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  1. Seven people were reportedly killed and 33 others injured in a collision involving three vehicles on the northbound lane of the North-South Expressway (PLUS) in Malaysia on Monday (Dec 23). Melaka Fire and Rescue Department director Mohd Pisar Aziz said the accident occurred around 8.40pm near the Ayer Keroh Rest and Service Area (R&R). The crash involved a tour bus carrying 27 passengers, a trailer, and a Toyota Estima multi-purpose vehicle (MPV). The seven fatalities included three men, three women, and a child. Accident may have been triggered by dislodged tyre Among the victims were five people in the Toyota Estima, including two adult men, two adult women, and a toddler. The MPV, which had eight passengers, was completely crushed between the tour bus and the trailer. One male victim’s body was severed above the waist due to the force of the collision. Initial investigations suggest the MPV was likely en route from Johor to Kuala Lumpur when the crash occurred. According to Bernama, the accident may have been triggered when a tyre from a southbound lorry became dislodged and landed in the middle of the road. The tour bus driver, travelling in the same direction with 27 passengers aboard, was unable to avoid the tyre and hit it, causing him to lose control. The bus then skidded into the opposite lane, colliding with a car before crashing into the lorry and MPV. As a result, the car veered into the left lane and struck the road barrier. Victims identified, including Singaporean woman The police have since identified all seven victims killed in the crash. Among them were Khairul Ikhwan Mazupi, 32, the driver of the MPV, and his two-year-old son, Muhammad Umar, both from Selangor. Also identified were passengers Fadzlenna Ramli, 32, and her 67-year-old father, Ramli Ab Wahab, from Kuala Lumpur, as well as the 56-year-old tour bus driver, Noorisnien Khamid, from Johor. The other two victims were Fauziah Jaafar, 69, a passenger in the MPV, and Lamrah Asid Ali, 66, a Singaporean passenger on the tour bus. The remains of the victims were sent to Melaka Hospital for autopsies. 33 injured hospitalised for medical treatments As for the injured, 17 were sent to Melaka Hospital, 10 to Alor Gajah Hospital, and six to Pantai Ayer Keroh Hospital. A team of 27 personnel was dispatched to the scene and spent approximately 40 hours carrying out the operation, which included removing the wrecked vehicles. The northbound stretch from Ayer Keroh Toll Plaza was fully closed, and traffic was redirected, causing over four hours of congestion as the middle and right lanes remained blocked on Monday night (23 Dec). https://mustsharenews.com/7-killed-collision-malaysia/
  2. Source: https://mothership.sg/2024/09/truck-man-can-carry-van/ Some days you're just hanging by your fingertips. A video on social media shows a truck heading down a highway loaded with an unusual and precarious cargo: a whole van. Truckzilla The arrangement appeared to be secured by at least two straps, which appear to be attached to the rear wheels of the van, and the bed of the Isuzu truck. For an extra little hint of safety to the whole affair, a warning "flag" was attached to the passenger van, in the form of a large red plastic bag. The driver of the camera vehicle tailed the van carrying truck for at least 30 seconds, at one point voicing what many people felt when watching it: "Apa ini? Tak malu?" ("What is this? [Do they have] no shame?") Weight limits and warning flags Comments on the the video were scathing, with several suggesting that the police or the Land Transport Authority (LTA) should be alerted, suggesting that the load was illegal. On Reddit, there was significant debate as to what specific law the truck was breaking. In July 2024, Transport Minister Chee Hong Tat was asked by MP Gan Thiam Poh about the conditions mandated by LTA for vehicles transporting "very large and bulky items on public roads" — which probably includes a van. Chee replied that vehicles transporting large and bulky items were subject to regulations. All loads on such vehicles are required to be properly secured. From the hardly-conclusive 30 seconds of footage, the truck did encounter some bumps, and the van moved up and down with those bumps. However, it did not appear in danger of falling off at that particular moment. The other requirement is that if the vehicle's load extended beyond its rear by more than 30cm, it needed a visual warning for other road users in the form of "a clean red flag". While a plastic bag isn't much, it's something. Tall, but not too tall The One Motoring website says another requirement is that vehicles whose height exceeds 4.5m require a police escort. The height of the truck bed and the van did not appear to breach that. So while the setup certainly had a hazardous feeling to it, it remains unclear whether it was actually illegal. One commenter noted that the Isuzu truck had a Y-plate, indicating that it was a heavy goods vehicle (HGV), and thus had a weight limit of about 3,500 kg. One Motoring says that the maximum laden weight of an HGV was 16,000kg, but that is likely dependent on the capability of the vehicle in question. Scrapyard wars One commenter said that the van being carried was, ironically, a Suzuki Carry. They noted the van's age and lack of a licence plate, suggesting that it was destined for scrapping. Another comment on the original video said that the Carry was being carried without an engine, making it more likely that the setup met weight restrictions. What none of the comments explained was how the van was loaded on the truck bed in the first place. But they did take time to scold the driver, saying that by tailing the truck in the way he did, he had put himself in a Final Destination-style caper.
  3. Imagine seeing a whole VAN lane split better than motorcycles. Get this driver into teaching ASAP. What happened? A Malaysian-registered Hyundai Starex on the Ayer Rajah Expressway (AYE) was presented ‘the bird’ by 2 motorcyclists passing by, and proceeded to take off and chase after the offenders. The original FB post implies that the bikes were also Malaysian-registered, due to the quote “chase down fellow countrymen on bikes”, but the plate numbers are too small to make anything of it. There is no context to why the bikers flipped off the Hyundai, if there was any motive at all behind it. What we do know is that the Hyundai did not take it lying down. Without missing a beat they chased after the bikes, weaving between vehicles and somehow avoided any damage, as the FB post also said “Almost scratching whole line of vehicles”. Bro was HIM. Bro taught the Fast and Furious cast how to drive. The amount of focus to keep from touching others with such a big vehicle though… Online chatter Many were impressed at the van’s skills. As impressive as it was, some still noted that the driver posed a danger to others and wanted them to face consequences. Starexes seem to have a bad reputation too... ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  4. The vitriol in the comments is palpable. What happened? A motorcyclist hit a Volkswagen Golf while lanesplitting on the Pan-Island expressway (PIE) on 7th August. The motorcyclist made a sudden swerve and hit the car, causing him to flip forwards and off his bike. Looks like when an NPC glitches out in a video game. What has people in the comments riled up is that the motorcyclist was registered under a Malaysian plate, which would (apparently) make it difficult for the Golf driver to get compensation for damages as it is a foreign vehicle. Online chatter Some blamed the motorcyclist for the crash, coming up with a multitude of reasons. Others took pity on the driver’s situation, which was indeed very suay. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  5. If anyone would like to have some furniture for their home, apparently just driving around could net you some free goods! Whether or not you’ll get them in good condition, however, is another issue. What happened? A driver on the Central Expressway (CTE) was on his merry way when a lorry started hurling furniture onto the road. The white dresser (looks like it?) slid off the top of the lorry straight onto the driver’s path, getting run over and destroyed. Bro almost got hit with a blue shell from Mario Kart. The driver who submitted the video was quoted saying “Lucky didn't hit my windscreen. TP pls watch out for these dangerous overloaded pickup.” Pretty reasonable reaction if you ask me. Online chatter Others agreed, thinking this situation would be dangerous especially for riders. Many blamed the lorry for being irresponsible, as it was overpacked and on the wrong lane (among other reasons). ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  6. How easy is it to get a motorcycle license? Whoever’s in charge might want to up the difficulty if this rider was able to pass. What happened? On 17 April yesterday, a motorcyclist and their passenger hit a Nissan NV350 while changing lanes on the Pan-Island Expressway. Yeah, ‘big whoop’, I hear you say, but what gets me is how avoidable this was. Another biker was able to continue in that same lane with no issues. You could argue it’s that other biker’s fault, since they passed them right before they were about to change lanes. But they were still facing the road and so could see that this biker was going way faster than them. There was also enough distance to see that there was plenty of time to slow down. However, if you look at the Nissan, notice how it accelerated before slowing down as well. Yet even once it slowed down, there’s a solid two seconds before our main biker hit the Nissan with no signs of braking. Regardless of external factors, bro does not know what braking is. As a result, both rider and pillion took a rough fall. Both of them were not wearing riding gear and rolled a couple times. Yikes. Online chatter For some reason, Facebook users seem to have a knack with involving women despite how they may have zero influence on the situation. As seen with the female pillion rider. No comment on that… Others criticised the rider for not paying attention, which put not only his life at risk but also his passenger’s. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  7. PMDs may be somewhat affordable, but if you're not careful they can cost you your life. Like these guys may find out soon enough. What happened? A camcar was travelling on East Coast Parkway (ECP) at 2am in the morning yesterday when it cam across a gang of PMD riders speeding on the expressway. There was at first only one rider in view on the cam car’s left before a second zoomed past into the footage. A third soon zoomed from the camcar’s right. Speeding in a PMD on an expressway is two crimes in one as a PMD is not authorised for use on roads. The punishments for which are being fined up to $2,000 and/or jail time of up to 3 months. Online chatter. Plenty of people were criticising the PMD drivers, but they also criticised the government for not catching these riders as they endanger others as well. While dark, others told traffic police to get blue tents ready for the riders. As someone with a dark sense of humour I laughed. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  8. TL;DR – A Toyota Allion hits the brakes and hazard lights just before an ERP gantry. Netizens try to rationalise this selfish and entitled behaviour. With ERPs back in operation, it is no surprise to see incidents like this occurring. For example, the ERP gantry along the AYE just before or after the Celemti Ave 6 exit. Back when I lived in the West (for a short time), I would always see cars and motorbikes parked near the bus stop or road shoulder to avoid paying the ERP toll. Today’s incident might be a little different, maybe? Let’s watch the minute-long video and find out your opinion. What happened? A Toyota Allion hits the brakes and its hazard lights just before entering an ERP gantry along the PIE at the Mount Pleasant exit. The cam car directly behind the Allion is having none of it, and after blasting two words in Hokkien (hint it involves the female genitalia), he doesn’t hide his displeasure with a long, angry horn. Did the Allion try to evade the toll? I decided to do some research. Honestly, it’s peanuts compared to some ERP gantries closer to or in town. But I digress. Let’s have a look at the time indicated on the gantry in question. It’s 8.41 at $1.00. Yes, the next time period would be $0.50, but do you think the driver is doing that to evade paying $0.50? Is the answer obvious yet? With the facts in front of us, I think it’s highly likely a case of ‘forgot to put the cashcard in the IU'. The charge is $10. I kena before. That being said, I agree that what the Allion did was dangerous for vehicles directly behind it. But the cam car driver could have practiced more patience. He just sounds like a grouch. Online Chatter There are of course people who think it was very inconsiderate and dangerous. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  9. TL;DR: A motorcyclist on BKE knocked another bike down and sent both parties off their bikes, skidding across the road. The rider at fault was surely having a good time going fast, feeling the cool night wind against them as they wove through traffic. However, they wove one too many times, and are now likely facing a lot of trouble. What happened? On 21st March 10.40 p.m, at Bukit Timah Expressway, two motorcyclists went into each other after one of them did an abrupt lane change at high speed without even a turn signal in order to exit the expressway. The rider who got hit was knocked down first before the rider at fault knocked into a car and off the bike, as well as their passenger. The condition of the bikers and the pillion rider is unknown. Online chatter. Naturally, a lot of people are commenting against the biker who attempted the lane change. Others hoped the pillion rider was ok. Do be careful when going on the road, especially with a passenger. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  10. TL;DR - Errant cyclist tailgating another cyclist falls after accidental collision. This epic fall shows exactly why cyclists and motorists do not get along. Humpty Dumpty moment. Watch this 30-second video to see how the cyclist collided into another fellow cyclist along Beach Road. What happened? A group of cyclists were cycling along Beach Road when one of them came into collision with the cyclist in front, resulting in him falling over on the road. As seen in the clip, the cyclist did not take any safety precautions as well, such as by wearing a helmet, nor does he have any front/rear lights on his bicycle. This lack of safety measures makes the cyclist a road hazard, putting not just his life at risk, but also for other motorists and road users. Online Chatter This is why cyclists are better off on walkways. This is also another opportunity for motorists to call cyclists on the road, road pests. Takeaway To ensure road safety for themselves and other road users, cyclists are advised to wear the appropriate riding gears, enhance visibility by installing bicycle lights, and adopt safe cycling behaviors and habits, such as keeping a safe distance and riding in an orderly manner. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  11. TL;DR - The front wheels of the BMW emits white smoke as the driver continues to speed on the expressway, not cutting any slack for the car. Watch this 34-second video of the 428 looking like an ultimate driving machine. What happened? The driver continues to speed on the road despite the front wheels busting in smoke. A smoking hot ride for this BMW. An online netizen happened to see this incident in real life and said the BMW also gave off sparks. Not sure about you but that sounds extremely dangerous to me. The car seems to be on the verge of catching fire and it doesn’t help that BMW is also notorious for such recalls in the past. If you see someone driving a BMW, stay away! Online Chatter When your girlfriend says “I’m home alone” so you rush off with a flat tire as you should. Takeaway The Land Transport Authority (LTA) in Singapore mandates that tires be replaced when the tread depth reaches 1.6mm. Even if your tires have enough tread, after 5–10 years of use, the rubber may start to crack. Therefore, it is important to examine your tires once a year. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  12. TL;DR - No way home for this driver as s/he fled the scene after crashing the SUV onto a traffic light and a concrete barrier. No money, lots of problems. Too much money, more problems. Watch this 38-second video of the Porsche Macan going from a high performance car to a useless one. What happened? The car collided into a temporary traffic light and a concrete barrier at Ophir Road after Beach Road. It was told that the driver had escaped from the Macan, most likely drunk since the accident occurred at 4AM. I have a question... What can one be doing at 4AM on a Wednesday? Online Chatter Rumours have it that the driver fled back to his strawberry farm. Ooof. Just some rich man problems that commoners cannot relate to. And won’t want to anyway. Takeaway Though it is only allegations that this accident happened from drink driving, it is also important to reiterate that alcohol is a make-you-stupid drug. If there's one thing worse than being driven to drink, and that's driving yourself home from it. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  13. TL;DR - Cyclists blocked the entire lane at West Coast highway and failed to conform to red light. Agree to disagree: Cyclists are the true king of the road. Watch this 57-second video to see what I mean. What happened? The peloton were seen taking up the lane at West Coast highway and failed to conform to traffic regulations by beating the red light. This seems to be a norm amongst cyclists in Singapore - to gather in large groups and cycle on the roads. Which shouldn’t be the case! Stricter fines have been imposed to counter such road pests. Not sure if its sufficient enough to prevent all these self-entitled two-wheelers though. Online Chatter Your grandfather’s road ‘meh’? Takeaway Our paths and roads are shared spaces. We should consider the safety of our fellow travelers, no matter whether we drive, walk, cycle or ride active mobility devices. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  14. TL;DR - A near-miss accident as a Nissan Qashqai driver forgets to engage the handbrake before switching drivers. As a female driver myself, I do not conform to both the stereotypes: 1. Female drivers are bad drivers 2. Females do not drive as well as males This incident debunks the tropes. Watch this 86-second video to see how this male driver conveniently leaves the car without engaging the handbrake, causing the car to roll backwards. So what happened? The Qashqai driver stopped midway on the road in Malaysia where he decided to switch driver seats with the passenger princess. That, itself, is triggering enough for the cam car. To add a cherry on top, the driver consigned to oblivion as he stepped out of the car, without applying his handbrake. This caused the car to roll backwards. The cam car continuously honked at the Qashqai before both cars kissed. Ignorance is not always bliss... I’m sure we have all heard of the typical words from a male driver: “Confirm female driver” “Must be some lady driving” “Want to bet that it's a woman driving?” However, statistically-speaking, males cause more road accidents than women. Additionally, the crashes involving male drivers are reportedly more grievous than women behind the wheels. Online Chatter I guess this man took one for the team and now we, as females, can proudly say, we are not that bad of a driver. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  15. TL;DR - Reckless Lancer driver speeds, loses control and crashes into barricades upon skidding along Keppel Viaduct. Watch this 51-second video to see the dramatic skid. So what happened? On a rainy day, this Lancer was caught speeding and overtaking another vehicle along Keppel Viaduct. After it overtook the car, the driver somehow lost vehicle traction, which caused the Lancer to crash on the left side’s concrete barrier. This was not all, the vehicle spun and slammed into the right barricades, crashing both its front and rear ends. The video was captured by the cam car and uploaded on SGRV. Online Chatter Wet roads, bald tires or bad driving skills? This Lancer driver checked all the boxes. Takeaway It’s the monsoon season now and weather reports expect showers to continue into next week. Therefore, it is highly advisable to be extra cautious on the road. Here are some tips to stay safe: Maintain a safe distance between cars Keep to the middle lane Avoid e-braking Don’t speed Ensure tires are treaded Alternatively, you can drive like this Lancer and look like you're in a pinball machine ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  16. TL;DR - A van slammed into a double decker bus on the expressway on a wet wet night. The vehicle skidded from the first to the third lane and got T-boned by an oncoming double-decker bus. At its most basic, a 'drift' is movement of a car along some direction other than its steered trajectory, involving a slip angle at one or both axles. Watch this 44-second clip to see how the van swerved from lane 1 to lane 3. What happened? Rainy weather usually sees more accidents due to the roads being slippery and vehicles can skid a lot easier. The van driver was speeding on lane 1 when s/he lost control of the vehicle and skidded, crashing into a double decker SBS Transit bus. It doesn’t take much IQ to know that rain = wet = slippery = dangerous. The van driver could’ve caused the lives of many, especially if there were commuters on the bus. Online Chatter Why is the van even on lane 1 a.k.a the fast lane when the other lanes are pretty clear? Perhaps s/he would’ve gotten less hate if it was on lane 2 since such vehicles have a road speed limit of 70km/h. And FYI, 70km/h is not meant to be on the fast lane! Tips for all drivers If it is raining cats and dogs, it is important to slow down, use your wipers and keep to the middle lane - side lanes always experience the most water splash! Oh, also make sure your car is in good condition to weather the storm - make sure your tires are not ‘botak’! ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  17. TL;DR - Cam car and BMW gets into a heated argument over trivial dispute and hurls vulgarities at each other incessantly. Want to brush up on your Hokkien? Learn from these two ‘laojiaos’! Watch this 6-minute video to see two men hurling profanities incessantly. Fierce. What happened? The cam-car reported that he was traveling along Yio Chu Kang when the BMW PHV cut into his lane abruptly. He honked at the driver to avoid collision (allegedly), but the BMW driver decided to point a rude gesture at the cam-car driver. Towards the exit of Braddell road, the BMW driver got out of his vehicle, to challenge the cam-car to a fight. Amid the confrontation, both parties started to spout Hokkien vulgarities and 'play mother' by insulting both mothers' v*ginas smelly (a common cuss in Hokkien). Online Chatter: The comments were pretty crude towards the cam-car, with many calling him out for not stepping out of his car even though he kept asking the bimmer to ‘lai lor an zua’ (Hokkien way to provoke a fight). ‘Humji’ level: 9000. Takeaway A little patience goes a long way. If you’re on the road, there’s bound to be road rage. But what is important is that we should always remind ourselves to give and take, pay it forward and exercise more forbearance on the road. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  18. TL;DR - Cam-car's attempt to filter behind the McLaren Convoy was disrupted by a McLaren 720S that sped past to prevent overtaking. A perfect example of monkey on wheels. Watch this 33-second video to see how this cam-car tried to sandwich between two McLarens but almost got 'rekt'. So what happened? The cam-car signaled right with the intention to filter to the next lane behind the McLaren Convoy. However, his/her attempt failed as a McLaren 720S sped up to prevent the cam-car from cutting into the lane - which was not wrong of the 720S but the cam-car definitely thought otherwise. The space between the 720S and the Convoy was the safety distance maintained and it was unsafe for the cam-car to overtake in that situation. But of course, the cam-car was clearly unhappy about it. In case you didn't know how powerful the 720S is: It's a supercar for a reason. Online Chat: Seems that everyone felt that the cam-car was the one in the wrong; he/she should’ve waited behind the trailer until the 720S has passed before filtering. Guess the cam-car just self-sabotaged him/herself by sending this clip to SGRV...? Bottom Line Driving without due care or reasonable consideration for other road users constitutes aggressive driving that can cause harm to other road users - it pays to be extra cautious on the road! ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  19. TL;DR - A horrifying accident involving 14 cars occurred along Bartley Viaduct just two days after Christmas. If you happened to drive along the Bartley Viaduct on 27th Dec, you would have witnessed a rare (not to mention expensive for those involved) occurrence. It's not every day you get to see 14 cars collided into one another in a straight line. There's even a bird's eye view of the incident! Watch this 56-second video to see how it looks. What happened? A chain reaction collision involving 14 cars occurred, leading to a long pile-up on the rightmost lane of Bartley Viaduct. We spotted a few familiar models in the carnage. Honda Fit Honda Vezel Toyota Prius Alpha Toyota Altis Toyota Vios All the cars seemed to have suffered some form of structural damage, especially the ones sandwiched in the middle. For all drivers who do their daily commute via the Bartley Viaduct, take note of this stretch of road. There are no speed cameras there and a perfect spot for cars to speed and/or tailgate. So, who pays for the damages incurred? The rule of thumb is that the first driver who caused the first collision that led to all subsequent crashes is the party at fault. While tailgating might not be an illegal offence in Singapore, insurers might not look lightly at your claims if you met an accident due to tailgating a vehicle ahead of you. Source: Budget Direct Singapore To identify the liable party in a chain reaction accident, it is important to reconstruct how the accident happened - Whoever’s actions caused the initial accident will be the responsible driver. There are even some cases where multiple drivers may be responsible. Which is why presenting quality footage to your insurers could potentially absolve you of any blame. Check out Sgcarmart's best car cameras for 2023! Online Hoo-ha: Good luck to the last of the 14 cars. For any inexperienced drivers, you should have learnt this during your Basic Theory. A motorist should stay at least 2 car lengths or 2 seconds behind any vehicle in front of them. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  20. TL;DR - Cam car saw a pedestrian walking along the expressway and stopped over to sternly warn him to not do this as it is extremely hazardous for road users. Many nasty comments were made in the midst of the argument. Whether you own a driving license or not, one just need a tiny bit of common sense to know that it is dangerous to walk along the expressway where tons of cars are just basically zooming past every few seconds. However, this doesn’t seem to be the case for this particular man. As you watch this 60-second video, see which side you are on. Transcript: Driver: D; Pedestrian: P D : Cannot walk here, HELLO, this is the highway! P : What do you want? D : Cannot walk here! P : I want to go home, I am finding my way home D : Eh, you cannot like that walk one leh, you will harm us everyone leh, all the cars P : The cars should wait for me D : Cars wait for you?! You will cause us to get into car accidents! Eh this is Singapore, you dont anyhow do things here. You are very bad! P : What do you want? D : This road can walk? P : But I walked the wrong way D : Then walk back where you came from! P : You want me to jump down? D : Yes P : You are crazy! D : You will cause Singaporeans to get into accidents! P : You really got problem, you want you bang me down now D : Bang you? You talk very *inaudible* What happened? It is pretty obvious (from the tonality and gestures) that the cam car driver is shouting hysterically at the clueless pedestrian with his GPS somehow landing him on the expressway. It seems that this pedestrian just arrived in Singapore and has lost his way getting around in our already tiny island. The cam car decided to lash out at him and sternly warned him that by walking on the expressway, it poses harm to road users. Indeed the pedestrian shouldn’t have continued on walking along the expressway, seeing that he is the only lone ranger. However, the comments were booming with anger towards the cam car driver. The cam car could have offered a lift and kindly inform our poor friend that he shouldn’t be walking along such a heavy filled traffic. On the other hand, the pedestrian should’ve u-turned knowing he is walking a path of danger. Or perhaps seek help on getting around in Singapore. Let’s hear what these angry cybercitizens have to say: Seems like what the cam car filmed has totally backfired on him… big time. & more... There’s loads more but you get the gist. Let us know what you think and what would you do if you were the befuddled pedestrian. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  21. TL;DR – A driver of a cam car (make and model unknown) took their grievances online to shame two Honda Civic Type-R drivers for dangerous driving. Unfortunately, things did not work out as planned. Netizens ended up flaming the driver of the cam car instead. A cam car driver was overtaken by not one but TWO Honda Civic Type-Rs along the CTE and decided to call out the two Type-R drivers for reckless and dangerous driving. In an unexpected twist, netizens started flaming the cam car driver instead. I don’t know how you feel about it, but it’s a great form of amusement to wash away those Monday blues, that’s for sure. Watch the 2min+ video here: An interesting takeaway At the 0.06 mark of the video, you can see the Gold Type-R entering the frame with its right signal on, attempting to cut into the cam car’s lane. But what’s interesting is that you can see cam car speed up to block the Type-R from doing so. Yet, cam car driver calls out the Type-R driver for dangerous driving? Hmmm. The second Type-R Agreeably, the second Type-R (silver) did drive rather dangerously. It squeezed into a tight pocket of space in front of the cam car and weaved through other cars to exit the CTE. It probably deserved the high beam from the cam car in that instance. But, as always, let’s hear what other people have to say. Online Chatter Not even 1 comment supporting cam car! ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  22. Sometimes we encounter mind-boggling sights on the road that leave us scratching our heads. What happened and how did it get there? Recently we spotted yet another such scene circulating on one of our favourite pages: The page had captioned it "You can't park there, Sir." You can watch the video here: 298360005_784581842681174_4396976411540370995_n.mp4 Huh? What the! How can? Immediately, we thought that the car had deliberately parked itself there in the middle of the road. Mystified, we did some sleuthing and re-watched the video, as well as digging through the comment section. Aha! Actually, contrary to the caption, the car was not been parked on the road as an act of obstinate rule-flouting, but had most possibly gotten into an unfortunate collision with a heavy vehicle ahead. We have edited the picture for the readers' better viewing clarity. The said heavy vehicle was spotted ahead, parked on the road shoulder: Furore descends. Many netizens protested at the arguably misleading caption of the page, pointing out the BMW's damages and the presence of the heavy vehicle at the road shoulder. Two commentators were engaged in discussion, regarding the actualities of the sight. Some had already assumed it as their immediate and final stance, that 'Yes, it was definitely an accident!' There was also an overwhelming barrage of netizens pointing out the seemingly obvious: Yet another wave, some expressing exasperation with the caption's assumption: Oh dear... Alright guys, I think we can also see for ourselves. Further explanations Other than the netizens who were not so pleased with the choice of words, there were those who jumped in to account for the context of the caption: As well as this "Oh, I see!" moment: Well, to be very fair, not everyone watches TikTok so not everyone will get the reference, so captions like these can lead to slight misunderstandings. Although, it is also not very ideal to use such a flippant caption when someone was just involved in an accident, with damages incurred and repair fees to pay for. Discretion is important! When reading and viewing content on the internet, its always good to do some further research and scrutiny so that we get the full picture. Just as well, it wouldn't hurt to brush up on our pop culture references. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  23. TL;DR – A Subaru Legacy recklessly speeds through morning traffic and weaves through tight pockets of space between cars. Ends up side swiping a Toyota Wish causing a jam on the PIE during morning rush hour. It’s 8am and you’re on the way to work. The morning traffic is not too bad and you look like you’ll make it to the office with little to no hiccups. But, life is funny and loves to throw you a curve ball every now and then. In this case, it’s in the form of a Subaru Legacy with a driver that has shit for brains. Watch the viral video here: Crazy driver This minute and a half (ish) video starts by throwing us straight into the action. A Subaru Legacy with a roof pod comes charging in from the left side of the cam car and can be seen aggressively switching lanes. It then hits a car, loses control and comes to a halt at lane 1. Is there a profile for roof pods? I don’t know about you readers but most of my friends who are considering to install roof pods or already have roof pods installed are married men with kids. Roof pods can give your car an additional 300 to 600 litres of cargo space - Which is space you’ll need especially if you have children. And as you can see from a quick search on Google, some of them don’t come cheap. Really hope the driver’s children were not in the car though. Sway la, the Wish An image of the damage to the Wish was also uploaded along with the video. I’m pretty sure it was more than the Wish but the video footage of impact is quite blur and it happened really quickly. There seems to be another stationary car on lane 1 (besides the idiot) that was affected by this incident. Online Chatter Somehow the PIE happens to be prone to traffic jams for some reason. Not to mention the driver’s “maybe” children in the car. Yeah lo. ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  24. Accidents on expressways are common. When that happens, it is essential to turn on your hazard light and put up the reflective triangle sign to warn other motorists of the accident that is obstructing the road. Otherwise, this may happen: What Happened? The accident above occurred on the Pan-Island Expressway (PIE). A white car with a damaged bonnet that was involved in an accident earlier stopped on lane 2 of the expressway. The blur sotong driver of the white car left it without its hazard lights turned on, nor did he put up a reflective triangle sign behind his vehicle to warn other motorists of this obstruction. Instead, he stood on the centre divider helplessly while waiting for assistance to be rendered. Just then, an SMRT taxi, a Toyota Prius travelling in lane 2, failed to notice the stationary vehicle and rear-ended it forcefully. The rear-end impact was so great that the white car's boot burst open. And within seconds, a Toyota Sienta travelling behind the Prius failed to react in time and rear-ended the SMRT taxi. The chain collision caused smoke to be emitted from the vehicles and debris to be flunked around everywhere across the expressway. So this is why ladies and gentlemen, don't be a blur sotong. Always remember to turn on your hazard light and use the reflective triangle sign in such situations. Here's wishing all those involved in the chain collision a speedy recovery! Netizens' Comments Either blind or they don't give a d@mn. I wonder which is more jialat... The Toyota Sienta got me lost for words. HAHHAHA the driver's palms confirm sweaty after that near-miss! ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
  25. Due to the pandemic, ERP charges were suspended for some time. With the pandemic under control, ERP charges have been reinstated with a heavier price...literally! And for this group of motorists, they decided to pull a stunt to save the extra dollar: What Happened? A group of local and Malaysian motorcyclists, in addition to a pair of heavy vehicles, decided to pull up at the shoulder of a slip road towards an expressway to save themselves a couple of dollars by avoiding ERP charges. As the heavy vehicles were oversized, they obstructed the path of other motorists entering the expressway and slowed traffic along the slip road. The cam vehicle travelling on the slip road towards the expressway was undoubtedly frustrated at the inconsiderate acts of these individuals and blasted his horn at them while driving past them. Back in those pre-pandemic days, waiting at the road shoulder for the closure of an ERP gantry was a relatively common sight, especially in places where ERP charges can be as costly as $3 per entry. However, this trend died down when ERP charges were suspended due to COVID-19. Now with ERP charges back in operation, would we witness more of these inconsiderate acts? Netizens' Comments Quite a savage comment if you ask me😰 No thank you, sir! Avoid ERP charges, just to kena summon😐 ========= Be the first to get the latest road/ COE news, and get first dibs on exclusive promos and giveaways in our Telegram SGCM Community. Join us today!
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