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  1. Dear all, Can I have your comment on the above product? Does it mean that you can use on your car without water? https://www.amazon.com/Armor-All-78462-Ultra-Detailer/dp/B001PSN2LA
  2. After Aug 15 2016 http://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2016/08/14/6-notable-cases-in-singapore-you-cannot-comment-after-15-august/ 6 notable cases in Singapore you cannot comment after 15 August 0 BY TERRY XU ON AUGUST 14, 2016COMMENTARIES Nominated Member of Parliament Kok Heng Leun on Wednesday submitted a Public Petition on the Administration of Justice (Protection) Bill which was signed by 249 individuals. (Electronic signatures are not allowed for such a petition, and so these people were required to sign the petition in person.) Those who have not heard of the Bill cannot be blamed. After all, it was introduced just a little over a month ago, with little to no public consultation, and the local media has barely said anything about the issue. As the petition points out, the key provisions in the Bill are vague and goes beyond its stated goal of consolidating key elements of the law of contempt into statute. New powers have been given to the Attorney-­General (AG) and the legal threshold for the offence of scandalising the court has been lowered under the bill, overturning precedent set by Singapore's courts and making it easier for the Attorney-General to obtain a conviction. To make things worse, the maximum penalty has been set far, far above the current precedent, so much so that some have commented that it is disproportionate to the crime. The highest punishment meted out for contempt of court in Singapore thus far was six weeks' imprisonment and a fine of $20,000, but the new Bill will increase the maximum penalty to three years' imprisonment and a fine of $100,000. With this Bill in place, Singapore can kiss free speech goodbye and Singapore’s culture of self-censorship and fear will be entrenched even further. How will this affect the average person on the street? That is a question many, including seasoned lawyers, have found hard to answer, due to the broad language of key provisions in the Bill. To give you an idea, here are some of the more recent TOC coverage that could be affected by the Bill. 1. The Thaipusam "riot" where devotees were "violent" against police officers Fracas between devotees and police officers During the annual Thaipusam procession on 3 February 2015, three Singaporean men were arrested and subsequently charged in court on Saturday morning for allegedly disorderly behaviour and assaulting police officers. A group of police officers in civilian attire had approached a group of devotees and asked them to stop playing their musical instruments. Harsh words were subsequently exchanged, and the situation escalated. The police's statement on the incident was, "Despite numerous warnings to calm down, he persisted with his disorderly behaviour and was placed under arrest. While one of our officers was effecting the arrest of the man, another two men, aged 32 and 28, came forward to stop the arrest, with the 32 year old assaulting three officers in the process. The three men, all Singaporeans, also used vulgarities against the officers. All three men were believed to have been drinking earlier as they smelt strongly of alcohol. They have been arrested and investigations are ongoing. One injured Police officer was conveyed conscious to TTSH and is in stable condition." However, according to an eyewitness TOC spoke to, he said that none of the men arrested were drunk and that the police claimed that they were drunk based on assumptions, such as body odour. It is unknown whether the three were found guilty of the charges, as no reports are available. Have proceedings concluded, or are investigations still ongoing? If the Bill were already in force, would we be risking contempt of court charges commenting on this case even today? TOC understands that members of the group later filed a challenge to the courts on last year's ban of musical instruments. The government and Hindu Endowment Board (HEB) retracted the ban before the case was heard in court. The plaintiffs withdrew their lawsuit thereafter. We don't know what caused the government and HEB's change of position on the use of musical instruments. But a lack of public discussion on the event and reports from eye-witnesses would have surely put the devotees at a disadvantage. Read TOC's coverage here: Eye-witness account of the Thaipusam incident on 3 February 2. Dominique Sarron Lee Dominique Sarron Lee's death was caused by the negligence of two officers from the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF), yet family members could not sue the government due to a clause in Section 14 of the Government Proceedings Act. 14. (1) Nothing done or omitted to be done by a member of the forces while on duty as such shall subject either him or the Government to liability in tort for causing the death of another person, or for causing personal injury to another person, in so far as the death or personal injury is due to anything suffered by that other person while he is a member of the forces if — (a) at the time when the thing is suffered by that other person, he is — (i) on duty as a member of the forces; or (ii) though not on duty as a member of the forces — (A) on any land, premises, ship, aircraft or vehicle for the time being used for the purposes of the forces; or (B) on any journey necessary to enable him to report for duty as such or to return home after such duty; From TOC's communication with the family, we understand that all they wanted was for the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) to acknowledge that Dominique's death was a result of negligence and to receive an apology from the Defence Minister himself. But they were met with denials and stonewalled while seeking more information about his death. When they launched a suit to find out more about what happened to Dominique, MINDEF stepped in and stopped the legal action, saying that the information was state property. During the meeting with MINDEF's representatives, the family were offered a sum of S$320,000 to settle out of court. Their demand for an apology from the ministry was rejected. (TOC wrote to MINDEF about the family's claims in February 2016, but has received no response.) To seek justice, the family sued the government and the two SAF officers for a token sum of $34,500 for causing death due to negligence. The court threw the case out as the government was protected by Section 14. If the new Bill had been in force, would people have been able to comment on the unfairness of the system towards the family? Would the media and blogs be able to comment on ongoing cases? The uncertainty and high penalty would likely mean that people would choose to self-censor instead. Read the letter by Dominique's family about what they have gone through. 3. Benjamin Lim Tribute to Benjamin Lim laid across his bed. Everyone in Singapore should have known about the case involving 14-year-old Benjamin Lim's death after he was interviewed by the police at school and the police station after being accused of molesting a girl in the lift. The Law Minister himself later repeated this allegation in Parliament, almost as fact. If the Coroner's Inquiry was to find that the police and school have nothing to do with the death of Benjamin Lim, no one can comment on the matter as it may be viewed as a contempt of the court by the AG – anything that looks like it might have been suggesting that the court was not impartial could be in contempt of court. Even the family who is currently under a court gag order will be forced to keep silent and accept the judgement as such. Read the full story here 4. MINDEF's court case with Dr Ting Choon Ming In 2015, TOC reported how Dr Ting Choon Meng, an innovator and medical professional, decided to withdraw his case against Ministry of Defence for the unauthorised use of his company's design after Syntech Engineers, which represented MINDEF, dragged the case out and demanded about S$580,000 in legal fees. Dr Ting had his patent revoked due to MINDEF counter-suing him, stating that he did not have the rights to the patent. After the story went out, MINDEF went for TOC and Dr Ting, claiming that the story was not factual. The Ministry filed a court order against the two under the Protection from Harassment Act (POHA). While it succeeded to silent TOC and Dr Ting at the state court, the High Court subsequently ruled that MINDEF as a government body is not entitled to use the act for protection. MINDEF is still appealing for the right to use POHA. Under the new Bill, would the government be able to claim that such reporting and commentary was in contempt of court? Read TOC's coverage here: Inventor forced by Mindef to close company over patent rights 5. The defamation suit against Roy Ngerng Roy Ngerng's case was the first time in Singapore a defamation suit was brought by a politician against an ordinary citizen. Ngerng was later found by the court to have defamed the prime minister, and was ordered to pay $150,000 in damages and aggravated damages to Lee Hsien Loong. The case was closely followed by Singaporeans. Some pointed out that Lee and his party had not seemed to have suffered from Ngerng's blogging, and had even secured a decisive victory at the 2015 general election – what, then, was the damage that Ngerng was accused of inflicting? Under the Bill, would such questions be deemed in contempt? Read TOC's coverage here: “We all know I’m being persecuted” – Ngerng’s teary outburst in court 6. Amos Yee Amos leaving court with his mother [Photo: Terry Xu, TOC] Amos Yee was arrested at his home by eight police officers after over 20 police reports were filed against him for comments that insulted Christianity and the first Prime Minister of Singapore, Lee Kuan Yew. He was first charged not just with wounding religious feelings and distributing obscene material, but also harassment. The case drew widespread public comment from the get-go. Some pointed out the absurdity of the charge of harassment, as Yee had simply published a YouTube video – one would actually need to willingly click on the video to watch it. The charges of harassment were later dropped, although there was little indication as to why this was so. Amos was later convicted of the two other charges. He was sentenced four-weeks in jail, but had already been remanded by the police for 50 days which included his time spent in Changi Prison and two weeks at Institute of Mental Health for assessment. When the defence lawyers tried to take a look at all the 32 police reports filed against Amos, the prosecutor only allowed two, which complained about the insult of the Christian faith, to be viewed in court. Many observers believed that Amos' disparaging remarks about Lee Kuan Yew and his legacy is the real reason for the state bringing charges against a teenager. If the Administration of Justice (Protection) Bill had been in force then, such comments could potentially have been in contempt of court. The local and international advocacy related to free speech and the rights of the child could have also been deemed in contempt of court. with that, if anyone here chooses to still comment and make remarks, you are on your own @laserjet for your infor please and suggest we lock the needful threads
  3. Time to change car battery , any feedback on the above brand of battery. Current Amaron been in the car since 20 months ago.
  4. I, however, agree with him. Farking suicide wannabes, dun disturb the public transport can anot. Backlash against Jeremy Clarkson after he calls railway track suicides 'selfish' Top Gear presenter's comments about commuter disruption provoke condemnation from mental health charities Jasmine Coleman and agencies guardian.co.uk, Saturday 3 December 2011 10.25 GMT Jeremy Clarkson apologised after saying strikers should be 'executed in front of their families' on BBC1's The One Show. Photograph: Murdo Macleod for the Guardian Jeremy Clarkson faced further censure on Saturday after describing people who killed themselves by jumping under trains as "selfish". His comments in his column in the Sun newspaper provoked outrage from mental health charities. The Top Gear presenter is already mired in controversy for suggesting onBBC1's The One Show that public sector strikers should be "shot in front of their families". He was forced to apologise for that statement, which generated more than 21,000 complaints. Clarkson also made comments about train suicides in the same show and in his Sun column on Saturday, he said those who chose to kill themselves at railway stations caused "immense" disruption for commuters. "I have the deepest sympathy for anyone whose life is so mangled and messed up that they believe death's icy embrace will be better," he wrote. "However, it is a very selfish way to go because the disruption it causes is immense. And think what it's like for the poor train driver who sees you lying on the line and can do absolutely nothing to avoid a collision." Referring to those who jumped in front of trains as "Johnny Suicide", Clarkson said trains should resume their journey as soon as possible following a suicide and leave the body parts for scavenging animals. Catherine Johnstone, chief executive of the Samaritans, said the insensitivity of Clarkson's comments "truly beggars belief". She said: "While purporting to express sympathy for people who die this way, his remarks about their bodies constitute gross intrusion into the grief and shock of bereaved families and friends. "His notion that suicide is a selfish act shows how little he knows about the subject because, if he did, he would know that when a person attempts suicide they are so distressed that they genuinely believe their families will be better off without them. "The concept that their actions could be construed as selfish is the furthest thing from their mind." Johnstone added that insensitive media coverage of suicide could trigger so-called "copycat" deaths. "We have already made a complaint to Ofcom about his remarks on The One Show and we will now be taking up today's comments with the Press Complaints Commission." Paul Farmer, chief executive of Mind, described the comments as "extraordinarily tasteless". He said: "I think there will be many people who have lost loved ones to suicide and people who have contemplated suicide that will think it is in extremely bad taste. "It stands out like a sore thumb from what is increasingly a more supportive approach to suicide by the media. "People will feel like he is trivialising the subject and dismissing people who have taken their own lives. This is a man who really doesn't understand what he is talking about." The One Show presenter Matt Baker apologised on air for the suicide comments, admitting it was not a suitable conversation for a 7pm show. Clarkson's comments on public sector strikers on Wednesday's programme have left the BBC facing the biggest complaints storm since the "Sachsgate" row in 2008. Asked about the strikers, he said: "I'd have them all shot. I would take them outside and execute them in front of their families. I mean, how dare they go on strike when they've got these gilt-edged pensions that are going to be guaranteed while the rest of us have to work for a living?" Unison called for the presenter to be sacked and he later apologised. But BBC sources have said there would be no "massive inquest" into Clarkson's remarks about strikers.
  5. Hi, Thinking of getting Marbella N52 GPS, any Bros/ Sisters can give some feedback or comments, especially those are using it. Thanks
  6. Hi all My car is due for inusurance renewal, so far all the quote i have is $1300 to $2000 based on 30% + 5% NCD. This EQ insurance quote me $700 plus only which is a lot of savings, am tempted to sign on with them but never heard of this company before, can any bros here comments on this? Thanks
  7. Anyone experience the same that their Starhub can't connect to Amazon.com and Dpreview.com ? I got this error for both website since last night. Error 324 (net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE): The server closed the connection without sending any data.
  8. Anyone using this tyre? Looks good the thread pattern. Thinking of changing my stock tyre to this in 185/65R15 size. Also looking at the Bridgestone T001. Anyone got local Singapore review and experience? Thanks.
  9. I need some feedback about this car, is it worth considering a 2nd hand Focus(yr 2006/7)? What is the FC and power of the 1.6L engine? Any known issue about this car or things which i need to take note when looking for a used one? Appreciate your advice.
  10. What is the propulsion system for these remote control (R/C) jumbo jets? Normally these model planes are propelled by propellers but from the photos they does not seem to be so leh. Only our resident car cam and R/C specialist Adrian can answer I guess From STOMP: http://singaporeseen.stomp.com.sg/stomp/sg..._concordes.html Posted on 13 Mar 2012 Not your usual model planes -- These guys build Concordes and jumbo jets These people have an extraordinary hobby. They build scale versions of Concordes and jumbo jets that are capable of flight. Said STOMPer Iwanttofly: "I have seen people at Pasir Ris building scale models of planes which are capable of flight. "But the guys in these pictures build scale models of Concordes and jumbo jets, which I have not seen before. "It's quite cool to see these models take flight."
  11. hi, i am keen to buy a 2nd car for my wifey for her daily errands and normal usage.. went to test drive Mitsubishi i today and pretty like the feel of the car. though it is just 656cc but then with turbo engine, it got the power of a 1300cc car.. any brudders here own the car or care to share your comments and experience abt the car? it is cute and more of a lady car.. thanks.
  12. Did she infringe on the cooling day rules? Screenshot was taken at 1:45 pm 6th May 2011
  13. Osama said China is the world's only country we absolutely cannot mess with. The reason is that Al-Qaeda terrorist had made 8 attacks on the Chinese with the following results:- 1 - One person was to explode a bomb in Beijing Xizhimen (the main northwest gate of Beijing) but he lost his way in the three-dimentional traffic bridge. 2 - One person in Shanghai was to take a bus to explode a suicide bomb in the bus, but it was so crowded he could not get into the bus for 2 hours. 3 - One person was to bomb a supermarket in Wuhan but found that the bomb remote control was stolen. 4 - One person wanted to bomb government buildings in Chengdu, but was stopped at the door by the security staff and arrested as an East Turkistan separatist and was beaten and interrogated. 5 - One person succeeded in bombing a Hebei mine, with hundreds of people dead and wounded, and then returned to the Al-Qaeda center, but even after 6 months, failed to see any news reports on the success of the bombing. He was considered by the organization to have claimed a false victory and was executed. (Poor guy) 6 - One person had tried to bomb Guangzhou, but as he came off the train, a motorcycle robber (flying car robber) snatched his bag (containing the bomb) from him. 7 - One person who arrived in Xi'an lost contact, and was later found at the hospital in a state of coma. Doctors said it was the result of him eating not only "black-hearted" food products, but he also drank fake alcohol, and possibly turn into a "vegetable" (vegetative state) 8 - Later, Osama tried to send a female terrorist to blow Hainan Island, but was cheated into prostitution.
  14. Lately i when i pump petrol in johor, base on my observation i feel that the petrol quality is not stable. Meaning for Ron 97 u pump at the same petrol station sometime u can feel no power , and sometime is ok. I have call their HQ they told me sometime is due to contamination. Especially when there is flood. The fuel contaminate with rain water, so be extra careful when pumping petrol in Johor.
  15. She kenna caught.... how arrogant! http://forums.hardwarezone.com.sg/showthre...3166&page=2
  16. hahah FD was commenting on an article on paper from lta regarding mods... FD said should ban all types of wings even those legal ekkekeke
  17. considering this monster.....Beside the fuel guzzler thingy, how you see this car? It had been in the market for some year (since 2005) and these comment from your guys should be after the so-called ''new toilet' effect. Anyone own it or still love to own one?
  18. http://www.divaasia.com/article/9247 Baby steps to learning by Liew Hanqing BEFORE they have learnt to walk, they might have learnt to swim. Play drums. Attempt a forward roll. Strike a tree pose. OK, maybe not the tree pose. But in many other areas, parents eager for physical and mental stimulation for their infants have never had it so good. Whether they are looking for swim, gym, music, or even yoga classes for their young ones, there is someone out there with an age-appropriate programme. Two months old is how young some pupils are at Kindermusik Asia, which runs music-and-movement programmes for children up to the age of seven. More than 1,000 infants up to 18 months old attend its courses each year - and the number is growing, said Ms Goh Chiat Jin, the school's director. It helps when research suggests that listening to classical music like Mozart is good for the growing baby's brain. In each 45-minute lesson, babies with their parents or caregivers explore instruments such drums and bells, listen to songs and take part in musical activities that tickle their senses. Parents are also given materials like books and CDs to play at home. Ms Goh said classes are now evenly split between local and expatriate babies - a far cry from a decade ago when almost all of Kindermusik Asia's customers were foreign. Music lessons help babies in their cognitive development, she said. They learn to anticipate certain musical patterns, and this helps 'fire up' certain parts of their brain. Another activity that infants take to like, er, fish to water, is swimming. Parents are signing up their infants as young as six months old, said Mr Jay Tan, director of Happy Fish Swim School. There are 60 babies enrolled in its Infant Aquatics programme, and numbers have increased by nearly 50 per cent since it was started last February. 'We teach babies how to hold their breath in water and how to float without any assistance. Some may also learn to propel themselves a short distance through the water,' Mr Tan said. The benefits? Clients have reported improvements in their babies' appetites and sleep patterns after swimming lessons, Mr Tan said. Then there are classes that combine all the sensory stimulation of music, exercise and 'yoga play'. Call it Positive Focus. That is the company that offers an array of enrichment programmes for children. Enrolment has nearly doubled since last year, said founder and master trainer Hasnah A. R., who said that 80 infants - all under six months - have been through the Positive Infants course this year. 'Yoga play' exercises help parents bond with their babies and become more skilful at parenting, she said. 'The babies become calmer; the exercises help them stretch and be more comfortable, because they are usually lying down all the time.' It is not known how many parents are stumping up for the enrichment but it does not come cheap - an eight-session programme at Kindermusik Asia costs $307, group lessons at Happy Fish cost $320 for 16 sessions, while Positive Focus' eight-session infant programme costs $240. But parents say they are well worth the money. Mrs Carolyn Yong, a mother of two, started both her children on music lessons at just three months. 'My older child is now confident and loves performing,' said the homemaker, whose two-year-old daughter attended infant music classes for six months in the US. Mrs Yong added that she believed the classes have helped her children develop better focus, and that the $200 a month she spends on these enrichment programmes is money well-spent. Mr Wang Han Guang spends up to $200 every month on baby gym sessions for his two-year-old daughter, who started lessons when she was just 10 months old. 'We believe we should allow our kids to enjoy different experiences,' he said. Mr Nah Yong Hwee, a senior psychologist from the University Children's Medical Institute at the National University Hospital, said educational programmes are beneficial to the development of infants, though progress may not easily be observed if they are under a year old. He said such early stimulation programmes could be more beneficial to young children with slow development than those who are developing normally. 'We may not see marked progress because some infants may just not be developmentally ready yet,' he said. He stressed that regardless of what programmes infants are put through, care must to be taken not to overwhelm them. 'It is imperative that the child enjoys the process, and that there are ample opportunities to bond with the caregivers,' Mr Nah said. Just like children who are pushed too hard in school, babies can be overwhelmed, too. Some parents of babies between 7 and 15 months old sign their children up for different trial lessons every week, said Ms Hasnah. 'There's always the danger of over- stimulation, which could result in a baby becoming confused and unhappy.' But lest parents feel their babies may be losing out if they do not attend such classes, one expert says not to worry. Consultant psychiatrist Brian Yeo said enrichment courses are not a must. '(These courses) can be beneficial if they encourage mother-child bonding, but such interaction can be achieved during playgroups as well,' he said. He said it was not known if such programmes would give an infant any headstart in learning. One thing, however, is clear, Dr Yeo said. 'Parents who sign their infants up for these courses are good parents who are willing to spend time and money on their children - so these infants already have an advantage.' This article was first published in The Straits Times. So good parents is deemed as willing to spend time and money on their children. How abt those parents who have to work so hard just to have 3 proper meals for the family, or due to tight budget or cannot afford, so do these parent is consider bad??? Dr Yeo, pls use your brain to think 3x b4 u comment, if u cannot think after so many yrs of studies, perhaps due to brain damage, then use your arse to think
  19. I always wonder....how come a normal 4 pot engine from a car....... will not sound as nice as a 4 pot engine on a big cc bike ? I mean even with an after market exhaust on the car.....it still loses out in terms of sounding as nice as a bike..... even if both shared the same engine cc
  20. I am planning to purchase a water filter for family use. Come across many brands of filters like Diamond, Hyflux, OSIM, etc... Hyflux and OSIM price almost on par and Diamond brand seems the most ex! Diamond brand seems to also have water filters for shower use. Anyone using this brand of water filter? Need feedback before deciding on the purchase. Thanks!
  21. Well, my aunt (father younger sis)like to take a ride from me since she is working near to my office... put aside she keep nagging when i drive (too fast... too slow..) she always complain that my car is stink cos I smoke in car. I am not allowed to smoke when she is taking my ride... Sometimes, its really irritating especially when I really need the ciggy in the morning Jam... today, she asked me to pick her up tomorrow morning and i am quite bad mood cos I just kena a call from client... I told her that if she want to take a ride, she must be able to accept me smoking in the car... she complain to my father (her big bro) and I kenna shot for 2 hours during dinner just now... KNS, can anyone advise me what to do? I really buay stand alrd... I am even considering changing another job where the office is far away from her's!
  22. Was looking at a China made Mini Iphone with Dual SIm, what are the pro and cons ? here are the specs: Product Features: * Dual SIM card, Dual standby; * Support TF card extend to 8GB Max; * Slide to unlock; * Bluetooth; * E-dictionary, E-map, E-mail; * Language: Chinese/English Product Specification: * Display__ 2.6 inches touch screen; PX: 240*320 * Network__ GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz (True Quad Band Mini Version) * Music__ Support MP3 background play, support equalizer; Built-in 3D stereo speaker * Video__ 3GP / MP4, support to play in full screen, forward and pause * Camera__ 2.0 Mega pixel camera for clear Picture * FM Radio__ FM stereo, play outside without earphone * Internal Memory__ Packed with 1G TF card,support extend card * Data transfer__ USB cable / Bluetooth / U Disk * Connectivity__ GPRS / WAP * Messaging__ SMS, MMS * Dimension__ 92*52*12mm * weight__ 100g * Stand-by time__ 100~280 hours * Talk time__ 100~250 minutes Additional Features: * Dual cards Dual standby phone * MP3 / MP4 /FM Radio fluent player * Support memory card to extend * Incall firewall * Alarm clock * World time * Voice recorder * Bluetooth Package: * 1 x mini iphone * 1 x earphone * 1 x cable * 1 x charger * 1 x manual * 2 x batteries * 1 x cell phone cover
  23. I had fair share of encounter with shanghai woman...real power...don't step on their toes....(not camel toe hor) Shanghai cowgirl
  24. My method of lane changing, pls comment Ok after reading http://www.mycarforum.com/index.php?showto...635942&st=0 , i have decided on this is how i am going to change lane in heavy , but not so slow traffic. I think the key is knowing how to play with my signal lights and not to confuse the other driver of my intention 1) initially, check for a gap using side mirror, NO SIGNAL 2) if got car quite far away at same speed relative to me.... SIGNAL if got car quite near at same speed relative to me....NO SIGNAL + me Slow down and let that car speed forward till he is in front if got no car, ..... SIGNAL If got car quite far away driving faster ... NO SIGNAL If got car quite near driving faster ... NO SIGNAL 3) for cases which I signal, i give 2 seconds for the car behind to take notice of me. 4) after 2 seconds i check the car behind on my side mirror again, if he speed up, I REMOVE SIGNAL and slow down and dont cut his lane if he maintain speed, i continue my signal signal and cut in, speed up and pay attention to the car in front, ensuring that i have enough gap if that car in front jam brake if he slow down, i continue my signal and cut in and speed up, and pay attention to the car in front , ensuring that i have enough gap if that car in front jam brake feel free to leave your comments, whether positive or negative. As long as we have something to learn from it
  25. Hi bro and sis, I'm thinking of getting a TV phone due to their function and low price. However, there are so many models out in the market and really have no idea how good or bad is the phone. may those bro, sis current using one or had one before to comment and recommend which model to buy. Thanks.
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