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  1. From the prev thread. time to mov on to this one...hahah.. The continuing GLOBAL stressful thread! Part II - Page 442 - Lite & EZ - Mycarforum That Part II thread lasted the pandemic!
  2. Planning to get a 2nd Mazda 2. But dunno which dealer to go for or avoid? Anyone can advice
  3. Will be staying in Putrajaya for 6 days in June - any good recommendation for gastronomical delights?
  4. I was driving leisurely back from my hometown @ Kukup to Singapore this morning on a Good Friday. After passing by Malaysia custom at 2nd link, I saw nothing but cars, many many cars in the highway all cannot move struck in the massive massive jams leading into Malaysia. Every 200m there are police personal watching for Q-cutting vehicles, esp those who like to cut using road shoulder like what I will do. So everyone please be careful and do not cut Q. I drove along the 2nd link for a good 2-3 minutes and found that the Q were so terrible that it stretched about 3-5 km until Singapore custom. ITs about 9am in the morning so I reckon those vehicles will reach JB at about 1pm cos they Q is not moving. Next time if must go Malaysia, please reach Singapore custom at 4-5 am in the morning. AT least the jams wouldnt be so terrible!
  5. Hi Bros, Can anyone recommend good and reliable workshop that is able to check on clutch amd gearbox for auto transmission? Will need to repair if faulty. Thanks in advance
  6. Beautifully written! not abt CoE, condo, rolex…. Well to some la Good insights to meaning and purpose! https://lawgazette.com.sg/practice/practice-support/mistakes-i-made-in-searching-for-happiness/ thanks @Viceroymenthol for sharing
  7. Has been trouble by constant sore throat for a long time. My friend recommend Dr Eng Soh Ping from Mt E. checked a session with scope n medicine may cost up to $500. damn this place freq by rich Indo is expensive man. But if he is that good, I just have suck thumb and go for it. Any suggestion here?
  8. yo bros and sis'.. anyone have any good knee surgeons or consultants to reccomend? I had an ACL tear 15 yrs back and had 2 screws and part of my torn meniscus removed... 15 yrs on i now start to have pain liao ... .. wan to go see if my knee got worse or nt .. haiz ... And TTSH which i done my surgery do not have my records leh ... told me keep for 3 yrs nia ... ksvm
  9. Hi guys looking to service my home aircon however, i am quite worried to engage the wrong guy as i do not know any. anyone had engage one which you highly recommend? Thanks
  10. My Dyson just spoilt... dunno what wrong... and dun wanto spend another 300 bucks on another dyson... Needs to be handheld and be powerful enough, dun need to be as strong as Dyson but something decent. was looking at a Black n Decker Flex, anyone has one of these? Or does anyone have a good one to recommend? Don't want those lousy cheapo china $10-$20 plug into cigg lighter type, used to have one of those, use a few times picha liao... and no power at all...
  11. Commentary: Why 'quiet quitting' could be good for you and your employer https://www.channelnewsasia.com/commentary/work-life-balance-employer-staff-burnout-quit-2885826?cid=FBcna&fbclid=IwAR2ye5G-DtrDPAhNo5FAI1sFyiIV5YRT0vmkrpm6UqbFjdUce0vRwiEsN2w The trend of “quiet quitting” has clearly resonated with young people, to the frustration of some managers. Working at minimal capacity may feel alien, but has benefits for both sides, says a psychologist. Nilufar Ahmed, 18 Aug 2022 06:21AM (Updated: 18 Aug 2022 06:21AM) File photo. The trend of "quiet quitting", or doing the bare minimum expected at work, has taken off on TikTok. (Photo: iStock/Kazuma Seki) BRISTOL, England: In many offices (not to mention on Zoom, Teams and Slack), employees and managers alike are whispering about the “great resignation”. The UK saw a sharp rise in people quitting their jobs in 2021, and one-fifth of UK workers still say they plan to resign in the next year in search of greater job satisfaction and better pay. If you’re unhappy at work, but leaving your job isn’t an option or there are no appealing alternatives, you may want to try “quiet quitting”. This trend of simply doing the bare minimum expected at work has taken off on TikTok and clearly resonated with young people. It has also frustrated managers, with some reportedly concerned about their employees slacking off. But quiet quitting is not about avoiding work, it is about not avoiding a meaningful life outside of work. The last 20 years have seen many people join a global culture of overwork, with unpaid labour becoming an expected part of many jobs. After multiple recessions and a global pandemic, millennials and Generation Z in particular often do not have the same job opportunities and financial security as their parents. Many young people in professional jobs who expected a relatively straightforward progression in life have struggled with precarious contracts, job uncertainties and trying to get onto the housing ladder. There are those who constantly put in extra hours and go above and beyond at work to try and secure promotions and bonuses – yet still struggle. Perhaps in response to this disappointment, a recent study by Deloitte found young people are increasingly seeking flexibility and purpose in their work, and balance and satisfaction in their lives. Many young professionals are now rejecting the live-to-work lifestyle, by continuing to work but not allowing work to control them. File photo. Quiet quitting aims to restore balance where work has crept into personal time. (Photo: iStock/M_a_y_a) Working at minimal capacity may feel alien. But you (and your employer) shouldn’t fear quiet quitting – it could actually be good for you. PROTECT AGAINST BURNOUT Studies have found that work-life balance is linked to mental health in a variety of jobs. And a 2021 survey of 2,017 UK workers by employer review website Glassdoor found that more than half felt they had poor work-life balance. Quiet quitting aims to restore balance where work has crept into your personal time. It can also help to separate your self-worth from work. When all you have is work, it is hard not to derive your sense of value from it. Perceived failures at work, such as not getting a promotion or recognition for your achievements, can become internalised as personal failures. This can increase anxiety, making you worry about how to improve your performance. Often, people respond by doing more work, further exacerbating the vicious cycle of overwork and low self-esteem. When things get really bad it can result in burnout. In 2019, the World Health Organization officially recognised burnout as an occupational phenomenon characterised by feelings of depletion, exhaustion, cynicism, mental distance from work and poorer performance. Burnout is a significant risk of overwork and can have long-term physical, emotional and mental health impacts. Burnout is difficult and costly for individuals and employers. Many people with burnout end up taking time off work, or at least working at less than full capacity. Quiet quitting can create a better balance of work and personal life and so could protect against burnout before it happens. BETTER WORK RELATIONSHIPS Research shows that happier employees are more productive and engaged. This can even mitigate against feeling distracted or not wanting to be present. When people are feeling happy they are more likely to be friendlier and open, fostering workplace friendships, which people report as being a significant part of their enjoyment at work. Quiet quitting’s focus on just doing your job also removes the negative impact of constantly feeling in competition with peers. Having workplace friendships taps in to our basic need for a sense of belonging and can in turn increase loyalty to a workplace and improve job performance. All of this can result in greater productivity, which of course means higher profits. Quiet quitting could be a “great liberation” in response to the great resignation. People are rejecting overwork and burnout and choosing balance and joy. They are establishing boundaries so their identity and self-value is not tied to their work productivity. Instead of getting nervous at loss of productivity, employers should take advantage of the quiet quitting movement to support the wellbeing of their staff. Encouraging a better work-life balance will communicate to workers that they are valued, leading to greater engagement, productivity, and loyalty: Everyone wins. Nilufar Ahmed is Senior Lecturer in Social Sciences at the University of Bristol. This commentary first appeared on The Conversation.
  12. Let's gardner all the auspicious and not so auspicious number plates... and perhaps their meaning. Good Ones 1) 8 2) 168 3) 1328 4) 5454 5) 9999 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Bad Ones 1) 4 2) 13 3) 24 4) 9413 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) Get the ball rolling......
  13. Heard usd will slowly appreciate. I am thinking of converting some sgd to usd thru money changer. Any comment or recommendations?
  14. hi all, need some views here....what is a good affordable mpv to get? thanks cheers
  15. Hi all have a friend whose sec 3 niece is looking for 1 to 1 tuition teacher near Yishun area or better still go to her house to teach. Found some which are good but charge by the hour and expensive. Btw they are from china so need to have good english background, if not at least for sec 3 standard. Thanks in advance!
  16. My aunty and mum wants to start a home based cake cum cookie business. I want some recommendation of a cheap and good web hosting. 1) a few pages showing the cookies and cakes. 2) a proper registered web address that will 'forever' belong to me cum a e-mail address. 3) a ordering page using visa or pay pal, etc. Anyone who got lobang pls pm me. Hope to get it ready for the 2011 Chinese new year goodies sales.
  17. I have to admit that i have got a slight phobia of going to the dentist. But i do need to go now. I think i got receding gum Can anyone recommend me a good dentist? Someone who is gentle. Is Raffles Medical dentist any good?
  18. Hi guys, My Sofa cui until cannot cui already. But i am quite clueless in where to get good design sofa. Mid range ones will do. Besides those IMM furniture mall anyone here got recommendations?
  19. Watched a repeat of TopGear (episod in china) and the 3 men condemned whatever cars made in china. I think today, china's cars are not really up to international standard yet in terms of safety, performance, etc but since these B&B cars are for their domestic markets where the majority of buyers dont really know anything better, china car makers will continue to churn out millions of mediocre cars yet still find buyers queue up, end of the days making tons of money. Is there a incentive for them to make better cars, to match the quality/performance etc of say VW etc, let alone the highend conti/jap/korean cars? Those china buyers who have the taste / money for better cars, in typical chinese 'culture', will buy imported cars, coz no china car makers have the prestige / history / brandnames to attract buyers who want not only good cars, but also 'face'/status only brands like Merc/BWM (RR also) etc could provide. Patrioism is more or less non existent when it comes to the rich, except state owned companies buying mic highend cars for their bosses? Bottomline, will it be almost unforeseable china made cars will ever match the quality / status of highend foreign-made cars? not in the next 10/20 years? The expanding domestic B&B car markets are big enough to occupy them for a long time, export is hardly something they have time to think about.
  20. This morning found my baby terrapin got a big swell on each of its cheeks. Did a google it is likely some infection which a surgery is needed to remove the swelling. Does anyone got lobang for a cheap and good vet that can perform the procedure?
  21. An older lady gets pulled over for speeding.... Older Woman: Is there a problem, Officer? Officer: Ma'am, you were speeding. Older Woman: Oh, I see.. Officer: Can I see your license please? Older Woman: I'd give it to you but I don't have one. Officer: Don 't have one? Older Woman: Lost it, 4 years ago for drunk driving. Officer: I see...Can I see your vehicle registration papers please. Older Woman: I can't do that. Officer: Why not? Older Woman: I stole this car. Officer: Stole it? Older Woman: Yes, and I killed and hacked up the owner. Officer: You what? Older Woman: His body parts are in plastic bags in the trunk if you want to see The Officer looks at the woman and slowly backs away to his car and calls for back up. Within minutes 5 police cars circle the car. A senior officer slowly approaches the car, clasping his half drawn gun. Officer 2: Ma'am, could you step out of your vehicle please! The woman steps out of her vehicle. Older woman: Is there a problem sir? Officer 2: One of my officers told me that you have stolen this car and murdered the owner. Older Woman: Murdered the owner? Officer 2: Yes, could you please open the trunk of your car, please. The woman opens the trunk, revealing nothing but an empty trunk. Officer 2: Is this your car, ma'am? Older Woman: Yes, here are the registration papers. The officer is quite stunned. Officer 2: One of my officers claims that you do not have a driving license. The woman digs into her handbag and pulls out a clutch purse and hands it to the officer. The officer examines the license. He looks quite puzzled. Officer 2: Thank you ma'am, one of my officers told me you didn't have a license, that you stole this car, and that you murdered and hacked up the owner. Older Woman: Bet the liar told you I was speeding, too.
  22. hi all thinking of getting Fiat for own use need some advise here.. is it a good mini van to get? or is there others better my buget is arond 30k so need all guru help =)
  23. To follow up from bad advice, here’s good advice: 1. Wave to say thank you when being given way to 2. use hazard lights briefly to say thank you (Japan practices ) 3. When driving on nsh, high beam to inform opp road users of mata ambush(contentious) 4. ok add on
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