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Started using Shopee a few months back and find this platform useful. Pros 1, Shopee prices are competitive 2. Option of self collection for some sellers Cons 1. Menu and search function takes some getting used to. Official stores on Shopee include : - Colgate - Unilever - Reckitt Benckiser (RB) - Spigen - SanDisk - Asus - Western Digital - Jabra - Chope - MamyPoko - Johnson's Baby - Kleenex - Blackmores - Nestle - Ayam Brand - New Moon - Omron - Brand's - GoPro - Huggies Overall range of products is probably not as extensive as Qoo10 or Lazada, but its got most of the stuff I need. Enjoy.
Police warns of scams involving web security SINGAPORE - Police have warned the public not to fall prey to phone scams involving web security. They said there have been 32 reported cases since the start of this year. A woman, who wants to remain anonymous, said she received a phone call on June 14 from someone claiming to be an employee of a well-known software company. She was told that some Malaysians were trying to hack into her computer. And to protect it, she had to buy a security licence. She handed over her credit card details and found out later that over S$1,300 was stolen from her account. "I asked them to let me talk to my husband, but they said no, I had to make a decision that time, or else my computer would be blacklisted... I gave my credit card number and one-time password. Suddenly the screen went blank and some amount was charged to my account, and it was in euros," she said. CHANNEL NEWSASIA
In July 2021, Fairprice issued a statement that label accuracy was of “paramount” importance to them: And in the last week alone, two more cases of label inaccuracy have surfaced…… Chicken: Salmon: I guess that’s what paramount means……
I ordered two bottles of qv wash for $55 from ntuc and added some coconut water for $6 to get free delivery. ntuc just amended my order and remove the qv wash and proceeded to send me the $6 coconut water while charging me $4 service fee. I have never met an online retailer than just suka suka amend the customer order and then send it out. Crazy… had to waste my time contacting customer support, get my order cancelled and wait for refund. ….
Hey guys, Was just wondering how many of you actually shop online and what would you buy online and not buy online. Recently been hearing my friends getting most of their household stuff, gadgets, accessories online. I am not talking about coupon sites like groupon though but more of like g market. If you have any great websites to share for for clothes, car accessories, gym equipment, etc do post it here! What would be your favorite online shopping site? Cheers
Any website to recommend ?
which webby do you guys go to for reliable online parts purchase? i'm looking to get a mazda 6 front bumper from overseas due to cost saving. over hear, i can't get any second hand bumper for mazda 6 and the new ones cost a bomb. thanks
All you forum dwellers probably remember the times before Carousell was founded, and how we all bought and sold stuff on forums. Many forums also have a reputation system, which was an indicator of the 'lao jiao' forum-ers - those that tend to be steady and trusted to deal with. I remember there were some unspoken rules when it came to buying and selling stuff online: 1. As the buyer wants the item, the responsibility lies with him to make his way to meet at the seller's convenience by default. 2. A good seller will honour a deal he has made, i.e. a better offer made after a deal has been set will be rejected (even though the seller stands to lose out). 3. You don't 'aeroplane' people. 'Aeroplaning' - which is sort of translated from '放飞机' in Chinese - is tantamount to what we know as 'ghosting' today, when you stop replying someone out of the blue. 4. 'Lowballers' (those who offer a price significantly below what has been listed), 'aeroplane pilots' and other unsavoury types of behaviours are often called out, shamed and frowned upon. These days, I find I am increasingly encountering all kinds of ridiculous people on Carousell, which I use quite a bit to sell my barangs. In fact, I don't remember it being so bad back when the app was first introduced... It might be due to the anonymity, or the fact that creating new accounts is so easy. There are plenty of 'lowballers' who have the cheek to offer half of the asking price. Then, there are people who do not honour a deal that has been made. Or stop replying flat out when in the midst of a deal - and worst yet, after you have made your way to their location... While there's nothing much I can do, it just makes me wonder what has changed. In my opinion, the online buying and selling experience has deteriorated so much that I often find myself devoid of energy to deal with it, sometimes it seems like tossing the item in the bin would be a better option than to try to recoup some money by selling it online. So, what about you? Do you have a set of rules that you live by when dealing online? - Zhi Xuan
Finally an Online Store for Daiso!! Delivery at $5,minimum 10 items Tell me isit Daiso anticipating cb2 with community cases rising so standby online store first?? 400 over items for now That being said most of us will prefer goin down daiso to shop But dun mind the online store too Except one complaint Why delivery nt $2 oso??? Must complain 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 Shop away or just go to ur nearest daiso laaaaaa
- There's no doubt that the coronavirus and circuit breaker in Singapore has thrown our lives into disarray. But for better or worse, we've learnt, or are still learning, to make peace with the situation. For me, this new reality means that I’ve gained a new co-worker — my four-year-old son. And boy is he one loud and clingy colleague who doesn't know to pipe down when I'm in the middle of a meeting. This is where having someone, in the form of a babysitter or caregiver, can help. But during this time, physical help is the one thing money can't buy. The good news for parents out there who may be just as frazzled as me is that you can get temporary relief from parenting duties in the form of remote babysitting. In a time period when almost everything has gone online, babysitting is no different. The business has pivoted to one where children can be engaged from the other side of a screen. But like many others, I was naturally sceptical when I was given the opportunity to try out the service — how is someone who's not even physically present hold the attention of my hyperactive 4-year-old? It's hard enough as it is in person already. Turns out it could actually be easier. Remote babysitting is recommended for children ages 5 years and up, according to the reps from Babysits, a listing site with nannies from all over the world. According to its statement, Babysits is one of the first in Singapore to provide remote support to families who are struggling with homeschooling and 24-hour childcare, making it easier for parents to "acquire virtual homework help or entertainment for their children". Remote babysitting: How it works For the trial, I was allocated a session with Sophie, a member of Babysits' marketing team located all the way in Rotterdam (!) as my son's nanny for an hour. From what I gathered, she has no professional training but had done this a couple of times before while introducing the service to media in Singapore and elsewhere. Two days prior, I was asked to share my son's interests so she could plan her session with him. Since I'd mentioned that he loved superheroes, she emailed over an outline of some superhero masks to print out for a colouring activity. Our session began right on the dot through the Caribu app, a third-party application dedicated to children's activities with video-conferencing and screen-sharing enabled. To be honest, it started off rather shakily as my son wanted to run off every few seconds. 10 minutes in and I was ready to write off the experience as a waste of time. However, I guess it can be attributed to "first date" jitters, as the situation improved when the conversation turned to the solar system — one of my son's favourite topics. He led the conversation expertly, and remained engaged and interested as he happily showed off all the planets he knew and regaled Sophie with random trivia about Saturn, Mercury and Mars. In fact, I was surprised by how chatty he got and how invested he became in the conversation, which soon moved on to hurricanes, quicksand and venus flytraps. Besides the chatting, a drawing activity took up a good chunk of time, while a co-colouring activity on the Caribu app took up another 20 minutes. In fact, at the 45-minute mark, just as my son was about to run off, Sophie deftly picked a colouring activity on space and the galaxy, which immediately captured his attention. Though I started out wondering how the session would sustain itself for one hour, by the end, I dare say that it could have gone on for even longer. After the call, my son was content to continue doodling by himself, so I scored another 15 minutes of peace. The session turned out so well that I immediately signed up on the website (there's a $15 monthly subscription fee) and booked myself for another hour the next week with a local babysitter. From the list of available nannies, I picked a Singapore undergraduate who had some experience working with children with special needs as a caregiver, but was doing remote babysitting for the first time. This second try was somewhat less successful, with my son's interest waning at various points during the session. This was in part, I suspect, due to it being a new experience for the sitter as well. Still, I thought it was $10 well spent for the hour and I'll recommend it to anyone willing to give it a go. Far beyond freeing up my time, the experience has offered me a glimpse to a side of my son I don't often get to see, such as when he interacts with peers in school, for example. I'm also surprised by how well he takes to talking to strangers and the additional insight into his personality and ability that I get is a bonus. While I didn't have to stay beside him all the time throughout the sessions, I sat there engaged and entertained as well, and I came out having a greater appreciation for my child and a little more patience when his bad behaviour as my fellow "coworker" rears its ugly head. Want to engage a remote babysitter? Here's what you should know Pros: You get additional feedback and insight into your child's personality and how he interacts with others outside of the family The interaction is great for children who are growing up in an only-child environment or when there is limited supervision Sites like Babysits offer a wide pool of nannies on their database, and with remote babysitting, you can even hire someone from overseas Although there's a monthly fee but if you've found 'the one', arrangements can easily be made outside of the website Cons: Much like on a dating site, you may have to hunt around for the 'right one' The quality of babysitters can be a hit or miss Your child may not take to talking to a stranger through a screen; some supervision still necessary Tips: Remote babysitting works best when your child is at least four years old and can focus for at least 30 minutes on a task Talk to the babysitter beforehand to figure out your child's interests and topics so he/she can prepare for the session and advise on materials for you to prepare, if any. And an interview can help to weed out any potentially unsavoury characters. The session is best done over a wide-screen such as an iPad, especially if shared-screen activities are involved. I've found the Caribu app to be a bonus, as the activities on it are engaging enough on their own, but better with a guide
Coronavirus is giving online higher education a second chance to prove its worth source: With an increasing number of universities shutting down campuses and shifting their learning online to try and contain the spread of coronavirus, Coursera, a US online education company, announced today (March 12) that it will provide any impacted university in the world with free access to its 3,800 courses. Universities that sign up can give their enrolled students access to 95% of its catalog which come from190 partner universities, including Johns Hopkins, the University of Michigan, and Yale, among others. Institutions facing coronavirus disruptions will have free access until July 31, at which time Coursera will offer month-to-month extensions “depending on prevailing risk assessments”. “The spread of the coronavirus (Covid-19) is the most serious global health security threat in decades,” Jeff Maggioncalda, Coursera’s CEO, said in a statement. “We are fortunate to have university and industry partners, who have been at the forefront of responding to the challenges humanity has faced from time to time. “ MOOCs, or massive open online courses, were originally born a decades ago to democratize access to higher education. Students and teachers around the globe rushed head first into the world’s largest ed tech experiment but institutions later grew disappointed as it became clear students did not finish courses. Universities now face a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the world to experiment with MOOCs and the question will be, again, whether they can deliver. Coursera was set up in 2012 by Daphne Koller and Andrew Ng, computer science professor at Stanford University, to open access to the world’s best teachers and courses. That year, MOOCs exploded: Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology each ponied up $30 million to create edX. Coursera backers include major players in ed tech venture capital: Kleiner Perkins, New Enterprise Associates GSV Capital, Learn Capital, and SEEK Group. A low completion rate But MOOCs ran into a wall when research showed very few learners finished the courses they started (one study by academics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that online courses had an astronomical dropout rate of about 96% on average over five years). Today, many have changed their business models. Coursera no longer tracks (or discloses) completion rates but rather looks at skills acquisition, says Leah Belsky, chief enterprise officer at Coursera. Many MOOC providers now charge fees and they’re offering bundles of courses called ‘specializations’ or ‘nanodegrees’ to encourage completion, and partnering with colleges and universities to offer MOOC-based degrees online. For example, Coursera offers a bachelor of science in computer science degree from the University of London and various masters degrees in data science from the University of Michigan, Imperial College London, and the University of Colorado. Coursera also has signed up 2,300 companies who use it to train employees and a portal used by governments to train its workers. Six months ago Coursera launched Coursera for Campus which allows universities to buy licenses for a certain number of students rather than students buying their own courses. It was a timely decision. When Duke Kunshan University, Duke’s Chinese campus, faced a shut down, it asked if it could access the whole catalog of Coursera classes and not just Duke classes (Duke is a partner university so Duke students can take Duke courses on Coursera). After it offered its 587 students access, 162 of them enrolled in courses. Between January and February, Coursera saw a 47% spike in enrollments in China and Hong Kong and a 30% jump in Vietnam, all countries impacted by the Covid-19 outbreak. Additionally, there was a 30% increase in total enrollments for public health content on Coursera and a 185% jump in enrollments for public health content in China and Hong Kong. Since going live on February 18, Imperial College London’s course Science Matters: Let’s Talk About COVID-19 has 13,500 enrollments, making it the second most popular course launched on Coursera in 2020 so far.
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- wonder their prices often seemed higher than other booking websites
For all new home buyers / multiple home buyers out there !!! Property agents' records go online: What to look for when searching for one The CEA Public Register will now display details of completed HDB resale transactions when you search for a property agent. This includes information on the transaction dates, the location of the flat, and who the agent represented (buyer or seller). 3 main things to look out for 1. How active the property agent has been 2. The type of housing the property agent specialises in 3. The property agent’s neighbourhood of choice
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Hi Guys New ride coming. Planning to get a new group 1/2/3 car seat for my kiddo. Appreciate your recommendations, reviews, damage and channel to buy from. Thanks!
I realise that we didn't share our favourite shopping loot for our beloved car. Share the aftermarket website that you have shop before! For myself, I have shopped in RHDjapan & Skunk2
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Has anyone bought a dash cam from online retailers such as Amazon or Qoo10 before? The prices of the blackvue and thinkware seem much more affordable. The downside is that it would be default in Korean language but that is not an issue for me. Any other cons?
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Currently driving a subaru impreza 2008 5d 1.5r i wanted to get this, any advice?
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- Buy your next car in the same way that you do with veggies and DVDs? Actually I bought my car in Oz online more than 10 years ago, and saved $8000. So I am already a supporter. If there are substantials savings, and everything is in black and white, why not? Plus you don't need to see the 'face color' of the sales rep, and if you are in another country, you won't be charged more due to any racial bias and you can choose all specs according to your needs.
Reality is far from expectations for these Stompers who bought items online Sometimes, online shopping can be like a game of Russian roulette. You can hope that you get what you pay for but once in a while, the reality may be far off from your expectations. Unfortunately, two Stompers got way less than they bargained for when they decided to purchase products online via Facebook. Stomper Eve was excited when she was scrolling through Facebook and came across a portable projector that she thought would be the perfect Christmas gift for her son. She clicked on a sponsored ad that appeared on her feed that was posted by a page called Fashion Products. The ad redirected her to a website called "I was surprised that there was an option to pay in cash on delivery so I ordered one for $69 on Tuesday (Dec 11)," she said. "The item came the very next day (Dec 12) and I paid when the delivery arrived. "Although it was meant to be a present, I decided to open it and charge the projector for my son. "It was black like what I had ordered online but when I looked closer it turned out to be a speaker with instructions in Chinese, like the ones you can get at a pasar malam for like $25." Eve told Stomp that she messaged Fashion Products on Facebook and was asked to provide a tracking number and details. However, she said that she was not given any. "They didn't even give me an email confirmation when I placed my order. "The person I was communicating with then said it was their page but not their link when I sent her screenshots taken from Facebook Marketplace."
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Check out for this month's latest deals & discounts. One of the best deals, promotions and discounts specially for our members that could never be miss out. Hurry and Grab your favourite deals today! Quote SGCARMART PROMOTION to the retailer. CNY Grooming Promo $8 Car Wash for all vehicles! Grooming promo for small car $58, medium $88 and large $118. Contact us at: 91550452 / 97213331 $38 Drive Home Service ChauffeurME-Singapore renders drive home service to party-goers who care for their love ones. Drink.Drank.Drunk? What ever it is, why put yourself at risk? Drink driving is a serious offence not only in Singapore but throughout the Globe. Worried getting stopped at Police road blocks or getting into accidents causing injuries or fatality? Well, we won't know what is exactly going on around us when we start getting tipsy. Put all these worries aside. We are just a call away! Our experience drivers will pick you from your location and drive you home to your loved ones safe and sound! Nothing else matters more isn't it? Advanced bookings are welcome. Our friendly operator will allocate you a driver to send you home SAFE! Only @$38. Contact us at: 8777 7087 Cool n Lite Titan Series The Titan series offers optimum protection featuring both excellent UV rejection coupled with an extremely high level of solar energy rejection. These range of solar films are manufactured with the industry’s latest technologies, using only the finest materials to guarantee a long lasting performance for your investment. The metallisation of the Titan series uses ground breaking Sputtering process, applying Titanium as its main element together with a combination of other exotic metals such as copper, gold, silver, inconel, chromium and aluminum to achieve its amazing heat rejection properties. The Titan series exudes a cool neutral grey tone, exclusively available for Titan users. The application of Titan films on your vehicle will further enhance the luxurious contrast of your interior. Definitely a must on any luxury automobile! Contact us at: 6100 6262 Mcwell Online Store! Up To 40% Off! Singapore's best car parts and accessories online store, discount up to 40% off! Visit us now! Contact us at: 9838 7743 Pro-Jex V2D 3-In-1 Package 3-In-1 Package at only $240. Includes oil change, air con restoration, throttle and intake manifold flushing. Tested and proven on cars, bikes and boats running on carburetor or fuel injection. You will experience e following after this procedure : 1- Easier start up. 2- Very light throttle response. 3- Fuel efficient. 4- Engine vibration will be minimized. Contact us at: 8668 7676 Instant Cash For Your Scrap Car! We want your scrap car with parf eligibility! Instant cash on the spot! No need to wait for LTA refund. Contact us at: 9787 6217
- Zero1 eyes slice of the pie with aggressive pricing for unlimited mobile data plan Irene Tham Senior Tech Correspondent A new virtual mobile telco wants to challenge the status quo by introducing an unlimited mobile data plan at rock-bottom prices. Starting today, Zero1 will be pre-registering customers on its website for the $19-a-month plan that will be launched next month. This price is for the first 3,000 registrations. After that, it will cost $29.99 a month. The plan comes with 200 minutes of local talk time and 200 SMS messages. Even at the higher price, it is one-third the current market price. Zero1 is the third virtual mobile telco to enter Singapore after Circles.Life and Zero Mobile. Virtual telcos do not build their own physical mobile networks, but lease them wholesale from one of the existing telcos. Zero1 leases from Singtel. Zero1's CEO Stuart Tan said the low price requires it to manage the surfing speed of heavy users in a way that will not slow down that of other users on the network. Specifically, the download speed for high-definition videos will be capped after the first 3GB of data allowance is used. This limit, Mr Tan claims, will not reduce the speed of many other services including YouTube, Facebook and WhatsApp calls. Zero1 hopes to sign up 50,000 subscribers - about 1 per cent of the post-paid market - in its first year of operation. It plans to set itself apart from rivals by offering free voice roaming via its Zero1 app, slated to be launched in June. With the app, subscribers will be able to call and receive calls from any Singapore mobile or landline number for free while roaming overseas. ST_20170913_VCDATA13_3411919.jpg Related Story Unlimited mobile data: It's back but can it replace home Internet? This is done using call-forwarding technology Mr Tan developed, patented and launched early last year. The technology is embedded in a device called Qongle, sold for $199. It helps travellers avoid expensive roaming fees, ranging from 35 cents to $6 a minute depending on the destination country, or inconvenient workarounds to reduce roaming rates such as buying a SIM card in the destination country. Qongle's technology is now embedded in Zero1's backend systems. Mobile data roaming rates will apply but the rates will be announced later. In June, the firm will also launch tiered data plans and value-added services such as music and live concert streaming on virtual reality platforms. Zero1, which received its operating licence from the Infocomm Media Development Authority late last year, has raised a few million dollars from private investors. They include Zone Telecom, a telephony and networking services firm that belongs to the Hong Kong-listed e-Kong Group conglomerate.
Any one still prefer to own and enjoy flipping the pages of a physical book made of paper? Other the, can anyone point me in the direction of where to buy physical books (especially professional text books) online without the exorbitant shipping charges? Thanks!
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JKR MARKETPLACE Your Prefered Online Store for SEXtifaction JKR Marketplace is a leading online store hosted on qoo10 selling authentic condom and lubes in their original packaging. Incepted since 2012, we are the first and the trend setter for the rest by introducing discreet packaging on all our mailers. At JKR Marketplace, we respect your privacy, hence all condoms and lubes purchased from our site will be sent in a discreet manner. There will be absolutely no indication of the items on our labels and packages Product safety and authenticity are of our TOPMOST concern hence all our products comes in SEALED, ORIGINAL PACKAGING as seen in the stores. Absolutely no opening or repackaging Gone are the days where you will be embarrassed for picking up a condom or lube in the convenience store Why wait, grab your items for your SEXtifaction today