? Meaning that the bike rack basically ledges onto the rear trunk and the pivoting straps (of the rack) basically runs along the spoiler surface.. My wife is driving a latio sports hatch that comes with a rear spoiler. The spoiler does protrudes out a fair bit. We will like to mount our Saris bone bike rack onto the rear, but afraid that the spoiler can't take the weight of two bikes. The spoiler does not have a gaps between to allow the rack straps to follow the contours of the car rear. Thanks.
  7. THE phrase “self-loading freight” has been a favourite put-down among aviation workers for decades. The term demotes passengers to the lowly status of cargo, sardonically crediting their ability to board and disembark without assistance. Readers with personal experience of lengthy security queues, unallocated-seating scrums and lengthy tarmac delays may themselves have felt like mere boxes with legs. Traditional air freight is more troublesome to shift around. It has also become more difficult to sell. And that is hitting carriers' profits just as passengers are returning and they are laying on more flights. Airlines went through a rough patch after the global financial crisis. According to IATA, an industry body, 2009 was the industry’s worst year since the second world war. A slew of bankruptcies, mergers and restructuring programmes subsequently knocked parts of it into shape. Optimism is now growing that the global economy has entered a cyclical upturn. Worldwide passenger traffic grew by 5.2% last year. IATA expects it to rise another 31% by 2017. International premium traffic—those passengers who turn left when they embark—was up 4.2% last year. Such high-yielding business travellers are by far the most valuable for airlines. Overall, worldwide airline profits are forecast to reach $18.7 billion this year; not exactly eye-watering for such a huge industry, but better at least than the recent past. But one subset of the airline industry had a distinctly lacklustre 2013. Ironically, it is the very market that has was once considered a bellwether of global economic fortunes. Air cargo grew by a meagre 1.4% in 2013, trailing significantly behind the 2.6% increase in freight capacity. That prompted IATA to call freight markets the “biggest worry” for the airline industry. Although freight traffic has picked up slightly in 2014, IATA warns of “trends which are not in the industry’s favour”. Foremost among these is that manufacturers are moving supply chains back to the developed world. As goods are produced closer to home there is less need for airlines to fly finished products and components around. One reason why off-shoring has fallen out of favour, IATA points out, is a rise in protectionism since the crisis. This is a “major part of the reason why we are not seeing trade growth of 5-6%, which we would expect to see at the current level of domestic production,” says Tony Tyler, IATA’s director general. This has been exacerbated by the rising cost of manufacturing abroad, as well as concerns over labour exploitation and a lack of protection for intellectual property rights. Other structural changes are also hitting the demand for air freight. Electronic goods are generally becoming smaller—or, worse, digitised. And storage facilities on ships are becoming more advanced, meaning fresh goods can now travel by sea. On the supply-side, the rapid growth of Gulf super-connectors Emirates, Etihad and Qatar Airways has increased capacity. These airlines have done an enviable job of funnelling inter-continental passengers through their hubs in the Middle East. But with every extra Boeing 777 they operate, space for another 25 tonnes of freight is added to the marketplace. Surplus capacity in the bellies of passenger aircraft drives down freight yields, which damages the overall health of the cargo industry. In response, many global carriers are moving out of the dedicated freighter market. Next month, British Airways will stop operating its 747-8F freighters, instead relying on hold capacity in passenger planes and a new partnership with Qatar Airways. Indeed further consolidation seems logical, much as with passenger planes. Air France and Cathay Pacific are re-assessing the size of their freighter fleets, while Japan Airlines ditched its long ago. Unless fuel prices come down markedly, many carriers will deem that deploying freighters in a buyer’s market is simply too risky. As risk aversion grows, a new breed of cargo operators is taking the reins. Coyne Airways describes itself as a non-asset-based airline. It is the 91st largest freight carrier in the world, yet it neither owns nor leases aircraft. Sometimes it will charter flights, but more often it simply buys space on another carrier’s freighter. Virtual airlines like Coyne Airways can market air freight transportation to global customers without setting foot near an airport. “You can buy a new freighter for $275m, use it for four or five years, and it might only be worth $60m at the end,” says Larry Coyne, the firm’s boss. Better to let other carriers deal with depreciating assets, uncertain demand and low yields. Perhaps better still to concentrate on the type of freight that loads itself.
  8. The usage of advanced materials to cut vehicle weight has been rapidly increasing nowadays. Many automakers have started using materials such as aluminium, carbon fibre and carbon fibre reinforced plastics on their new models. Nissan has recently announced that they will initiate a new plan which will radically reduce vehicle weight over the next few years. The Japanese auto firm's plan will involve the usage of high strength steel in up to twenty five percent for all new vehicles. The usage of high strength steel in the automotive industry is nothing new and it has been proven that it could save unnecessary weight. But the usage of high strength has been very limited. This is due to it being very difficult to mould into complex shapes. And many automakers have chosen other materials in order to reduce vehicle weight. Nissan has developed a new 1.2 GPa ultra high strength steel which retains all the structural benefits of ordinary high strength steel but it offers a higher degree of formability and greater elongation. This will allow it to be used for parts which have complex shapes. Additionally, the company also mentioned that their current production lines are able to be modified to use the new high strength steel without any additional major upgrades. The company will start using the new material in 2017 and this will reduce vehicle weight by fifteen percent.
  9. From Yahoo:Fries and chips during pregnancy can cause lower birth weights: study By Jordana Divon | Shine On
  10. [extract] As the automotive industry enters the 21st century, we could see more and more automakers adding or introducing a variety of features and structural bracing onto their new, redesigned models. And when there
  11. We all know the benefits of keeping our weight in the healthy range. These include lower risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. But now, there is another reason to do. A study has shown that obese people are statistically less likely to survive in a severe car accident. The study was conducted by Dr. Dietrich Jehle from the University of Buffalo studied over 155,000 severe crashes that were reported to the Fatality Analysis Reporting System. Dr Jehle computed each victim
  12. anyone has info on where i can buy a Braille battery or something similar? i am looking for light weight batteries.
  13. Refer to the 1st two lorries' way of turning within the 1st twenty seconds. Don't really know the exact term, but by steering slightly left before making a U-turn, the car turns better and saves you from the kerb (or some face, when you have to engage the reverse gear), especially in those tight U-turns. Almost got hit by another car that was doing the above-mentioned a few weeks back as the driver was rushing to beat a blinking arrow while i was waiting to move straight. Can't really remember my BTT/FTT stuff years back regarding U-turns. but i recall that my instructor mentioned sth about keeping to the most right lane and changing slowly, lane by lane to the left (which i thought was quite strange).. years on, I realized that theory never really came into practice as the car will understeer all the way to the outermost left lane during U-turns (or maybe it's just my driving) Is there a "correct" way to U-turn? Not the correct way but quite an exciting way to take a U-turn
  14. Hi guys, I just changed my tyres at a shop advertising in this forum. Realsied now those tabs that were used for balanbing not stuck in a straight line at all.... slanted on 1 wheel....another whell, 2 pieces not in line with each other... does it matter? TIA
  15. I am looking for lowered seats for my car as I find the stock seats too high up. Anyone knows where I could find aftermarket seats? I am not particular about brand but would want it to be as light as possible. Comfort not important.
  16. Anyone knows the formula to use when calculating FC based on the weight and CC of a particular model? I would like to compare the FC of conti and Korea cars's weight as both of them are on the high side. This should be more fair and accurate to calculate the FC...any ideas?
  17. Dear all, Im managing a weight management clinic at marine parade. So would like to do a simple intro and feedback from the ppl in this forum. My clinic specialize in TCM detoxing methods and acupuncture, together with proper diet plan from qualified health consultants and doctors. No exercise required, lose weight through the healthy way from inside out. Appt required and will include inbody analysis ( water content, fat mass, bone mass and muscle mass) together with a health consultation at only $10.70 Men and women young and old can do this check. Do drop me a massage or contact me at 96846908 for more enquiries. (PS. no hard or pressure selling will be used.) (",) Choice of health is freewill.
  18. I would like to know how sprung and unsprung weight differs in physics. why is there a need to segregate "weight" into sprung vs unsprung and the consequence of tweaking any of these two.. for the purpose of 1) discussion 2) handling 3) FC 4) Braking
  19. Just wondering, do you put on weight or lose weight in times of stress? When I'm stressed, I don't eat much, don't sleep much.. but I end up putting on weight, annoying!
  20. Hi guys just want to find out what is the average weight for a 17" 18" 19" sport rim seem like most dealer spec don't not include them in their spec.
  21. MM Lee: 4 values drive S'pore Mon, Aug 16, 2010 my paper HIGH integrity among its leaders and meritocracy are two of four basic values that laid the foundation for Singapore's success over the past 45 years, said Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew last night. "Everyone can get to the top as political leaders, MPs," he said, or through "the civil service and statutory boards". People get to where they are on merit, not through guanxi, nepotism or corruption, he added. Guanxi is Mandarin for "connections and social reputation". He was addressing more than 1,000 residents and grassroots leaders at a National Day dinner for his constituency at Tanjong Pagar Community Centre. He said: "No policy is skewed as a result of personal benefit or profits." Having a level playing field for all citizens is the third basic value. He said: "No one is advantaged by our national policies, whatever their race, language or religion." >>Too much negativity lately...this man has to come out to reassure once more!<< The fourth value is the use of English as the working language, which has made Singapore the business, banking and communications hub it is today. He went on to say that the country's problems are "not unique" and that about 70 per cent of them were faced and solved by other nations. However, he said, the Government has "studied how they have managed their problems and why some are more successful than others. Then we extracted the principles to adapt and modify them to fit our society". The nation has also harnessed innovation to find its own solutions. For instance, it implemented he Electronic Road Pricing to control city congestion and alleviated its water shortage with Newater, which reclaims water via membrane technology.Knowledge for Compliance and Control Other cities, such as those in China and the Gulf states, have in turn approached Singapore companies to tackle water recycling and waste management. Moreover, Singapore's policies are "not set in stone", MM Lee said. They are continuously re-examined and modified along with changing world circumstances. He gave the example of how the Government was against Formula One racing for many decades because the city was crowded and allowing it would encourage people to race on roads. >>Wait a minute, he meant that 10-20years ago the road was already crowded? << However, it was given the green light when the Government recognised that "the F1 has a jet-set following and could generate economic spin-offs". >>Ok Ok..from his statement am i right to say....$$$ first.....singaporean last perhaps?<< MM Lee said: "It has been a sparkling success." >>For WHO??? Who Gain?<< Most significantly, to build a vibrant country that creates jobs for all, he reiterated the need for an exceptionally strong government with "the ablest, the toughest and most dedicated" leaders". He said: "We headhunt for them and test them out in heavy responsibilities. Only such leaders can keep the economy growing and create good jobs and generate revenue to pay for the equipment and training of our 3G (third-generation) SAF." However, one area in which Singapore has done poorly is its fertility rate. MM Lee said: "We will nearly halve our population in one generation." >>HE must have forgotten his previous policy.<< As a result, the Government has had to select immigrants from Malaysia, China, India and the region. Although the first generation would take time to assimilate because of different cultures and habits, "their children will grow up Singaporeans". "We must help them to integrate into our society, not exclude them," he concluded.
  22. hi guys, Got a question to ask the folks who are into performance: How many KG of weight do you need to take off your car before you can actually feel the difference? for example, if u change your bonnet to CF hood and save like 10kg, can u feel it and how much does it help in your car's performance? OR if u have a light weight exhaust system? And for the people who are passionate about performance, how much weight savings in any single product would satisfy you? I'm just doing a little market survey :) Thanks in advance guys :) Cheers!
  23. hi, any bros have website that state the power to weight ratio for each cars? curious on the power to weight ratio for nissan sunny, latio, suzuki swift and mazda 2sp. apparently the sunny kerb weight is 1110kg and has 110bhp while the latio kerb weight is also 1110kg and has 109 bhp. does that actually mean latio is very much underpowered like the sunny? O.O!!! power-to-weight ratio at 99? if im nt wrong swift 1.5A GLX is at 97? swift is more underpowered than latio and sunny?!!?
  24. Ross Brawn says changes Mercedes is set to make to the W01 for the Spanish Grand Prix should help improve the car's weight distribution, after admitting it was one area the team got wrong on the car. After lagging behind its three chief rivals at the front of the field in the opening flyaway rounds, the reigning world champion Brackley-based squad is aiming to start closing the gap from the next race when it will introduce a particularly big car upgrade. Mercedes has struggled with understeer with the W01 so far this season
  25. Kungfu

    Rim Weight

    Anybody knows the weight of this rim? Courtesy of AL Tyres
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